Farm and Ranch life

The deer in the bottom pic weighed 270lbs when I got him mid Nov. I just got some video of the buck in post #74 tonight!!!!..pretty jazzed about that . Had mosquitos eating me up and an ant biting my arm. But was only about 45 yds away tucked into the pines so couldn't move. But I digress. His body didn't look giant to me though I believe him to be 6...bit of a guess...Plenty of bucks on the farm 250+ when they are at peak mid/late Oct. then they skinny down to around 180-200 with the rut. Wouldn't be surprised if some of the biggest scare 300lbs. Amazing what long term nutrition does.

The buck standing in post 78 is probably a 4 yr old.The 6 pt is a bull and I don't know who he is. But definitely 6+ and may be really old. The buck standing with him I believe is probably 6 and was trying to get him for a guest last yr. Perfect buck for somebody. He will be in trouble this yr if we can find him. The nontypical in post 62 is a 6 yr old. Relatively confident on him as been watching him for 3 yrs now. He gets a pass this yr and very keen to see what he might do next yr.

The 12 pt in post 61 is a 7 yr old and I tried to get him last yr. He was a bit bigger then but I only saw him once during the season driving to the barn.The 10 pt in that post is a 5 yr old and I think he is a super star that could be giant with maturity.
For chuckles here is a pic of the buck that weighed 270. Rack was only 17 1/2" wide but he scored 202 grossIMG_1068.JPG as a clean 10
Incredible! Youve created a dream land! Thanks for sharing
Bloody hot in La. to be sneaking around doing footage of velvet bucks but here's my last gasp.

I was wonder what that tall plant was. Then you said sun hemp. Never planted it so I didn’t recognize it.
Squiggly is a nice buck...
As always, I’m in awe...

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Last season at the ranch was one of the weakest seasons in years caused by only 3 " rain all growing season then we got 20" in Sept/Oct making the hunting extremely hard. Nonetheless here is a little video showing what it is like south of the border.

Just finished watching. Hard to imagine the quality of these bucks when it’s not a dry year!!!

We just planted the third food plot based on your mixes (2 fall, and a summer) on Thursday.... and the place just got about 3 inches of rain today. Excited to see how it turns out.

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Here's a video on timber management we do here on the farm to enhance habitat, upgrade the timber, and create more food for the deer. Its a key component to the overall management program.

2 years of hunting this guy. 13 hunts this year for about 30 hours all sitting against an oak tree deep in the woods with brush piled around me. 3 ticks, countless mosquitos, drenched in rain yesterday and today 82 degrees and sweat. But he walked out at 30 yards and with video running.....Video to come but I'm a bit jacked right now.


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well done. You are without a doubt doing something right down there!!!
Sweet buck. What's he gross? Some tall tines.
Sweet buck. What's he gross? Some tall tines.
207 3/8"

Both G2's over 14", both mainbeams over 26" 40 4/8" mass. Absolute guess his age is 7 but he could be much older. Last year was first time I ever noticed him and he looked very old then.
