MN regs are in stores

^^^or the fact that there are 20% more hunters in the 200 units than there used to be

What's really "funny" to me is the idea that up by foggy is lottery and my area is managed. The obvious difference is different area managers IMHO. The one up there actually wants some deer around...and Beau hates them. I see more deer in my casual travels up that way than I see while living full time here.

Did you know that 57% of the sections flown in 2014 in Burs zone 221 had ZERO deer? True story.

They are just cold pockets. Ask the professionals.
We're 215 and 214 flown last year? How do they know we are above our old crappy goal

They have not been flown since pre 2003 if ever. Zero recalibration of the model ever. Only reported harvest numbers.
They are just cold pockets. Ask the professionals.

Thats not a pocket Bur. Its the bulk of the garment.
Thats not a pocket Bur. Its the bulk of the garment.
And we are the ones out in the cold.
The real b!t(h is they are rubbing it right in your faces and the dolts in St. Paul are letting it ride.
Depression is setting in. This shitstorm is ruining my day to day, I'm out for awhile. Good luck guys.
My zone has more deer that most others, 2 deer limit. 227. Hope you liked todays trib, fawn numbers are up so you can shoot see more deer to shoot, if you want a fawn. does this help to increase the herd? Our zone is waaaaaay to high, 15 dpsm. Some where between 5 and 50 depending on how the numbers are manipulated.
It is just laughable to think that 215 is the same category of management as 214, 227, and 241. What in the he!! is wrong in this state

Hell, 215 is more liberal than much of SE MN
And many of the guys down there actually practice a bit of trigger restraint to begin with, so the actual DNR issued tag quotas don't matter near as much.
The goals don't really seem to matter to our DNR. 2007 they announced a 25% increase to the herd of 215. Only data set we have to compare is gun hunter buck % success. Its up less than 10%. With zero tracking of how many days (unit of effort) it took them to harvest those bucks.

Microsoft Excel 6.png
A thought on how the reporting a deer in a Managed area that was shot in a Lottery area is going to effect things and why the folks would do it.

Cheater arrows a buck in a Lottery area and registers it in a Managed area so that he can keep arching for a doe in the Lottery area. Buck harvest numbers are the trend used to gauge deer population. This cheater just made the Managed area look like it had more deer than it does and the Lottery area to have fewer. The following year to get the populations to goal will now have the Managed area moved to Intensive and the Lottery area moved to Bucks Only, when the opposite adjustments would have been warranted. (please correct me if I'm wrong, kinda of a new thought for me.)

Or even if the deer are reported and shot where they should be.

Or hunter rifles a doe with his doe tag in a lottery area and registers it there, then with his muzzleloader tag he is left with only being able to use it in a Managed area on either a buck or doe. This hunter chose the lottery area as his primary hunt area and so he isn't counted in the hunter density for the Managed area, skewing the model.
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I guess that to increase the herd, we have to all buy anterless tags and not use them, this will keep the anterless kill down. Small price to pay to pass a doe or fawn.
^^^CO's will tell you happens all the time.
I guess that to increase the herd, we have to all buy anterless tags and not use them, this will keep the anterless kill down. Small price to pay to pass a doe or fawn.

That'll maybe work in a Lottery area. Hunter Choice or Managed and that doesn't work too well.

Would everyone statewide registering their unused tags at the end of the year on a doe in a Managed area skew the model in our favor?
The problem I have with 2 deer limit, neighbors will all shoot 2 deer, because they are so plentiful. One neighbor complained about not seeing many deer, but they harvested 4, 1 buck, 1 doe, 2 fawns. Will have to watch more carefully, neighbor has been caught with 4 deer killed mostly by one hunter. Shoots his wifes, 2 sons hunt only weekends, he hunts all week. Maybe he will hunt longer to shoot 8. he has already been caught for cross tagging. I do not gun hunt, so eyes will be on him!
That'll maybe work in a Lottery area. Hunter Choice or Managed and that doesn't work too well.

Would everyone statewide registering their unused tags at the end of the year on a doe in a Managed area skew the model in our favor?
Fraudulent registration is fraudulent registration weather an illegal deer poached or imaginary deer . Still not legal
Fraudulent registration is fraudulent registration weather an illegal deer poached or imaginary deer . Still not legal

Got the statute number? The penalty might be worth the crime. Some laws are on the books with the only penalty being a warning. ;)
Or even if the deer are reported and shot where they should be.

Or hunter rifles a doe with his doe tag in a lottery area and registers it there, then with his muzzleloader tag he is left with only being able to use it in a Managed area on either a buck or doe. This hunter chose the lottery area as his primary hunt area and so he isn't counted in the hunter density for the Managed area, skewing the model.

I don't think he can legally shoot a buck with the mzzle since his primary tag was used in the Lottery area. Legal party hunting would allow him to shoot a legal buck.

Maybe we need a program to define what party hunting is. How about a retired game warden to speak up? Who knows one?
Get about a thousand guys to do it...and it sure would throw a monkey wrench in the works. My guess is that the DNR would just pass it off as some "accounting anomaly" and continue with business as usual.
The state would be happy with the extra money from the bonus tags that could be spent on anything but deer.