Thought I'd share some pics from this weekend's pheasant hunt.
Temps were warmer (30's, 40's) than they had been, so I thought birds could be in any cover. But, I found them all close/in the cattails. My GSP flushed 2 separate hens off her nose just outside the cattails as we headed toward them. I say flushed off her nose since she naturally is a bit wild and doesn't like to point when she's on a trail - I'm ok with it, I'm used to labs. We continued toward the thick cattails and she got hot and burst in. Within seconds, a hen flushed. Then, the rest of the clan joined in and 5 more birds flushed almost simultaneously. I was a little far away and thought they all looked like hens. Of course, a rooster let out some cackles as they were 50+ yards out. I headed across the cattails and flushed a rooster 5-10 yards away. He was headed in the direction of a house, so I let him go. Went home empty handed, but it was a fun hunt.
Took some pics as I walked. I've always enjoyed looking at the makeup of the land and looking at habitat changes I could make. I snapped pics of the lowlands mostly, a mix of cattails, red osier dogwood, tag alder, reed canary. Anyone have an ID on the 3rd shrub with the bulbs? Or the second to last pic of the shrub? (elderberry?)