5 year old buck +
Congrats on a super buck and the mag story, Steve!!
I had pictures of him still working scrapes today. Hope to see what he looks like this fall.Stud.
I was saying you! The deer are nice tooI had pictures of him still working scrapes today. Hope to see what he looks like this fall.
Congrats on the gobbler, Native!! Pic looks like more seed turkeys for another day.
What variety (s) of white clover in those pics?? Healthy stuff whatever it is.
Is your last pic "mock orange" ?? Mom had a bush of it - and your pic looks very similar.
Those mock orange flowers give off a scent that's incredible. Mom had a mock orange bush in her backyard garden, and when it bloomed, all the neighbors loved the scent from those flowers. Bees seemed to flock to them too - it was alive with all kinds. No deer in the suburban yards where I grew up - so her mock orange was safe!!Bows, that is a ladino clover that I bought from a local feed store. It's not a named variety, but it does seem to be pretty good stuff. That is indeed a mock orange. I found it growing wild in my tree planting. The deer had been browsing it, so I left it to watch it a little closer. I wasn't able to ID it for sure until it flowered, but those flowers are a dead give away. Thanks for checking in, and have a great day.