Masks vs viruses

I can’t be bothered to read this whole thread.

I don’t think the mask mandate helped the deal in a statistically measurable amount.

R there studies/articles that claim they did?

If so what where are they?


I haven't seen any studies that claim they will prevent viral infection or spread, and I have looked with non-biased searches. I am hoping some of the naysayers would provide evidence rather than just their opinions. People think I am partisan or biased because the media says one thing and I find evidence of the opposite and post it. My bias is I am a patriotic American that pisses Red White and Blue, I very much love my country, but hate how corrupt the Government has become is all. I seek the truth and nothing more. When Covid hit I had a lot of time on my hands to dig, I became obsessed with it for over a year and the deeper I dug the more disturbing it all became. Masks in particular were a personal issue as my daughter had to wear one in school, as did I when I sat alone in my office so I dug through studies in search of the truth. The truth about masks is, masks are as good at stopping viral transmission as throwing a handful of #1 stone through a chain link fence. sure some of it bounces back but most of the gravel gets through.

I don't offer anecdotal evidence like news articles, if it isn't a published study or something like evidence in a court case I won't offer it as proof to anything I claim. I did post the NYTimes article that covers the study I started this thread about, but only for people in this thread that doubted the study because their TV didn't tell them that. To them, the Government has integrity and they would never impose face coverings on the public unless "the Science" said so.

I never bought into masks. I hate government, red or blue. None of them have my best interests in mind. In the past 20 years both sides have done their best to turn each other against themselves. I am sitting here middle right, and I think 90% of people are between middle right and middle left, and could easily find middle ground on the majority of issues. But both parties in charge make the other party out to be extreme right or left.

I just want government out of my daily life. This whole COVID thing sure made one party power hungry, and I hope they are found legally responsible for it. But I have my doubts.

As for the analogy of a fence to hold out gravel is pretty accurate, sure it will hold some back, but it isn’t worth the hassle.
It wasn't too long ago that I was middle left, more leaning left. Then I decided to pay more attention and see what was actually going on around me instead of just listening to the news (biggest problem with the left is that they do not actually look around for themselves just blindly follow). It's really enlightening when you start seeing the world for what it is and not just what "they" want you to see it as.
Any man who is not a socialist at age 20 has no heart. Any man who is still a socialist at age 40 has no head.

John Adams
it's truly amazing how insightful our founding fathers were, 250 YEARS AGO. No industry, no technology, and yet their vision is still applicable today.
I never bought into masks. I hate government, red or blue. None of them have my best interests in mind. In the past 20 years both sides have done their best to turn each other against themselves. I am sitting here middle right, and I think 90% of people are between middle right and middle left, and could easily find middle ground on the majority of issues. But both parties in charge make the other party out to be extreme right or left.

I just want government out of my daily life. This whole COVID thing sure made one party power hungry, and I hope they are found legally responsible for it. But I have my doubts.

As for the analogy of a fence to hold out gravel is pretty accurate, sure it will hold some back, but it isn’t worth the hassle.
That point is the whole issue. It’s split so close 50/50 that in order to push your side over the hump to victory the politicians have to cater to the extremes to get the votes they need. Happens left and right. Saw this to the max here in NY for the Governors race. The race was going to be tight so Hochul, considered middle left sold her soul the the fringe looney left in order to win. It was so extreme though that now she’s finding she isn’t running the show, they are. She created a monster and I’m not sure she will make it full term. Not from the right but the extreme left.
Let's not forget the "peaceful protests"
The Founding Fathers were truly remarkable in their apparent vision into the future! Or maybe they simply remembered history as it was, and know that historically it erases history and repeats it.

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
- Benjamin Franklin

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."
- Thomas Jefferson

"Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry."
- Often attributed to Thomas Jefferson but never confirmed.

"Americans have the right and advantage of being armed – unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."
- James Madison
On a personal note I knew an elderly woman who doubled masked up ad nauseam.

she amplified her sinus infection to the point of medical intervention.

she finally removed the mask.

Drastic improvements to her health.
I am curious if anyone found any studies that do say masks work against virus's. I didn't find any in my own searches but like to see all sides of an argument.
I do understand that even studies, especially these days, that can point to something but not define it.

A good example would be Ivermectin or Hydroxychloriquine. Some doctors that were using it as an early treatment and claiming high rates of success, were downplayed by studies that showed it didn't work at all, and of course the media chimed in and smeared the meds as horse dewormer and the doctors as quacks. So when I looked through the studies themselves that debunked it, I saw in every single one of those studies that they were using it only post hospitalization. By then it was too late for intervention for any known treatment. The doctors said from the beginning, you start feeling symptoms so you get tested so you test positive, THAT is when you start treatment, if you wait until they are hospitalized it won't change a thing. Fauci at the CDC kept banging the drum that "the studies" show neither Ivermectin or HCQ worked at all, because they genuinely didn't but the format is important.

When he was questioned about other studies that did show success, Fauci insisted they either weren't robust (big) enough or weren't done using the "gold standard" of studies which was a double blind placebo (2 groups in the study, one group gets the meds and the other gets what they think is meds but it is the equivalent of a sugar cube which keeps bias out), ironically the Pfizer vaccine trials weren't done using said gold standard so hypocrisy abound.

So if anyone knows of a study that claims masks work vs. virus, please share them.
VAERS updates their website weekly and I haven't checked the numbers in awhile.

All vaccines combined caused 9,011 deaths since VAERS started tracking them in 1990.

Covid vaccines caused 22,193 deaths in 2 years since rollout. Safe and effective?

Interesting to see the VAERS data they DO have, it is important to note that historically less than 1% of adverse side effects caused from vaccines are reported and this just accounts deaths.

The Harvard study that concluded in 2010 with:
"Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of
ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events
and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported"

The Mayor(?) of NYC Eric Adams went from mandatory mask wearing to "remove masks when you enter establishments to reduce thefts" LOL

In other news, the former CDC Director Robert Redfield further confirms the conspiracy (no longer a theory) coverup of Covid-19 leaking from a lab in Wuhan. He testified to Congress about being (intentionally) left out of the conversation and his thoughts that he felt it was human engineered from the beginning. Too bad he wasn't given a voice 3 years ago or many of us could have avoided our bans on Farcebook and Twitter just for mentioning it or sharing articles about it. As he put it "when you have a group of people saying there is only 1 point of view, that is problematic and I will keep on saying that is antithetical to science and unfortunately that is what they did". Redfield also revealed that the CDC was aware of China doing 3 unusual things in September 2019 in the lab at Wuhan, "deleting the sequences (of Coronavirus's) which is highly irregular, the second thing they did is change the control of the lab from civilian control to the military which is highly unuaual, and the third thing they did which I think was really telling is they let a contractor redo the ventilation system in that laboratory"

The latest from fraudster Fauci in a CNN interview a couple days ago is still touting the early on study (we now know he put together just to fool us) "proving" Covid-19 wasn't a lab leak went a little further and claimed "even if a lab worker went out into the wild and contracted Covid from a bat, then went back to work in the lab, it still was a natural occurrence" which isn't inaccurate, but if it were a lab leak it wasn't from the manipulation of Coronavirus's they were working on lol C'mon Man! Fauci also states that he had an open mind about the origins of Covid the whole time, sureee that is why people were censored for saying it publicly and the media relentlessly called it a "baseless conspiracy theory" stating there is "ZERO evidence of it" when there was. Redfield did a CNN interview about a year ago on his thoughts about Covid 19 originating from a lab leak yet we were still banned from mentioning it on social media.

If they had simply been honest from the beginning, most of us wouldn't consider it an intentional release on the globe, we would have accepted an accidental lab leak and carried on. But since they lied and covered it up, it only feeds that theory more. Why else would you intentionally mislead the public in all the interviews? Fauci never gave one ounce of credibility to the possibility of a lab leak until last week, that is 3 years of claiming it wasn't if you're counting. Why does it matter? Because people were shamed, censored and locked out of social media accounts for simply mentioning it. When people are dying, facts and accuracy of information matters.
I got banned for 2 weeks from Facebook for saying, why get the shot, when you can still catch it, and you can still transfer it to others, there is no benefit to getting it. The ban said 2 weeks, and the next time it will be 1 year.

I rarely go on Facebook, other then the marketplace, which I check out about every day.
That's why I refuse to join or look at Facebook. I would last about 15 minutes on there. Pissed off a classmate of mine who said Facebook is a great place to keep up with each other, I said if I haven't kept up with you in 30 years there might be a reason for it.... Nothing good or worthwhile on Facebook in my opinion.
That's why I refuse to join or look at Facebook. I would last about 15 minutes on there. Pissed off a classmate of mine who said Facebook is a great place to keep up with each other, I said if I haven't kept up with you in 30 years there might be a reason for it.... Nothing good or worthwhile on Facebook in my opinion.
Sometimes I don't understand why people continue to patronize all these social media platforms that are openly letting us know their disdain for us. Why let them profit off us all the while they are showing us every day how much they hate us. Then I remember my YouTube habit and I have to shut that line of thinking down while I go watch another video.
PS I'd love to kick YouTube to the curb and switch to Rumble but as of yet Rumble is mostly just political talk.
Sometimes I don't understand why people continue to patronize all these social media platforms that are openly letting us know their disdain for us. Why let them profit off us all the while they are showing us every day how much they hate us. Then I remember my YouTube habit and I have to shut that line of thinking down while I go watch another video.
PS I'd love to kick YouTube to the curb and switch to Rumble but as of yet Rumble is mostly just political talk.
Yeah.....My entry onto the inter webs is via the Yahoo site. I despise the folks that run their page. I still use Yahoo for my email and it's easier to access via Yahoo. Also their Finance page was always highly regarded. Not too sure anymore. It's just hard to change E-mail accounts without allot of hassle. Prolly take a year to heal from a change like that. I hate Yahoo political distortions.
I got banned from TikTok for making a vegetable joke about Biden

Oh well, I don’t miss it. Not on Facebook or Twitter either !!
I say the most horrible things I can come up with on tic toc and never been banned. Now I am offended I haven’t been banned. I guess I have a new goal in life.