MN Audit Request Rough Draft. Suggestions welcomed.

  • Thread starter Thread starter bat man
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From 2004 through 2013 we only flew and counted 42 units. That puts us on pace to fly the transition units once every 12 – 15 years when the models accuracy falls off quickly after 4 - 5 years. The proven inaccuracy of the aerial census techniques may be central to their limited use, but failure to count the deer lessens the models potential. If the $15,000 aerial surveys lack the ability to accurately count the deer, an audit will suggest alternate methods of counting deer, and estimating herd densities. Wisconsin has 14,000 unpaid volunteers tracking deer sightings every year about this time. Iowa has the states bowhunters collecting data in regards to deer and other game and non game species while on stand. Both of these states use this data to help their DNR's track herd numbers and set quota goals. Trends of this almost free data may help avoid wild swings in deer herd numbers. These options could prove of value in MN as well.
I do not like the way the above highlighted sentence is worded. Aerial surveys have been proven worldwide in places like Alaska, northern Canada, Australia, and throughout Africa as being very effective tools to estimate animal populations. The inaccuracy is only due to your DNR's misuse of the information. I wouldn't discourage their use in the future, and this sentence I feel gives the impression that aerial surveys are worthless and part of the problem, when it is your DNR that is causing these inaccuracies through manipulation and disregarding of the science. I personally welcome counts of this type and feel they are very effective in determining herd numbers. I'm not sure how to word it, but I will offer the following and see if you all think it makes sense:

The proven mishandling and disregard for the aerial census data gathered by the MN DNR may lead one to believe they are less than accurate, which is far from the truth. It is the failure to properly apply said data to the model that lessens the effectiveness of not only the model itself, but the flyovers used to gather that data.

It might all be just verbiage and semantics at this point, but I wouldn't want "Joe Average" to blame the tools when it is the "mechanic" that is not up to the task. The rest of it looks fantastic, and I wouldn't be afraid to submit it as soon as you deem the time is proper.
Mr Smith did a very nice job in this weeks Outdoor News pointing out the benefits an audit may bring.

Dallas Clemson jumped in after Stu looking for a long term plan.

Keep the letters rolling-
Looks good guys! I haven't been keeping up with this the last few weeks, but it is hard to argue with those graphics for area 225.
Looks good guys! I haven't been keeping up with this the last few weeks, but it is hard to argue with those graphics for area 225.
I believe the commish and Mark Johnson hunt together in 225.
Looks good and I am glad to hear Kresha is on board.
I have solicited replies from several elected. Stu and I have these covered. Anybody else been sending emails?

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I have solicited replies from several elected. Stu and I have these covered. Anybody else been sending emails?

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Sure hope some folks on your email list are taking all of 30 seconds to copy/paste/slightly modify the template letter you sent out. Sure ain't rocket science.......
Why isn't every elected representative in the state of MN being contacted? I will copy and paste the letter and send it to my buddy at work. He is in SE MN and I'm sure he will forward it to the reps in his area.
Why isn't every elected representative in the state of MN being contacted? I will copy and paste the letter and send it to my buddy at work. He is in SE MN and I'm sure he will forward it to the reps in his area.

I hope they all will be. But it needs to come from a bunch of concerned. I would like to see each elected receive the request from multiple constituents so they know the issue is for real.

If multiple hunters from each area ask why the elected have not confirmed support, they will pay attn.
This is election year and the discussions should also include any legitimate opponent who is running for office. If they contact you for support, bring up the audit and the deer issues.

I suggest this approach...There are areas with too few deer and areas with too many deer. The audit will result in our area DNR managers having to spend more of the hunters dollar on deer management instead of ignoring the problem areas.

This approach will let legislators support the audit and appease voters on both sides of the spectrum.

The audit is a mechanism for a solution to the deer issues from all angles!

We need to sell the audit in this way.
You want this posted on other forums? Can't do it on the QDMA forums, but can on others.

I put it QDMA, post it everywhere concerned will read it.