Farm and Ranch life

Just caught up on some of your videos... good stuff! Keep it up and thank for posting.
Some things never change

Wow!!! Talk about consistent!

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LOVE drop tines! Those sheds are about as cool as it gets!

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For the serious gardeners here
thank you for posting the excellent video

Would you tell us more about building the raise bed structures? Materials and design?

What medium did you fill them with when you started?

Do you have a watering/irrigation system?


Fantastic video.
Thank you so much for the time spent to put it together in such detail.

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Another day in the life of a farm. It's all about lifestyle
Nice set-up. Reminds me of my college days working in Purdue's "meat lab." We butchered everything from Ducks, to lamb, hogs, beef, you name it. Having the right equipment makes it more pleasurable for sure. I built my barn with a butcher/canning shop.
Planted a combo of joint vetch and alyce clover last week. Vetch is one of my all time favorite plants. Here's the video

La. Wildlife and Fisheries conducted a browse survey on the farm last week as part of their DMAP program. Here is what it looked like


Are these the fields planted in May? One months growth?

Did you fertilize or spray?



Are these the fields planted in May? One months growth?

Did you fertilize or spray?


The summer annual fields were planted in about the second week of May. I'll plant late April if conditions are right but it was too wet this year. So yes, about a month growth. The red clover was planted last fall. The Durana in fall 2016. None of those fields have had synthetic fertilizer in as long as I can least over a decade . Several years ago I put chicken litter on the field that I planted for doves. None of the rest have anything including lime for years.

This may be surprising but actually I have cruddy soils. There is no ag on my side of the river as soils simply aren't suitable. At best cattle pastures but mostly timber. I have changed the productivity of my soils thru no till into deep thatch and diverse year round multi specie cover crops. It has been an amazing eye opening journey

The summer annual field was sprayed with gly before planting as it was an old clover field that had become quite weedy. That was the first time it was sprayed in perhaps 7-8 years. The vetch field was sprayed also as once the vetch is established it will last for years and not be sprayed again. I don't remember the last time that area was sprayed with anything. None of the other fields I planted this year were sprayed as I have found that with proper rotations and no till drilling I don't require spraying except maybe every few years . I don't spray poison on crops deer eat. I have never sprayed pesticides fungicides or any of the such and have never had any kind of pest invasion since switching to this no till approach.
Hey @Baker I convinced my father to plant a blend similar to your summer blend. He wouldn’t let me include the milo or millet, but I got everything else in there.

He spread the sunflowers and sunn hemp along the outside edges because he was a bit afraid of the height and biomass. Those areas are 6.5 feet tall right now.

The main plot is too light on sunn hemp and sunflowers, but still looks GREAT. Thank you so much for all the info you share!

That looks awesome!. Do you have a pic with the sunn hemp in it. As you know I'm a big fan and when the peas start trellising up the hemp its studly. What I have found with this years blend is I'm a bit heavy with the sorghum and pearl millet. I planted them at 3 lbs/acre each and the density is a bit thicker than I like. Next year I will cut back to 2 lbs.
I don’t have a pic with the taller stuff. I’ll try to eat one in the next couple weeks and post it.
I can’t seem to get a useable picture out of him. he has forgotten to take his phone with him 4 times already.

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thats a great plot,Ikeman

when did you plant that?

thats a great plot,Ikeman

when did you plant that?


First week of May, zone 7b in southern Oklahoma.

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