Live from the stand thread

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Still after it, have a few shooters around that have all been around at night. We got 8" of snow yesterday and some cold today, hoping they show up earlier. So far, only 29 hen turkeys.

Burrrrr….its 17 and windy in the ground blind. I had one of my targets on camera today and this is close to a travel route.
All summer and fall, the deer on my place have not had consistent feeding patterns. 10-15 on the alfalfa one evening and only two or three for the next 3-7 days. Same thing for standing corn plots. I had been blaming the bears in the area.

I had seen fishers quite often and have a video of a large male one in our windbreak where our dog treed it. My neighbor trapped a pair and the male was the largest he has ever seen.

Would this exceptionally large fisher change deer feeding patterns?

I will add that I don’t think we had any wolves in the area this summer and fall. At least not consistently present.
Any luck my man?
Nope, I believe I heard him going through just north of me around 5:00 pm. I had a favorable wind (except from the staying warm perspective). There are two primary travel routes from the food plot he was in. This blind covers one, however the other goes through a doe bedding area 50 yards to the north. This may be an opportunity to hinge cut a couple trees.
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Still after it, have a few shooters around that have all been around at night. We got 8" of snow yesterday and some cold today, hoping they show up earlier. So far, only 29 hen turkeys.

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I hunted this week a couple sits, I saw 73 birds Tuesday evening. Several Jakes. Very very encouraging
Since when does Illinois have a 3rd gun season

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Ok didn’t realize it was a thing. Our DNR wants every single gd deer dead. They don’t manage deer as much as they try to f***ing obliterate every single one.

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On the home farm for the last hunt of the season and last of year 36. Hoping 37 has some good adventures and memories in store. Ready for another wild trip around the sun.

Edit: figured I'd update. No skinheads in range. But did have one of my target bucks this fall come to within 25. Course that's how it works out when u only have an antlerless tag left. Glad to see he made it. Should be a good one next fall.
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Enjoying the final senior hunt for nursing home residents on opening day of the muzzleloader (alternative methods) season here in Ashland, Missouri. Had two come up 20 yards from the blind, but the CVA Wolf malfunctioned for this octogenarian hunter.

Hunting with my granddaughter this AM before work. We’re in a mobile blind between food, bedding and water. Steady 30 mph winds from the NW.
Sitting in the box blind with my flintlock on the last hunt of 2024. I wanted to be sitting about 200 yards in front of where I'm at but it was raining when I walked out the back door so staying dry took precedent. Of course the rain quit and now it's to late to move up.

Happy New Year everyone.
Went to my place in Jackson GA on Sunday to take care of a few things and managed 3 sits. Saw some squirrels, a cat and birds, but no deer this trip. Thinking about calling it for the remainder of the season.
Hunting with my granddaughter this AM before work. We’re in a mobile blind between food, bedding and water. Steady 30 mph winds from the NW.
We didn't see anything this morning, and my 7 y.o. granddaughter and son had to return to Kansas today. Sure enough, her target buck--Dangles--returned at 4:11 today on two cameras.

I found deer remains (coyotes) about 100 yards from where she pulled the trigger on a deer a couple of days ago when she was out with her dad. It was in the opposite direction they thought the deer had gone. Never was a blood trail despite the 50 cal. M/L. Sadly this one didn't end up in my freezer.

I hope to get out a few more times before season's end, and my son and I both have our buck tags left, so he is planning on returning next weekend.
First hunt of 2025! Probably shoulda listened to that voice in my head that said stay in bed you big goof it’s spitting rain..then I walked outside and the wind’s blowing 20 mph gusting to about 40 or least they probably didn’t hear me sneak in…
In the good news category the warm weather recently has made my rye pop a little…