So You Wanna Buy A Big Buck Property ... How Do You Evaluate?

There's a property near where I live that does. No bucks over 140 in the county, but a bunch of booners have lived and died over the years on this property.
It could be possible if the property were large enough that deer live and die without coming close to the property line. I don't see any way that there wouldn't be deer traveling in an out of the property otherwise.
It could be possible if the property were large enough that deer live and die without coming close to the property line. I don't see any way that there wouldn't be deer traveling in an out of the property otherwise.
This place is about 650 acres. You can drive by this place and see them from the road. They just stand there and look at you knowing they're safe. Been that way for over 40 years at least. Some have been poached, but there is armed security on the property 24/7. Nothing over 140 taken in the county though.
Theres one like that in NY but it is bigger in stature. While I would love to own one like could be the death of a guy or his enjoyment knowing how many azzhats with dumb ideas are attempting to breech and steal at any given point.
This place is about 650 acres. You can drive by this place and see them from the road. They just stand there and look at you knowing they're safe. Been that way for over 40 years at least. Some have been poached, but there is armed security on the property 24/7. Nothing over 140 taken in the county in
I think you've shown pics of deer from that place before?
This place is about 650 acres. You can drive by this place and see them from the road. They just stand there and look at you knowing they're safe. Been that way for over 40 years at least. Some have been poached, but there is armed security on the property 24/7. Nothing over 140 taken in the county though.
Is the place an "island" type property? A property with real obviously defined borders can hold deer extremely well. I don't see any way to keep them from crossing the line if there is good cover touching it, deer aren't smart enough to figure that out.
I have to believe that fence is huge deterrent but if the people hunting anywhere in that area had half a brain and an ounce of restraint they should use that property as motivation to see what’s possible with age
Is it possible they're being fed in there also? Or does feeding happen statewide
Is the place an "island" type property? A property with real obviously defined borders can hold deer extremely well. I don't see any way to keep them from crossing the line if there is good cover touching it, deer aren't smart enough to figure that out.
No, but it does have roads on all sides. Some boundaries are barbed wire fence, other places are chain link 4' with barbed wire on top, and the places closest to the plant are 6-8' in different spots. So, they are definitely conditioned to know the safe area just by the boundary lines. But, they aren't confined. Also there is traffic all around the perimeter. The deer inside the perimeter just look at you knowing they're safe. They will cross occasionally, but the other side that has the most cover is a hunting area. They do kill some decent bucks, but nothing at all like what's on the guarded property.

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Is it possible they're being fed in there also? Or does feeding happen statewide
It's highly restricted plant property with cameras and armed guards. One was hit by truck by a plant worker and brought into a building to clean. Guards were in there in minutes. On the outside of the property, yes, but on the inside, I don't see how.
How do they keep the population in check?
How do they keep the population in check?
I really don't know. It's been like this for at least 40 years that I know of.
Here's the side that joins the rest of the cover in the area. The fence is misleading in the above photos, but here you can see how short it is.

This place is an anomaly in the area. Everybody around can drive by and see these giants, but the area for miles and miles around has nothing like it in terms of size or complacency of deer. It's really something to see.

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Give him time. I see his truck in town all the time. He shot a giant between the y and some apartments in the town I live a couple years ago. It’s cool…until you put it on YouTube.
So do people give him tips on giants for a fee or because they want to be his toadies? Is he just another Spook?
I actually talked to him at the bow shop one day and he had been sleeping on a buddies couch for a couple weeks in Nashville. It was summer and he’d been scouting fields mornings and evenings. I actually think the guy is pretty legit. But I lose a lot of respect when you turn into a social media whore. The hunt becomes your business and I just know the end result of that never ends well for the resource.
I don't doubt he scouts. A lot of guys do that. But if he just shows up to scout for a few weeks inside my town, he'll be hunting a 130. He clearly gets intel (probably pays for it?) when he shows up half a nation away and parks in the town where giant freak of nature bucks with points going everywhere happen to live. Unless someone knows more, to me he's only poor man's Spook.
So do people give him tips on giants for a fee or because they want to be his toadies? Is he just another Spook?
Yes, they follow tips. Same as Don Higgins, Spook Spann, etc.
I don't doubt he scouts. A lot of guys do that. But if he just shows up to scout for a few weeks inside my town, he'll be hunting a 130. He clearly gets intel (probably pays for it?) when he shows up half a nation away and parks in the town where giant freak of nature bucks with points going everywhere happen to live. Unless someone knows more, to me he's only poor man's Spook.
Spook said something on the Hntr podcast about having a chance at the world record typical but he couldn't afford the guy's price. Said the landowner shot it and gave him the details on size but never made it public.