Masks vs viruses

My only social media is a couple habitat sites. I also hunt with an old Marlin lever rifle.


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I got booted from another "outdoors" site for posting a meme from one of Sd's posts... Bunch of snowflakes.
That's why I like this site, all adults. We can disagree but still shake hands at the end.
I had at least a dozen bans on Farcebook since 2019 but I never got a 1 year ban, the longest I got is a 1 month ban. I could see everything but couldn't like or comment on anything. Farcebook was great for keeping up with friends and family I don't see in person anymore, since Elon bought Twitter I closed out FB and opened a Twitter account just to support Elon. It is a lot of political crap and I can't find anyone in my area, but I still log in for a few minutes a day.

20 years ago a large majority of Americans would be freaking out about this kind of censorship, today it has been normalized and that is a bit scary to me. The media has purported most of this with choosing what narrative to run and leaving out facts and particularly opposing views like Dr. Redfield. For being the CDC Director I never heard anything from him until we were 2 years deep in Covid. He was talking about it the whole time but was never shown to the public. This is a major problem! He is a very credible virologist and head of the CDC, Fauci is an immunologist at the NIH... why was Fauci the only one getting interviewed and given the public voice? Attacks on guns has become normalized to the point I have to debate my gun rights to my own family that grew up using them, admits they are safe in my hands but thinks I should be willing to sacrifice my rights for the greater good. Criminals don't obey laws, it isn't that hard to understand. Make all the laws you want and it only supresses law abiding people that wouldn't do nefarious things with them to begin with, while criminals continue to carry on like laws don't exist.

Such a strange time to be alive!! Very Orwellian times.
no facebook/social media for me. I have a wife that keeps up with that crap, and she can't wait to let me know about everything when i get home from the woods


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no facebook/social media for me. I have a wife that keeps up with that crap, and she can't wait to let me know about everything when i get home from the woods
What would you do if your wife didn't use social media? Would you call or visit everyone in person or just not know what is going on? Technically this site is a form of social media so you have at least one form :) it just isn't found in the app store.

It isn't for everyone, but it is a great resource for many things. FB marketplace is the new Swap Sheet (used stuff for sale) here in NY :) it is also a great networking tool. I had just put in the lawn at my house and needed straw for cover before I threw down the seed, I f'd up and assumed my neighboring farmers would have it but they didn't. Last ditch effort I threw it out on my page and had straw on the way the same day. Like anything it can be a useful tool if you use it proper, my life is busy and I don't have much time to spend on social media and only use one form. But at the same time I can visit my family and friends daily in 15-20 minutes and keep up with everyone.
What would you do if your wife didn't use social media? Would you call or visit everyone in person or just not know what is going on? Technically this site is a form of social media so you have at least one form :) it just isn't found in the app store.

It isn't for everyone, but it is a great resource for many things. FB marketplace is the new Swap Sheet (used stuff for sale) here in NY :) it is also a great networking tool. I had just put in the lawn at my house and needed straw for cover before I threw down the seed, I f'd up and assumed my neighboring farmers would have it but they didn't. Last ditch effort I threw it out on my page and had straw on the way the same day. Like anything it can be a useful tool if you use it proper, my life is busy and I don't have much time to spend on social media and only use one form. But at the same time I can visit my family and friends daily in 15-20 minutes and keep up with everyone.
Well, you could just do like we did years ago and call people.... Its not normal to know everything about everyone all the time. I do agree on marketplace. I have bought and sold some things on it . I cant post or respond but i can look and have the wife respond to what i want.
Back on topic, I think it is important for people to see for themselves how far the censorship and control went regarding Covid, I don't feel like media even mentions this stuff. This email was obtained through a FOIA request and was sent to Fauci in response to the Great Barrington Declaration, if you don't know that was, it was effectively supressed in your news cycle. The GBD was a small group of scientists that felt we were causing more harm than good with the current restrictions on basic freedoms, things like remote learning instead of in person learning etc. shutting down small businesses type of policies and protocols. Also known as "right wing ideology". Within the first few weeks it had over 1,000 signatures and ended with nearly a million signatures from scientists around the globe. For comparison there were 130 scientists globally that led to the Paris Accord and current Climate Change policies we have today.

Francis Collins was the Director of NIH and worked closely with Fauci who was the Director of the NIAID. The "three fringe epidemiologists" aren't fringe at all, they are well respected in their field.

Well, you could just do like we did years ago and call people.... Its not normal to know everything about everyone all the time. I do agree on marketplace. I have bought and sold some things on it . I cant post or respond but i can look and have the wife respond to what i want.
I could call everyone or text them, but it would take a lot longer and I don't have much time. In reality I just wouldn't call or keep in touch with everyone, I would have a few of my favorites and ditch everyone else, which is probably not a bad thing lol
I could call everyone or text them, but it would take a lot longer and I don't have much time. In reality I just wouldn't call or keep in touch with everyone, I would have a few of my favorites and ditch everyone else, which is probably not a bad thing lol
Exactly! Keep up only with who you want to keep up with, kind of a cool concept? I dont need to know what some ahole i went to school with 30 years ago is having for dinner!
I can't stand people that post pictures of their food!! I mean really, why do I care what you are eating? lol
Exactly! Keep up only with who you want to keep up with, kind of a cool concept? I dont need to know what some ahole i went to school with 30 years ago is having for dinner!

yeah, in hindsight, this site is social media, lol. I'm just surrounded by too many ppl everyday, too much work computer everyday, and everybody's got an opinion. Not enough brain cells left to deal with it. Don't care what someone had for dinner either. My wife sometimes gets tangled up in politics, covid, etc on facebook, to the point where it divides family. As we all know, ppl can be bad MF'rs hiding behind that keyboard, and I'm a face to face guy. It's not my circus, and not my monkeys! But, enough of you are commenting on facebook marketplace that I might have wife pull it up to see what it's all about. 07-300x294.jpg
Back on topic, I think it is important for people to see for themselves how far the censorship and control went regarding Covid, I don't feel like media even mentions this stuff. This email was obtained through a FOIA request and was sent to Fauci in response to the Great Barrington Declaration, if you don't know that was, it was effectively supressed in your news cycle. The GBD was a small group of scientists that felt we were causing more harm than good with the current restrictions on basic freedoms, things like remote learning instead of in person learning etc. shutting down small businesses type of policies and protocols. Also known as "right wing ideology". Within the first few weeks it had over 1,000 signatures and ended with nearly a million signatures from scientists around the globe. For comparison there were 130 scientists globally that led to the Paris Accord and current Climate Change policies we have today.

Francis Collins was the Director of NIH and worked closely with Fauci who was the Director of the NIAID. The "three fringe epidemiologists" aren't fringe at all, they are well respected in their field.

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Scary how a select few were allowed to dictate what the public knows. And the people who facilitated it want to call people on my side of the isle fascist?
These are the 3 "fringe epidemiologists". I don't recall who the Nobel Peace Prize scientist was and would look it up but I leave work in 3 minutes lol

Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician, and epidemiologist with expertise in detecting and monitoring infectious disease outbreaks and vaccine safety evaluations.

Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist with expertise in immunology, vaccine development, and mathematical modeling of infectious diseases.

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert focusing on infectious diseases and vulnerable populations.

These are the 3 "fringe epidemiologists". I don't recall who the Nobel Peace Prize scientist was and would look it up but I leave work in 3 minutes lol

Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician, and epidemiologist with expertise in detecting and monitoring infectious disease outbreaks and vaccine safety evaluations.

Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist with expertise in immunology, vaccine development, and mathematical modeling of infectious diseases.

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert focusing on infectious diseases and vulnerable populations.
Obviously a bunch of hacks! The commy leprechaun is much smarter!
Well, you could just do like we did years ago and call people.... Its not normal to know everything about everyone all the time. I do agree on marketplace. I have bought and sold some things on it . I cant post or respond but i can look and have the wife respond to what i want.
I’m with you Bill. I’m on no social media beyond this site. I don’t care what you had for dinner last night.

The Cochran review is the preeminent paper looking at medical data. They compile all the studies, read the studies, then give an opinion based on what all the good studies say. It is the top of the food chain.

The data says that masks do not work. They say the N 95 masks work no better than regular masks. Interestingly, they say that even hand hygiene helps some, but not a lot when it comes to these highly contagious respiratory viruses.

Data like this is for the masses. It does not tell you what might or might not be beneficial on an individual level. However, This data originally came out in 2020 and this is why Fauci went on TV early and said not to wear a mask. The data did not support it. For then get to become a political issue in the government force mask mandates was ridiculous and I hope those people are held accountable.
We're fighting massive industrial wind factories, and I'll admit the fb account my wife has gives access to a good amount of resources. Mainly in the form of "groups" and the info they compile.

My wife still wears a mask. She's a republican who doesn't want to catch any type of bug, including but not limited to stomach flus, colds, and wu-flus. It's ridiculous, but we rarely go anywhere so whatever.
62 pages, 94’000 views. Someone cares what’s for dinner. 🤣

I have FB but post nothing, It’s only so I can access 1 private group of offshore fishermen and share intel.

Habitat mgmt & stomach/culinary mgmt go hand in hand ... if we are going to eliminate a non relevant threard, I vote for this one versus the food one 😉