The doe factory based on habitat attraction is nonsense......if you live in an area where the buck:doe ratio is whacked and there are many does around (lets throw out portions of NY), the does do displace bucks. Saying this usually evokes the "what about rut!?!?" defense. If you and handful of buddies find yourselves in an all girls college during the biggest drinking festival of the year, that happens to fall on Valentines weekend...the dancefloor and cafeteria wont be where you will be seen.
I think there is some relativity to spatial displacement. which becomes more exponential with a bucks age. I think Jeff has some great ideas but he's also put so much out the contradiction, and ego, factors are (all) very large.
Been all over this consultant thing for learning, shopping and consumerism. One of the big takeaways is relativity to a locale is not as transferable as the salesman make it. Yeah the basics (food, water, cover- hunting pressure, entry/exit....etc ) are, but knowing hunting culture, herd dynamics, macro weather, and a bunch of others is why generalities are used. A Swiss Army Knife is most useful when you have no other tools with you.