Latest MSU Deer Lab Study on Buck Movement

Do you keep a spreadsheet?
I do not. But I do use camp.Cuddeback to save and classify many of the photos. Primarily bucks of interest, but also turkey, coyotes, fox (rare), bobcat, rabbit, raccoons, birds, dogs, trespassers, etc. Unfortunately a glitch in the auto renew of the camp subscription lost all my saved images the middle of November.

One key point Dr. Strickland made was to note these results around bedding could be different depending on the landscape. This landscape in this study was about 50/50 ag/woods. There was ag, foodplots, woods, feeders, etc. Bronson said that bedding affinity to certain "bedrooms" could be different in an area that was 90% ag just because cover availability was less. And, he said the cover was mediocre in this particular example pictured, so bedding could have been more sporadic due to that.

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