MN regs are in stores

So the goal of establishing HMH leased parcels is....? To show others what can happen?

The end goal is to raise cash to promote the concept of hunters managing the herd, and the tools tactics we have to make it a reality

The leased lands are an example of the process in action that finance the initiative. Hunters are drawn to parcels with lots of deer and bigger buck. They will pay for chances to hunt said spots (outfitter etc). We let them understand the why and how these spots are better and they take home knowledge to use and spread. You can't shoot does here because.... Because we we not shooting does you see more deer, and more bucks hit the ground in this area...

'Had a good hunt in blah blah county on one of those spots you can't shoot does. Those guys claim we can do it on our 80.'

It was always the draw for ripley. Lots of deer, bigger bucks.
To provide a hunting experience something like Ripley used to be....won't we need an awfully large property (500-1000 acres minimum) and a number of years to improve things? .

I think we need to target quality parcels and then build on them. Parcels next to parks or large holdings that are closed to hunting. Parcels with the numbers and quality guys will pay for to fund the initiative.

Even crap parcels are sucked up left and right because guys can't find deer. Check craigslist for deer lease. Tons of guys looking, not many available.
Along the line of leases, what about land owner "donated hunts" for a weekend or week. Maybe 1 or 2 Bow hunters on like 60 acres, 40 min from the cities, that has been managed for 16 years. Throw in some private pond fishing, a nice place to stay, and maybe some damn good cooking thrown in. Gumbo and fish frys included. What would that be worth?

I wonder if a place like this existed and the landowner wasn't a d*ckhead? :D

Just spit balling here.

I think it could be a great opp to video tape successes and lessons learned to share online.

If you can show guys deer they want to know what you are doing to make that happen here in MN.

I am putting in for that hunt. Gonna pillage the waterway with chum and throw nets. Gonna eat all the breeders. Oh never mind. Forgot the mission for a second.