MN regs are in stores

I say let em have it. They need to know they are incompetent.

If people lay off now, they will think they have things smoothed over and we will be right back in the shitter in no time. We cannot let them have any momentum with anything other than fixing what they were a huge part of messing up.
1,000 F***##g permits?? Unbelievable!!! They actually had a chance to increase the herd, and they dont take it. 0-250 would have been acceptable.

SO do I email the people that made the recs or do I just leave it alone?? I dont have anything nice to say.

I would email them and write a letter to ODN.

talking about it here is preaching to the choir.

last year they gave out 492 doe permits there and 618 antlerlesss deer were killed. 107 of those were with a bow. They gave out 8 muzzleloader lottery tags. 11 antlerless killed with muzzleloader (youth?)

2015 goal is to grow the herd 25%.
1,000 antlerless permits for 172.

should mean about 2000 antlerless get shot in that area:confused: with youth, elderly, disabled, and bow tags.

1,000 F***##g permits?? Unbelievable!!! They actually had a chance to increase the herd, and they dont take it. 0-250 would have been acceptable.

SO do I email the people that made the recs or do I just leave it alone?? I dont have anything nice to say.

Wow! :eek: And I was p!$$ed when they issued 100 antlerless tags(only 50 last year) for the public lands in my unit in Juneau Co. for this upcoming season. Our units are generally smaller than the MN units, but that still seems excessive in any area where they should be trying to improve herd numbers. I would take these quota recommendations right to the Audit Committee and start pointing out that this number of tags will not help to increase herd numbers at all, much less by the 25% increase that was voted in for this area. Your DNR is still doing what they want in the face of the stakeholder votes.
No whip, they did not vote for 25% increase. They voted for 50% increase, and I think the majority of people at the stakeholder meeting wanted that number to actually be higher than 50%. 25% is just the number the DNR decided on. And they are gonna get their by increasing doe permits from 500 to 1,000???
No way that this would fly. That ^^^ makes it even worse. This needs to be shoved in the face of the Audit Committee as soon as possible. A couple dozen angry hunters on the doorstep of their office calling BS when the Committee is in session might just be enough to get their attention. I am so glad Aldo gave us the NRB to oversee our DNR and keep them from pulling BS like this. I would be in Madison choking people out if they pulled this $h!t over here. By the way, how much public land is in Unit 172?
Permits INCREASED this year over last year for 172?????????????

Until they eliminate party hunting, it will be hard to keep the doe harvest down. Right now even an archery hunter can cross tag. I would like to see MN at least end party hunting for bow hunting and muzzy....first step. Then, for example, if a bow hunter shoots a doe, he or she is done and not able to hunt the shotgun season as well.

There are guys in my area that keep hunting all year. Shoot one or two during slug, then another one or two during muzzy.
Guess I am sending off some hate mail. That is absolutely absurd when they claim to agree to a 25% herd increase. Holy crap....
This is straight from their bullshit propaganda piece they sent out at this link:

Public comment collected via online and written questionnaires in winter 2015 showed that a majority (88%) of questionnaire respondents preferred a population increase, with the greatest number (61%) preferring an increase of 50%. After reviewing biological and social data for this permit area, the deer advisory team recommended increasing the population 50%

You are managed?? You have a lottery area on your eastern boundary, and you are a 2 deer area just across that magical highway.
215 back to managed :mad: one more year of HC and we would've been golden. Time to get some info out in Morrison County about hunter managed herd.
Anyone know what permit area Baxter city limits is in? I have a coworker who wants some deer killed out of her back 2.5 acres apparently she saw 20 deer one night in her yard.
Never mind found it. It's Hunter Choice.
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I was VERY concerned they were going to push us back to Managed in 240...... Would rather have lottery for a frickin year.

Gino Deangelo agreed with me on the phone that all indicators show our population is lower than target by 10 to 20%....... And our target goal is a joke to begin with.
At least they didnt bump us up I guess.
...last year they gave out 492 doe permits there and 618 antlerlesss deer were killed. 107 of those were with a bow. They gave out 8 muzzleloader lottery tags. 11 antlerless killed with muzzleloader (youth?)

2015 goal is to grow the herd 25%.

I wonder how many antlerless will be killed in a lottery area and registered on a bonus tag as being killed in a managed area this year, and if it it will be more or less than last year.
We're lottery with 1500 doe tags. I'm guessing that means that 1:9 applicants will not get one. :mad:
Oh hamburgers that's not good. If we get one more good winter we may end up in intensive harvest next fall.


If we have seen 7 deer on our 40 acres this year, well that's then 112 deer per square mile in all of 172 isn't it?
Any possible gains made in the last year or so will be reversed by the end of deer season. Disheartening indeed
I think you guys really caught it in the shorts. Are they going to get your numbers down to 221 levels so they can vote for a 50% increase to make hunters happy in a few years?

Thursday night, MCCMDHA will spend a bit of time discussing Hunter Managed Herds.
I emailed the DNR and a bunch of state reps today. It was not a very kind email.

I also submitted a letter to editor of ODN:

DNR does not listen to hunters

I hunt PA 172 and at last winter's stakeholder meetings the recommendation was made for deer numbers to increase by 50% for 172. Over 61% of people responding to the DNR's own survey also asked for at least a 50% increase last year. In response, the DNR comes up with a 25% increase in the next 3-5 years. Way to listen MNDNR!!

I just looked at the new regulations and PA 172 is going from 500 doe permits last year to 1,000 this year. Really?? One good winter and all of our problems are solved? The DNR is doing a terrible job managing the resources. No, they cant control the weather, but they sure as hell control the tags. They could have laid off the does for one more year and we probably could have been in pretty good shape. What happens if we get another bad winter this year???

The DNR is doing a terrible job managing our resources. No need to look any farther than our deer and moose herds or the shores of Lake Mille Lacs. As hunters in the hard hit NE quarter of the state we need to take action on our own. I urge any person hunting up there with a doe permit to eat it or BURN IT!! Its time to get our herd back to acceptable levels, and we need to do it without the tag happy DNR! Pass a doe, let the herd grow.
I wonder how many antlerless will be killed in a lottery area and registered on a bonus tag as being killed in a managed area this year, and if it it will be more or less than last year.

I always wonder about this myself in the area I hunt (214). It always seems to have higher then normal deer harvest numbers and I question if people in adjoining units aren't registering them in 214. Wish they would have left it hunters choice. Now the Amish can double the deer they take. My one neighbor shot 5 deer last year and was complaining that he couldn't shoot any more because of the 1 deer only hunters choice.