WI Guys.....CDAC 2nd round of meetings this week

You lose political cloutt and voting power. Less dpsm like mn. Ca. Has banned dogs for bear hunting, lion hunting, fishing within 3 miles of the coast, tons of gun restrictions. Copper only now, ect. 37 million pop and only 300,000 hunters.

On the converse, when marginal hunters are recruited who have no idea what they are doing and don't experience immediate success ... you get "Facebook" whiners about the lack of deer. This then drives the wrong message to politicians who think they have to satisfy the LL Beaners.

Just like any military battle, a 100 well trained warriors will always overcome 1000 aimless non committed fools.

Increasing hunter numbers actually plays into the DNR's ability to manipulate their data ... just remember the WBH vote on baiting. The WBH chose note to take a stand against baiting even though the members against, were greater than the members fore. Spineless WBH directors said that that because 20-25% of membership did not vote of voted undecided ... that favored "no decision" ...

Never go into battle with someone who has never shot a gun ... ;)
I never understood why I have to care about Hunter recruitment.

600,000 hunters at $24 a piece with a 50% kill ratio will get you 14.4 million dollars and 300,000 dead deer. Sure we could cut the number of hunters way down, say to 100,000 of WI's best "stud" whitetail hunters, lets do some math on that. 100,000 hunters would need to kill a minimum of 3 deer each, no exceptions, kill 3 or you don't get the opportunity to get tags the next season, we will sell those tags to someone who can kill 3 deer. We must keep the kill up to keep the herd under control. Now the 14.4 million part, 100,000 hunters that actually got to purchase a license would then have to pay $144 each for their deer license. So unless this is the scenario one is looking for, we all need to keep hunter recruitment and retention in the back of our minds. How would you feel if you got to purchase a license and your son, daughter, spouse, or long time hunting buddy wasn't in the group of 100,000 that got to purchase a license that year? Better yet would you be willing to go X number of years without getting a tag yourself, you would have to have a lottery drawing to see who gets tags, and 500,000 that hunt now would be left out each year. Would you be willing to sit out 5 out of every 6 years. Many of the older guys might get to hunt deer 2 or 3 more times in their lives at best.

Just like any military battle, a 100 well trained warriors will always overcome 1000 aimless non committed fools.

I take it you never watched the movie "300", you know it was based on actual historical events. Ever hear of George Armstrong Custer, pretty well trained and equipped bunch there and it didn't do them a damn bit of good either. Keep in mind that it would take 10 times as much per man if those 100 guys had to "pay to play" as well vs 1,000 guys. This type of scenario would DEFINITELY produce some great hunting, no doubt in my mind, during the few years each guy actually got to hunt out of every 6 to 10 due to having to apply for a lottery tag and needing preference points to draw a license. Are you willing to keep pouring money into your land if you only have a chance to draw a tag once every 3-6 years? It's just not going to happen in a state like WI where you have 600,000+ guys who all want an opportunity to take to the woods to pursue whitetails each fall, no matter how good we think it would make the hunting. You wouldn't even be guaranteed a license as a landowner, because there are more than 100,000 landowning hunters in the state. Unless of course one is under the impression that only the folks with the most land(i.e. the wealthiest) should be allowed to purchase a license to hunt, but I don't think that is the intention here, that sounds a lot like the European Wildlife Model not the North American Model for Wildlife Management.
Sorry Wisc if they raise resident liscenses to $140, no one will hunt legally. i sure as hell won't. From Wausau north the hunter density rivals some of the lower rates in the country. The rest of the state, where all the deer are mind you, it is the highest density there is.
You think these guys in central mn would start seeing deer if the hunters weren't there. Hell everyone is complaining there isn't any deer in the first place. I'm an exception, but the only reason I have so many deer is because the intensely hunted neighboring lands just refuse to kill a doe. That's perfectly fine with me, I just get crop damage tAgs. I shot 70 deer in the last 2 years. I'm essentially regulating the deer population in my entire neighborhood, where the guys are refusing. ITs awesome for me.
The abatement program is there for my exact scenario, and it works.
Wi dnr is kinda like the U.S. miltary. The wi dnr has all the $, so they have the ability to do all the research. They must be doing damn good to be able to buy 200 or so acres up north, fence it off, to solely study deer browse. Just like the U.S. military having to police the world why should the wi dnr fund all the research these other states are benefiting from?
Less hunters can kill more deer. Just extend the seasons. Again, it is of no concern to me to care about padding the dnrs pockets, so the mo dnr can benefit. You are exactly right hunter recruitment comes back to $. If less $ means less projects, that's fine with me. The wi deer herd could be managed by only a few people with automated registrstion and efficiency. Like some government agencies they are rolling in $, so they have a lot of fat.
Hell-I'm not being offensive here, but your so passionate about challenging the dnrs deer management anyway, why do you care about just feeding it more $. Wi deer hunters carry that dnr, and there is a ton of hands getting a free lunch!
Again, I'm not trying to be a dick, which everyone makes me out to be. You just gotta be smart where you dedicate yourself. All these guys trying to fight their dnr are wasting their time, but I'm not going to comment there and piss on their parade. Since this is a wi thread, you'll get some common sense!
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I take it you never watched the movie "300", you know it was based on actual historical events. Ever hear of George Armstrong Custer, pretty well trained and equipped bunch there and it didn't do them a damn bit of good either. Keep in mind that it would take 10 times as much per man if those 100 guys had to "pay to play" as well vs 1,000 guys. This type of scenario would DEFINITELY produce some great hunting, no doubt in my mind, during the few years each guy actually got to hunt out of every 6 to 10 due to having to apply for a lottery tag and needing preference points to draw a license. Are you willing to keep pouring money into your land if you only have a chance to draw a tag once every 3-6 years? It's just not going to happen in a state like WI where you have 600,000+ guys who all want an opportunity to take to the woods to pursue whitetails each fall, no matter how good we think it would make the hunting. You wouldn't even be guaranteed a license as a landowner, because there are more than 100,000 landowning hunters in the state. Unless of course one is under the impression that only the folks with the most land(i.e. the wealthiest) should be allowed to purchase a license to hunt, but I don't think that is the intention here, that sounds a lot like the European Wildlife Model not the North American Model for Wildlife Management.

No I have never watched the movie ... have read the book Gates of Fire which is "about historical events" ... which was the battle of Thermopylae.

Thermopylae was one of 2 key mountain passes into Greece where 300 Spartans warriors battled millions of Persian soldiers. The Persians demanded that the Spartans give up and lay down their weapons ... the Spartans responded with "Molon Labe" ... which means come and take them.

The 300 Spartans held Thermopylae long enough to stall the Persians and allow the rest of the Greek army to prepare for the war.

To your point, you have over 600,000 hunters who have very little influence over the DNR's planning & decision making. Doesn't sound like the army of overwhelming force is any better than the small band of well trained warriors ... maybe it is time to rethink some strategy ...
Tree, I totally understand all the points you are bringing up and as I have said before, what you are suggesting very well could improve our overall quality of deer hunting in WI. But at what cost to the end consumer(deer hunters and folks who's businesses depend on deer hunters)? To decrease the number of hunters would only serve to raise license fees and supplant research, I for one do not want either of those. I also understand where dipper is coming from with his statement about the DNR being a huge monster with an almost insatiable appetite for funding and I don't think he's "being a dick" as he so eloquently stated, his comments contain much fact. But to that end, even real life huge monsters like lions and cape buffalo are hard to "kill" or even slow down, they don't just go away peacefully. Our DNR isn't going anywhere, it is not likely to slow down, and whether or not a person agrees with the money they spend on wildlife "research" projects is irrelevant, those projects are going to continue and the "monster" will continue to be fed by funding from deer hunters be it 100,000 or 600,000. dipper, I don't care about feeding the DNR more money, it will come from somewhere, but I would prefer to keep the cost of a license down to a reasonable amount by maintaining hunter numbers, which possibly means adding more deer. Also, as far as the research goes, I would rather have a DNR at the forefront of deer management research and policies than one that is dragging it's feet like MN, go ahead and ask those guys which they prefer at this point. I guess if all the other DNR's "leach" off our research, then so be it as long as we have a healthy and thriving deer population in WI and the majority of hunters are happy with their quality of hunting. The biggest thing I see is the fact that all too many hunters are still "living" in the 90's and early 2000's when the herd was high and hunting was "easy", this is the mindset that needs to be changed through more realistic expectations, not by decreasing the total numbers of hunters. If everyone's expectations were even 1 notch lower than they are today, they would complain much less. No one "needs" to see 10 deer per sit, that is unrealistic, but it would be nice to have enough deer that a person has a reasonable expectation of seeing a deer each sit or every other sit.

On your last comment Tree, you say that the 600,000 have "very little influence", I'm not sure how you come up with that statement? Was it the pressure of a few tens or even a few hundred guys who got the last audit proceedings started, no it was pressure on politicians from many thousands of guys that got those changes moving forward. Don't kid yourself, unless you are the Koch Bros., the strength in numbers is the only thing that is keeping the DNR from doing things exactly as they see fit and damning the hunters to follow their every whim. Again, ask the guys from MN how the low numbers of guys they have on board with the changes they seek is helping their cause, Brooks and many others are on here and other websites every day trying to get the "masses" to buy into their cause. They know that the couple hundred guys on this site aren't going to get it done and if they do not get more voices in the ears of the politico's they have literally no chance of anything changing. If that was going to happen, it would already be done. Ask yourself, is that what I really want in WI? Because that is exactly what you will get without the "backing"(i.e. strength in numbers) of the 600,000. I don't think this is how you are trying to come across, but you appear to have a skewed view of the way the political style of wildlife management(just in case you hadn't noticed, it's not going away either) is handled. Do you actually think the DNR or State Legislature gives a crap about the opinions of a few thousand of WI's "best" deer hunters, hell no they don't. They care about the opinions of 600,000 potential voters and they have asked for more deer on the landscape, and that is how and why the "Dr. Deer Audit" proceedings were initiated, not through requests from a few hunters who thought we could make WI's deer herd/hunting quality better through less funding and regulation and a smaller group of hunters. As far as "rethinking the strategy" I am open to hearing whatever suggestions anyone has, as long as I cannot shoot them full of holes right out of the gate as I have done with so many already. I have thought long and hard about it the last few years during many days sitting in the stand while not seeing a deer(I surely haven't had to think or worry about seeing anything to shoot at) and many nights laying awake wondering why is it like it is and what can I do to change it or is it worth even hunting anymore? Every guy doesn't have to be as gung-ho as you or I, they just have to have enough "go" to make their voices heard and they have spoken, which is why we got the DTR audit and the changes we have now and coming in the future. Sure we still have to wait a bit to see how it will all play out, but if something wasn't at least started by now, I feel we would have lost many more hunters already and the results would have been increased license fees to make up for lost funding, and we would still have minimal amounts of deer in many places. We may never agree on the "how", but I really do think that we all want the same end result, which is more and healthier deer where we have too few and a thinner healthier herd where there are too many. Maybe it's time to get as many "on the fence" guys as possible on board to the same level we are by talking to them and asking them to get more involved to get the changes they(we) want and put even more pressure on the DNR to do things "our" way?
Yup, that is true NoFo, but the fact remains that the DNR's are still paying the yearly salaries of those folks involved on their end and that is not going to change. If it was, the Universities would just do the studies on their own with their own people on privately owned properties and most likely wouldn't bother to involve the DNR's at all. The U's involve the DNR's because in the end the ultimate user of the data will be the state DNR's, and if the U's can get the state involved, they get some very smart folks and "free" labor from those DNR people that are helping with the research.
The vast majority of wildlife research funding comes from the feds thru a university prof. Who than does a joint project with a state dnr. My son will get a free masters degree and 20 k/ year to work on one of these research projects. Google texas a and m job board/ click graduate assistanship and read away. Most recent projects? Iowa state- how wind turbines affect pheasant reproduction uw and umin have multiple research projects going at anytime. Uwm- lake michigan sport fishing Uw- gb- how the shoreline of gb affect walleye and smallmouth fishing. U tennesse- effectiveness of aerial bat counts. The university research projects are almost endless.

My brother got his Masters from Texas A & M in this manner.
did the Feds fund wis deer winter deer mortality study? Did they buy that 200 acres up north for those browse study?
I don't have anything wrong with studies, my point is other states benefit on the backs of wi hunters.
The dnr has to be very careful increasing tags prices, these will just loose more hunters. To me, that's what they did with turkeys. Is a turkey lc more than a deer lc? I haven't bought one in 7 years, but I like turkey yum yum
did the Feds fund wis deer winter deer mortality study? Did they buy that 200 acres up north for those browse study?
I don't have anything wrong with studies, my point is other states benefit on the backs of wi hunters.
The dnr has to be very careful increasing tags prices, these will just loose more hunters. To me, that's what they did with turkeys. Is a turkey lc more than a deer lc? I haven't bought one in 7 years, but I like turkey yum yum
dipper, here you go. From the Milwaukee J/S website:

The research is a partnership of the Department of Natural Resources and University of Wisconsin. Andrew Norton and Camille Warbington, UW graduate students, have been leading the studies of adult deer and fawns, respectively. More than 1,000 volunteers have participated in the work over the last four years.
The work has been conducted near Winter to represent the northern forest ecosystem and near Shiocton in the eastern farmland region. Researchers placed radio-collars on deer to determine home ranges, habits and sources of mortality.
The studies are being paid for with money from the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Fund, an excise tax on firearms, ammunition and other hunting and archery supplies.

Keep in mind, as I said, the DNR employees that are involved, however many that is, are being paid by state money.
Wi is getting real serious about cutting back on buck tags up north and increasing the amount of buck tags and length of season. They want the buck numbers reduced in the lower 2/3rds of the state.
This is an email I got today. I'd suggest taking the survey and protecting what little amount of bucks are left.


Your chance to comment on the proposed Wisconsin Deer Trustee Rule

I trust dnrdtrfeedback@wisconsin.gov. Always show content.

Help shape the future of deer management in Wisconsin—provide input on the Deer Trustee Report permanent rules package.

Last year, the Department of Natural Resources implemented several Deer Trustee Report recommendations to create the new rules for the 2014 deer hunting seasons. These temporary rules are set to expire in June 2015. The Department is seeking public comments on a permanent version of the rules. Public hearings will be held throughout the state January 20 to 27, and an online form will be made available to the public during the same period.

Because you have demonstrated an interest in deer management, we would like to provide you early access to the online public input form. All comments and responses will remain anonymous. Please click the following link to access the online form:

Deer Trustee Rule – Public Input Form

The online form will be available until midnight on February 1, and the Natural Resources Board will be taking final action on this rule proposal at their February 25 meeting.

If you do not wish to receive any further emails about providing feedback on the Deer Trustee Rule, please click the following link to opt out.

Thank you in advance for providing your feedback on this important regulation package.


Tom Hauge, Director

Bureau of Wildlife Management
What the hell is with questions 10 and 11? Are they asking if we want to have a season when only does are targeted for the whole season or are they talking about an early 4 day hunt like we have now? Question 11 - 2 days to hunt bucks and then antlerless only? It worked in Buffalo Co for years, but I didn't know this was proposed at all by the Kroll Report?
I took it as a 4 day holiday doe, and an additional 4 day holiday buck with that. Basically more bucks shot, or did I not read it thoroughly enough?
What the hell is with questions 10 and 11? Are they asking if we want to have a season when only does are targeted for the whole season or are they talking about an early 4 day hunt like we have now? Question 11 - 2 days to hunt bucks and then antlerless only? It worked in Buffalo Co for years, but I didn't know this was proposed at all by the Kroll Report?

When I put this in a post about a month ago, I was told it was BS. This is what the DNR has coming to counties with high deer numbers. The DNR person told me that depending on how far over goal the county was would be how they go about it. wisc they are not talking about 4 day season they are talking about 9 day gun season.
When I put this in a post about a month ago, I was told it was BS. This is what the DNR has coming to counties with high deer numbers. The DNR person told me that depending on how far over goal the county was would be how they go about it. wisc they are not talking about 4 day season they are talking about 9 day gun season.
I selected "opposed" to anything outside the "normal" WI hunting rules either way, I also left comments to the affect that they would see the kill and license sales go down if they imposed any of those rules. Noone hunts the December seasons now due to the cold and the inability to harvest bucks, they would lose hunters even during the 9 day season if it were 2 day bucks and antlerless for the remainder, everyone would pack up and stay home after opening weekend, especially if the weather were like the last 2 years. Antlerless only for the whole archery and gun season, good luck selling one tag. Idiotic to even consider rules like that.
I selected "opposed" to anything outside the "normal" WI hunting rules either way, I also left comments to the affect that they would see the kill and license sales go down if they imposed any of those rules. Noone hunts the December seasons now due to the cold and the inability to harvest bucks, they would lose hunters even during the 9 day season if it were 2 day bucks and antlerless for the remainder, everyone would pack up and stay home after opening weekend, especially if the weather were like the last 2 years. Antlerless only for the whole archery and gun season, good luck selling one tag. Idiotic to even consider rules like that.

My guess this is going to be a leverage to get hunters to shoot more antlerless deer and probably will not be put in effect. Sort of like a few years ago when earn-a- buck was around and they kept telling the hunters up north if they didn't shoot more deer that they would make the unit earn-a-buck.
Remember Steve saying he was told by a good source they would love to have 5dpsm. While they realize that won't fly they will try to come off like they are helping us (providing more opportunity) while having the ability to keep the herd just high enough to keep us all from quitting.

CWD is highest in older bucks so that seems like that could be the reasoning to kill more bucks. Or is it too far fetched to think the reason would be to get us serious hunter out of the picture leaving the brown is down crowd to do their bidding.

Its going to be more important than ever to work with your neighbors and decide what kind of harvest your area should have.
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Any over the counter state would be flooded with WI hunters given a doe only season. I dare them to try it, actually I double dog dare them to see what a fail it would be.
CWD is highest in older bucks so that seems like that could be the reasoning to kill more bucks. .
I'm not sure I saw anything that would lead me to believe they want to kill more bucks, to the contrary, they proposed antlerless only season for the whole year, all weapons, no bucks killed and buck for 2 days and antlerless for the rest of the gun season, minimal bucks killed. The questions about allowing additional bucks to be killed during additional seasons were to "bait" guys into agreeing to the late seasons in the other zones, not to increase the buck kill, even though they made it look like they were proposing increased opportunity to kill bucks and they made it look that way with clever wording.
Sorry but central farmland bonus bucks and allowing bucks killed during the holiday hunt is what exactly?
Bait! To get guys into the woods to raise the antlerless kill. Don't be duped by this "gesture" of good faith to the buck hunters. That is for the Fudd's. Do you really think that any hunter that would hunt those seasons would pass all does and ONLY shoot bucks? Not likely. Sure, of course you would kill more bucks, but the doe harvest would increase as well, and the kill numbers would most likely run the same percentages as they do during the regular 9 day season. They didn't propose a Buck-Only Holiday Hunt did they? They aren't making any of those proposals specifically to increase the buck kill, or they would have a December 4-Day Buck only hunt, I didn't see one of those either. They are counting on guys heading to the woods and they don't care if you see bucks or does, what they are counting on is that you will pull the trigger either way so as to not be wasting your time in the snow and cold and not harvesting anything. Remember they tried the whole 16 day gun season in the past and the 7 extra days did nothing to help increase the kill by more than a few percentage points.