Fellow Habitat Junkies ... I am starting a "Blog"!

Turkey Creek

5 year old buck +
Well things in life are always changing and there are new adventures to be found. I have gotten multiple nudges in 2023 from customers, friends, and family to "expand my horizons". I generally haven't expanded in the past few years, because to be honest I am not the "salesman type" and that is the absolute last thing I want to be. I do know that none of us get younger and what we are physically able to accomplish in the day never gets easier. However, it is far better than the alternative! I have a lot of things that drive my day to day, one of my favorites though is learning new things, experimenting with ideas (projects) and passing that information onto others. I am sure just like everyone I am opinionated (at least that's what my wife and kids say). LOL However, I do my best to bring facts to a conversation, especially when talking wildlife and wildlife habitat. While I do enjoy posting on here and will definitely continue to do so, there are a whole lot of guys and gals trying to improve the habitat on their property who have never been on here and most likely never will be. I try to avoid posting and for that matter reading much of what is posted on Facebook, unfortunately most of it is either done by a salesman or their groupies, or well-intentioned folks just passing information that they take as the gospel even when its not true. Some of you may know that I have a degree in wildlife biology and have worked for state and federal wildlife agencies over the last 30 years, as well as spending now close to the last 10 years growing fruit trees primarily for sales to habitat builders like yourself. Our private land biologists that work for state agencies are often unable to keep up with the demand for consulting work and to some extent even hand tied as to what techniques they can promote. I would say that about the time I graduated from college is when the tide turned within state agencies regarding the "qualified people" they hired. Many of the newest employees are happy to quote you what the "book" says. However, they don't know the how or why beyond that. My areas private land biologist told me last Spring after I called him to chat about habitat improvement that if I wanted to start consulting to give him the word and he would be happy to start dropping my name. As my knowledge on the subject was as good if not better than most of the "professionals" he works with. With that being said I am going to take on some of that work moving forward as well as starting a blog within turkeycreektrees.com giving me a place to share what I know and what I am learning to hopefully benefit more people who are looking to create quality wildlife habitat. Lord knows we need more folks like us or generations to come wont have a chance to enjoy what we all do. So if you are interested in what I might have to say click on the link below to sign up for my email list that will become the direct link (it will be accessible through our website as well) to what I hope will be a twice per week no cost "blog" into scientifically based wildlife management and habitat work.

Done, thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom.
Great! Just signed up!

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Look forward to seeing what you come up with, especially in regards to fruit trees!
Haha! I joined 2 of your email lists this week! Looking forward to it!

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Just made this thread a sticky. Will leave it that way for a few weeks so it sits up top to make sure everyone gets a peak at it.
Signed up. Looking forward to it!
Just made this thread a sticky. Will leave it that way for a few weeks so it sits up top to make sure everyone gets a peak at it.
Thank you much appreciated.
just signed up. Much appreciated
Joined … thanks !!

I have some chestnut crab & a couple others that put out decent amount of fruit . Your trees have been hardy in Minnesota!

Now I might need a few for Iowa!
I've been reading your blogs. Nicely done and thanks for going to the efforts of putting them together!
I would say that about the time I graduated from college is when the tide turned within state agencies regarding the "qualified people" they hired. Many of the newest employees are happy to quote you what the "book" says. However, they don't know the how or why beyond that. [/URL]

Hard to beat "boots on the ground" to really understand what something means.

It's kind of like teachers: they learn more teaching than they ever did in college.
Signed up
I'm in 👍