5 year old buck +
The what happened to the neighbor thread looks like it could easily go south so I am starting this one.
I will keep it very civil even though it is similar in some ways to the original thread.
This is my situation, I’ve got twelve acres that I live on which of eight acres is woods. I also have a lifetime hunting lease on the seventy acres to my east and south. I will live on this property the rest of my life and pass it down to my family. We also own another thirty five miles down the road.
The farm to my west sold two years ago to a very successful young farmer in his early thirties, his family farms a lot of ground in the area and he grew up about a mile from me. He owns a half a dozen farms close by, is a very nice guy I’ve talked with him a half a dozen times.
His views on land management are crops crops crops…every inch of ground. He does not like trees shrubs or grass at all.
Me, I am the polar opposite. I don’t care about crops at all, I’m about habitat and wildlife, deer, bunnies, squirrels, birds, bugs and bees.
The small snag….
The young guy to my west crowds the property line bad. He unintentionally/intentionally gets on my ground.
Two years ago when he planted beans.

The yellow tile post marker is the survey pin, it is obviously on me six to eight feet or more. This is behind my pond literally my front yard.
I didn’t like the encroachment at all.
Last spring I had to have the whole property re-surveyed because of the septic system rules in my county and recreational zoning vs residential, so property lines and pins are very fresh and clearly marked…again.
This spring the young farmer came along the woods with a skid steer bush hog grinding the west end of my woods back.
There is an old fence along edge of woods, it is not the property line, property line is three feet in front of it. There is some growth and lots of over hanging branches out into/over his field.

While he was grinding I went out and talked with him. Told him how wife and I are all about nature, he looked at me like I was kind of crazy.
Told him that we just had it all surveyed last summer, it was same surveyor that he used when he bought that new ground.
He asked me where the line actually was he thought it was fence, I said no it’s a few feet in front of it and we like the old fence.
I told him I completely understood the need to trim back and that he could toss the trimmings and small trees over the fence for bunny cover. His plan was to pile it up and burn it.
I even pointed out the marking flags at each corner of woods and up at road.
Was all cordial.
This is what he ended up doing all along the fence pushing fence over and back into woods.

I didn’t like that.
Took these pics just now while standing on property line.

If you look you can see the yellow posts at pins and flags.
I want to get along, and I get the farmer mentality my Dad was the same way. I don’t want to be a dick but might have to.
I’ve got a little patch and want to be left alone.
He has hundreds of acres and wants to make a living with it and hand it down to his kids.
I will keep it very civil even though it is similar in some ways to the original thread.
This is my situation, I’ve got twelve acres that I live on which of eight acres is woods. I also have a lifetime hunting lease on the seventy acres to my east and south. I will live on this property the rest of my life and pass it down to my family. We also own another thirty five miles down the road.
The farm to my west sold two years ago to a very successful young farmer in his early thirties, his family farms a lot of ground in the area and he grew up about a mile from me. He owns a half a dozen farms close by, is a very nice guy I’ve talked with him a half a dozen times.
His views on land management are crops crops crops…every inch of ground. He does not like trees shrubs or grass at all.
Me, I am the polar opposite. I don’t care about crops at all, I’m about habitat and wildlife, deer, bunnies, squirrels, birds, bugs and bees.
The small snag….
The young guy to my west crowds the property line bad. He unintentionally/intentionally gets on my ground.
Two years ago when he planted beans.

The yellow tile post marker is the survey pin, it is obviously on me six to eight feet or more. This is behind my pond literally my front yard.
I didn’t like the encroachment at all.
Last spring I had to have the whole property re-surveyed because of the septic system rules in my county and recreational zoning vs residential, so property lines and pins are very fresh and clearly marked…again.
This spring the young farmer came along the woods with a skid steer bush hog grinding the west end of my woods back.
There is an old fence along edge of woods, it is not the property line, property line is three feet in front of it. There is some growth and lots of over hanging branches out into/over his field.

While he was grinding I went out and talked with him. Told him how wife and I are all about nature, he looked at me like I was kind of crazy.
Told him that we just had it all surveyed last summer, it was same surveyor that he used when he bought that new ground.
He asked me where the line actually was he thought it was fence, I said no it’s a few feet in front of it and we like the old fence.
I told him I completely understood the need to trim back and that he could toss the trimmings and small trees over the fence for bunny cover. His plan was to pile it up and burn it.
I even pointed out the marking flags at each corner of woods and up at road.
Was all cordial.
This is what he ended up doing all along the fence pushing fence over and back into woods.

I didn’t like that.
Took these pics just now while standing on property line.

If you look you can see the yellow posts at pins and flags.
I want to get along, and I get the farmer mentality my Dad was the same way. I don’t want to be a dick but might have to.
I’ve got a little patch and want to be left alone.
He has hundreds of acres and wants to make a living with it and hand it down to his kids.