Give Tom a little breathing room. He's gonna take some barbs from his side if he supports the audit. I got this from him yesterday:
Chris . . .
Agreed! Over harvest of does, 2 devastating winters and wolves!
Rep. Anzelc
Is there a list somewhere or that could be started listing all of the Rep. in support of an audit?
I received this response. I hadn't seen Peggy Bennet's name mentioned.
Thank you for your email, Jason. The drastic decrease in deer population you have noted is concerning. An audit of the DNR deer model sounds very appropriate.
Thank you, again, for contacting me.
Rep. Peggy Bennett
House District 27A
507 State Office Building
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155
Legislative Assistant: Nick Lunneborg 651-296-5998
Do you know if they tape them? How can a person obtain a copy of the content or comments from the public?
Best Regards,
Rep Jerry Hertaus
This is a canned response I have gotten from 4 or 5 reps. My guess is they probably have their interns fiellying most emails.Dear Lee,
Thank you for contacting me about the proposed audit of the Minnesota DNR’s deer model. Many legislators, including myself, share your concern about maintaining a healthy deer population.
In response to last year’s harsh winter and high deer harvest limits in some parts of the state, the DNR reduced harvest limits in many zones in order to allow the population to recover to a desired level. We will be closely monitoring the DNR’s actions to see how quickly the deer population
rebounds to acceptable levels.
On February 11, the House Mining & Outdoor Recreation Policy Committee will hold an informational hearing on the deer population at 2:45 pm in Room 10 of the State Office Building. You are welcome to attend the hearing to hear more about the DNR’s plans.
Best Regards,
Rep Jerry Hertaus