5 year old buck +
I hope you get him, Native. He's a dandy.
Wow what a rack! Wish we had more of them like that in Minnesota!
Huge congrats! The deer is incredible. Amazes me how some bucks will bust off every point they own fighting, and then ones like yours don't have so much as a chip. I admired so many pics of that buck this year... was sorta worried that when you finally got him he'd have a bunch of stuff missing! Enjoy it NH!
Looks good! Take advantage of the weather while you have it.Since we have killed our deer for the season, I have been taking advantage of the warm days whenever possible - doing work at my farm. I've already started the mowing in the orchard I usually do in the spring with the DR Walk Behind Mower. After 15 years of hard use and no maintenance other than just oil changes and general stuff, I finally had a bigger problem. I had to replace the rear end. However, it was no big deal at all, and they had the parts almost immediately. When I spread the cost out over 15 years, it seemed like almost nothing.
I'm hard on this machine. It will cut down anything that you can ride down.
Also doing a little field mowing early so that the spring turkeys will have a path to the food plots. They don't dare come unless you open up a road for them.
Also opening up some new shooting lanes and removing sections of internal fence. Now is the time to do these things and not later when it is close to hunting season.
While opening up a new shooting lane, I discovered this grove of hazelnuts. I had never seen them before, and now I will do a little yearly maintenance around these in the spring.
I have also discovered new persimmon trees like the one shown below. I am constantly amazed at how persimmons come up on this farm. It's a persimmon mecca.
I would bet that one or both of the big deer we killed this year did these. They also did something I had never seen - beat down the tops of two cages to get to some pines.
Food plots are holding their own in this mild winter. These plots are being used heavily by about 20 resident deer. Will check cams soon and see if anything new is around.
Best wishes and Merry Christmas everyone. They are showing 60 degree weather right after Christmas here, and if that is the case, I will be out with the DR Mower and my Chainsaws working like a borrowed mule!
Looking good Native! Wish we had the hazelnuts growing wild here, I noticed the catkins on my planted ones the other day too. March is my busy time clearing shooting lanes trimming and planting trees. I'm still trying to put a buck on the ground...I might have been too picky this year.