Live from the stand thread

Many a doe and several midsize bucks have only made it due to my sheer laziness

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I need to have that made into a sign at the mall and hang it over my patio everytime I grill venison steaks or chops. Wish I could put a hundred backstraps in the freezer each year.
I’m sooooooooo bad about shooting does because I don’t want to ever mess with them. I come up with every excuse under the sun. I always hunt by myself and generally off a bike so I’d have to go get the sxs, struggle to get it loaded, get my pole and tools out, clean it, dump the body, take it to town to process or donate and then clean up. Or…I could watch them, take a nice ride back to the cabin, have a beer, make some dinner, and go to bed. The reality is I need to make the investment to set up an efficient cleaning station to where I don’t dread it as much because I need some does gone.
I’m sooooooooo bad about shooting does because I don’t want to ever mess with them. I come up with every excuse under the sun. I always hunt by myself and generally off a bike so I’d have to go get the sxs, struggle to get it loaded, get my pole and tools out, clean it, dump the body, take it to town to process or donate and then clean up. Or…I could watch them, take a nice ride back to the cabin, have a beer, make some dinner, and go to bed. The reality is I need to make the investment to set up an efficient cleaning station to where I don’t dread it as much because I need some does gone.
Haha, i was with you til you said struggle to get it loaded. Dawgs don't you run like thousand mile marathons?! I agree though... definitely have to be in the right mind when it comes to doe harvest. Just gotta get to work. You can still multi task and have a beer while lifting a doe onto the tailgate.
Haha, i was with you til you said struggle to get it loaded. Dawgs don't you run like thousand mile marathons?! I agree though... definitely have to be in the right mind when it comes to doe harvest. Just gotta get to work. You can still multi task and have a beer while lifting a doe onto the tailgate.
Hahaha all that means is I have a frail runners body!
My damn sxs is lifted so manhandling a potato sack up there sucks. I got a ramp this year to try.
Hahaha all that means is I have a frail runners body!
My damn sxs is lifted so manhandling a potato sack up there sucks. I got a ramp this year to try.
Some years ago, I bought a Polar plastic tub trailer. (there are other good brands out there too). Mine tilts and swivels making it relatively easy to load a deer by yourself. I pull mine with our SxS. Then I drive the carcass between two posts with a pole above. Crank it up with a mounted winch.....butt down.....leaving the trailer below. I gut ours into that trailer......and do not contaminate the kill site with more blood and guts so we can hunt there soon after. We use shoulder length vinyl gloves with a pair of more durable plastic gloves over the top. Quick and clean.

Gutting may take 10 to 20 minutes depending on the skill of the hunter. We then take an old broom and a few gallons of water to a dump site where the contents of the trailer are dumped and the trailer washed out for the next user. Easy / peasy. I got room for up to five deer on our buck pole....but we have never filled it to capacity.

I've often thought a dedicated room (with heat and water) and a stainless steel table to cut and debone the meat would be nice......but it aint going to happen. We get along pretty well as said above. All our meat goes to the butcher for processing with hides attached.

Poor pic below. Only showing half of the pole set up and the winch.

buck pole.jpeg
I’m sooooooooo bad about shooting does because I don’t want to ever mess with them. I come up with every excuse under the sun. I always hunt by myself and generally off a bike so I’d have to go get the sxs, struggle to get it loaded, get my pole and tools out, clean it, dump the body, take it to town to process or donate and then clean up. Or…I could watch them, take a nice ride back to the cabin, have a beer, make some dinner, and go to bed. The reality is I need to make the investment to set up an efficient cleaning station to where I don’t dread it as much because I need some does gone.

Otter ice fishing sled and a tow strap to hook onto your SxS hitch. Lay the deer next to the sled, roll it in and off you go.

…..struggle to get it loaded………
I remember the days of physically lifting a deer into the bed of the mule, or onto the back of a 4-wheeler - WHEW! Now I stand this sled on its side next to the deer with the deers legs held up, and just roll it in. I also have a boat trailer winch attached to a tree with a cable through a pulley on a beefy limb that makes hoisting, field dressing, and loading in the back of the truck a piece of cake. Without these tools, I’d pass on a lot of deer also!

Otter ice fishing sled and a tow strap to hook onto your SxS hitch. Lay the deer next to the sled, roll it in and off you go.

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Beat me to it!
I just don’t know how well sleds would handle my roads. I have some loose rock hills that would make life interesting
This is what I use. Doesn't get much easier.20240630_094517.jpg
I take the meat off the bones and leave the carcass. I don't have to drag or worry about disposal of parts after. I put the meat in a cooler and then process at home. I used to have a setup with i-beams, winches, a roof, lights, concrete, water, etc, but I prefer to just take the meat off in the field.
I’m sooooooooo bad about shooting does because I don’t want to ever mess with them. I come up with every excuse under the sun. I always hunt by myself and generally off a bike so I’d have to go get the sxs, struggle to get it loaded, get my pole and tools out, clean it, dump the body, take it to town to process or donate and then clean up. Or…I could watch them, take a nice ride back to the cabin, have a beer, make some dinner, and go to bed. The reality is I need to make the investment to set up an efficient cleaning station to where I don’t dread it as much because I need some does gone.
I started being more liberal with inviting friends over. Particularly friends with kids. The old "hey do you want your kid to get a doe?" I also have a buddy that hasn't killed many deer in his life and only one buck. I invited him to come shoot a deer. My dad refuses to shoot any does unless he has a place he can just drop it off. I always end up saying to myself I live 45 minutes away and it's 6:30 at night. Do I want to get home at 9 or 10 for a doe? But I'll sure as hell load one up for a friend and send them on their way. haha
I take the meat off the bones and leave the carcass. I don't have to drag or worry about disposal of parts after. I put the meat in a cooler and then process at home. I used to have a setup with i-beams, winches, a roof, lights, concrete, water, etc, but I prefer to just take the meat off in the field.
Not even legal to break em down before transport in MN.. But I think i'd want to minimize the human disturbance on my postage stamp and get them out with minimal time and scent as well.

I'm with ya @Howboutthemdawgs - Shooting a doe would mean a late night of work and follow up with packaging or a stop by the processor the following day. The following day usually has work or family plans so its way more desirable to just watch and go home to relax with a beer. Same story with little bucks so I've been nothing but a deer watcher for the last few years.
Not even legal to break em down before transport in MN.. But I think i'd want to minimize the human disturbance on my postage stamp and get them out with minimal time and scent as well.

I'm with ya @Howboutthemdawgs - Shooting a doe would mean a late night of work and follow up with packaging or a stop by the processor the following day. The following day usually has work or family plans so its way more desirable to just watch and go home to relax with a beer. Same story with little bucks so I've been nothing but a deer watcher for the last few years.
Part of the reason for leaving everything in the field is to minimize the spread of anything outside the area. Minimizing disturbance/scent/sound is another reason I just take the meat and go. It's quicker and quieter than finding the deer then making a trip back and forth to get machinery and then back out and possibly dragging some too.
Not even legal to break em down before transport in MN.. But I think i'd want to minimize the human disturbance on my postage stamp and get them out with minimal time and scent as well.

I'm with ya @Howboutthemdawgs - Shooting a doe would mean a late night of work and follow up with packaging or a stop by the processor the following day. The following day usually has work or family plans so it’s way more desirable to just watch and go home to relax with a beer. Same story with little bucks so I've been nothing but a deer watcher for the last few years.
As I was passing on more does this am I also had this thought. If I were to shoot a doe with my bow and lose or damage the arrow…that’s $35 every time. That adds up!
I also have a rule where im definitely not shooting a doe if the high is above 70
As I was passing on more does this am I also had this thought. If I were to shoot a doe with my bow and lose or damage the arrow…that’s $35 every time. That adds up!
I also have a rule where im definitely not shooting a doe if the high is above 70
I sometimes think about the nickels and dimes adding up but then I remember I have invested several hundred thousands of dollars and it brings me back to reality.