Live from the stand thread

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^ reckon only the ones that could suck the crome off a bumper eh..


Ended up on the ground a couple rows in the corn due to a slight wind variance than called for.

Between an apple tree and some of the only water left on the property.

Gunna be threading the needle wind wise.
Itā€™s another toasty day as our drought continues. However, when my wife said, ā€œare you going huntingā€ I took that as a sign I needed to be out. 84 degrees (and who knows how much hotter in this black hard-sided blind). The buck in the picture has shown up at this location a couple of time in the last minute of shooting light, so maybeā€¦just maybe he will come by tonight. The ENE wind is right for this blind. I parked the UTV downwind along the cedar line so the setup should work if the deer cooperates.

Follow-Up: The view from the blind did not include any deer. Game cameras picked up some does and fawns on the east side of the tree line in the picture.
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Hunting at night again. Camera picks up nothing.
How do you hunt at night? Occasionally shine a spotlight? Thermal scope?
I really shouldn't ask, but do you find a lot of women hanging out behind your... hitch?

For some reason, I do find a lot of women sitting on the back of my care when I come out of the grocery store. And the chrome is long gone.

But in all honesty, it's a standard hitch. We only have one type here, which is convenient. On a BMW they have to attach it underneath, but the hitch on my little car is rated for a metric ton. I got a rear wheel drive diesel 4 cylinder 5 door. I've had a small female red deer inside on a tarp by laying the back seats down.
How do you hunt at night? Occasionally shine a spotlight? Thermal scope?

I have very good eyesight, and the frost makes the food plot almost glow in the ambient light. A full moon makes it even easier.
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Deer are on their feet early. Had 2 smoothies come past a water hole at 5:30.

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It would be very weird to be on your own property and strangers just hiking
It gets even more weird when they either ignore you, or they tell you how they shot, wounded, and left two deer, and then drive a 1/4 mile to shoot another, and they are the children of a judge.
Opening day in PA. I've seen 9 so far and had a decent 8 under 20 but he came in behind me and stood right in the open for a perfect shot but I didn't want to spook him so I wasn't able to pick up my longbow. It's a long season and he's a regular. Sitting in a ladder on the edge of a grapevine thicket listening to acorns fall.IMG_20241005_091629578.jpg
Cheatin...... backtard goodplot inside trsiler.

My bird brain was looking fir the ground blind. Blew apartbin the eibd last year and threw it out.

Does Smoke from a wood fired pool heater count as a cover scent?
Had a pretty epic 27 hours of hunting this week. Makes me feel good when my seemingly never ending habitat work comes to fruition. The ten pt my daughter killed was not the one we were after. She and I were in a ground blind and saw the deer coming. I just saw it straight on and thought it wasnt quite wide enough. It milled around some where she could see it and I couldnt. She said it has five pts on one side and I said shoot it - she did. Wasnt the big one, but still a nice deer. Probably her only weekend to hunt for at least the next couple months
Well thatā€™s gorgeous. What all is going in that field?

I had 2 acres of corn that I abandoned due to over browse by deer and weed pressure.

Turned those 2 acres and a little more into a mix of buckwheat, oats, radish, peas, beans, HV, and rye. What you see is flowering buckwheat.

Also have 2/3 acres of brassicas and 1/3 acres of perennial clover. Switchgrass strip down the middle to force a pinch near the blind.

I won't have the late season draw here that I normally do, hope to get it done earlier this year and then see what rolls in for gun season.
Itā€™s hot and dry per usual so my plot is producing enough tonnage for a couple rabbits but the wind was right so here I am. Is there anything worse than a cough you canā€™t control in the stand. Iā€™m chewing gum, cough drops, drinking water to keep the beast at bay. My wife kicked me out yesterday cause I have a 100 temp with a 1 month old in the house and told me to come to the farm. Because Iā€™m a warrior I decided as long as Iā€™m hereā€¦