I connected tonight.
I knew someone was bound to let the air out of one.
I connected tonight.
That sir is one nice buck! Congrats!I connected tonight.
Congrats!I connected tonight.
Looks like that was a good choice then! Congrats! I would rather see someone who puts in their time and effort shoot a deer like that, way better than some weekend warrior Fudd getting lucky when someone just chases a random deer past them. Not that they shouldn't shoot deer like that, but it is good to see someone deserving get a nice deer!Wiscwhip, this is the 8pt that I posted in the trailcam section and you mentioned if the neighbors would take him and then I put him on the hitlist. I've passed up alot of bucks over the years. Last bow buck I shot was a 150" 10pt in 2005.
Living through you guys for the most part lately. Wind has been a killer here. 30-40 mph here today gusts into the 50s. I guess if I had access to some standing corn fields to still hunt today would be the day!
Pretty sure a badger is calling my bunker blind home. I have to sit right in front of this hole.
That is so last year....Just checked trailcam pics. Gonna take up bowling now
I'll take that ghost over a pissed off badger.Just checked trailcam pics. Gonna take up bowling now
I'll take that ghost over a pissed off badger.
I had a badger near one of my bow stands last year. Looked to be 30-40 lbs of low to the ground muscle & torque. Watched him dig a hole he could crawl into in minutes ... would not want to get anywhere near their claws ....