How isolated is too isolated

I just got back from looking at it. It could be great, but it does have some major flaws. Some could be fixed, but some can't. As some have mentioned, it would be easy for someone to set up a bait pile on the border and pluck them off. What would also be easy, and is highly possible, is the ability to shoot deer from the road in the summer as they come into the beans. It wouldn't even have to be daylight. In Louisiana, night hunting from roads isn't uncommon. And, this road doesn't have much traffic at all.

I saw one deer, but couldn't get a good look at it as it splashed off through the ankle deep water that covered probably 60-70% of the place. There were high spots, and the spoil banks along the duck hole did show signs of bedding. There wasn't much sign. I saw a good amount of tracks, but zero old rubs or scrapes.

You could probably kill any deer on the property with two blinds and one plot/feeder location.

There was hardly any browse available, although there seemed to be a decent amount of acorns. It would need some major FSI/TSI to get some browse in there.

It's a shame people can't act right, because this could be an awesome property in an awesome area. The growing season soybean food availability is phenomenal, and the deer wouldn't have any lack of it.

It could be a great duck place too if you're into that type of thing.

Here are a few pics I got on my scouting trip.

Thanks for the pics! Being 3 hours away sounds like a touch too far. That place seems like the “little honey hole down the road I hunt a few times a year when it’s perfect.” I also generally don’t think those islands of cover work in the Deep South the way they do in the Midwest… for many of the reasons you’ve mentioned. Mostly because folks can’t act right. If you’re not from here, it’s hard to understand. But if folks acted right, it probably wouldn’t still be available for a deal.

Sub $2k for a usable parcel is tempting.
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"Folks can't act right." That sucks.

There are bad eggs everywhere and I've had my run ins with trespassers at my land too, but I generally don't worry too much about people shooting deer off the road.

I try to screen my roads off due to people doing the slow drive-by during the season makes the deer it helps the deer feel more comfortable, no doubt. Fortunately, I've never heard a shot at night that made me remotely suspicious.
"Folks can't act right." That sucks.

There are bad eggs everywhere and I've had my run ins with trespassers at my land too, but I generally don't worry too much about people shooting deer off the road.

I try to screen my roads off due to people doing the slow drive-by during the season makes the deer it helps the deer feel more comfortable, no doubt. Fortunately, I've never heard a shot at night that made me remotely suspicious.
It is a shame. Unfortunately, in areas like this of Louisiana that are capable of producing 200" bucks, you have to hold vast amounts of acreage like Honey Brake where Tyler Jordan just killed a 200, or fence it like @Baker did. This place had the same exact soil name as Honey Brake, but due to it being small and well visible, I doubt it sees its potential for giant bucks.
Just catching up on this. Kinda all boils down to where it is. As you know some areas have a different mind set than others. 60 acres is small and while it could be great I suspect it would be occasional and random. Not something you could hunt all the time. Bet it could be strong for ducks. Price is right. What happens if they shift the fields to cotton?
Just an FYI. Farmers on Delta Plantation { adjacent to Honey Brake } are in a bind this yr cause its too wet to plant corn and the input prices to grow soybeans cost more than the price they are getting for the beans. Several will go bankrupt this yr. unable to cover their equipment debt.

An argument for regenerative practices but that is for another thread
Does LA hand out crop depredation permits to the farmers like free candy - like they do in AR?
Isn't it a bad sign that you saw zero old rubs or scrapes?
Does LA hand out crop depredation permits to the farmers like free candy - like they do in AR?
I'm not sure.
Isn't it a bad sign that you saw zero old rubs or scrapes?
I put that as a red flag, and I checked areas that should have held some. The pipeline cutting through it should have had some along it.