MN regs are in stores

All efforts for change should be channeled through somebody who cares, or directed to reach the masses.

Well thought out narratives with facts can be sent to the professional running the audit- "Bombach, Valerie (OLA)" <>

Editor at Outdoor news is -

Sending thoughts and complaints to a self regulated agency alone has not proven useful.
I invite all of you to send an email to MNDHA too. Emails can be found here.

I have wrote ODN, the DNR, MNDHA, The legislative auditor that brooks put up, most people I know that hunt, and I am drafting a letter for all the local newspapers.
It is conservative compared to years past..... they are not lying.

Spin doctors at your service.
[QUOTE="smsmith, post: 7 now wondering if the DNR can make a unit lottery but issue enough antlerless permits to make that classification completely meaningless. [/QUOTE]

its mineable but miserable work.
Is it? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. We'd have run all those lottery unit antlerless tags to find out if it is truly "conservative" or not.

Cross tagging likely a factor and the information on lottery tag 'success rate' is not in the deer report black and white. But the success rate is very high.
Time to fire up the cooperatives thread again and get to work. I can't afford to buy new land in another state, and it'll take too long to grow a woods in South Dakota.
So if a unit was Managed and took 1118 antlerless deer...and that same unit is now Lottery with 1500 antlerless tags available, is that truly a more "conservative" season? I suppose if you use the statewide success rate, it would be.

From my 172 math maybe not. More does shot than lottery tags issued. Cross tagging is a beast.
Can MBI do this? Essentially MBI is a leasee of properties throughout Mn providing quality hunts for their members. I like the idea but would rather MBI be a landowner conglomerate with the idea of rapidly growing membership to buy more land and improving each parcel both through deer management and habitat work. I would definitely join an organization like this.
From my 172 math maybe not. More does shot than lottery tags issued. Cross tagging is a beast.

One of my Customers and friend is a former CO in EC MN. Cross Tagging is an epidemic. Most hunters see nothing wrong with it!
Here are the charts Stu got from the DNR


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Hmmm. Not sure why its not attaching as a full image.

Next one.
Next one.
Can MBI do this? Essentially MBI is a leasee of properties throughout Mn providing quality hunts for their members. I like the idea but would rather MBI be a landowner conglomerate with the idea of rapidly growing membership to buy more land and improving each parcel both through deer management and habitat work. I would definitely join an organization like this.

We can lease and educate landowners and bowhunters for $25 (some more some less) per acre. Would take us 100 years to buy it at that rate. But we would own the hunting rights for $25 per acre (per year). Long term lease could become reality.

Its the power of a coop. Odds are 1 in 7 to 15 you draw. Pay $150 and you likely hunt for 5 days somewhere. Decent hunt, and we bank 50% for PR and admin and expansion of program.

And you can't bitch about locking down lands because I am letting 5 - 10 guys go where one went in years past.
This is not working with my internet at the cabin. Some images post and others are timing out. argh. Sorry Stu.
Did you know that 57% of the sections flown in 2014 in Burs zone 221 had ZERO deer? True story.
We're 215 and 214 flown last year? How do they know we are above our old crappy goal
Right, the buck harvest trend line that does not take into account hunter effort, hours on stand, or deer seen. I know lots of guys that will hunt until they get a deer. Never mind that in years past they were done after a couple days.