Native Hunter
5 year old buck +
Some awesome pictures. I love any pictures with terrain. I only frequent flat ground.
Thanks. Your mower looks like it does a good job cutting through that rye.
Some awesome pictures. I love any pictures with terrain. I only frequent flat ground.
Native - Nice gobbler !! All the pix in post #633 show you're clearly doing something wrong !!! - - - - MAN, what nice looking plots. Fruit set looks great too. Nice flock of turkeys. Big gobblers there strutting. A-OK at your place.
Did Dad smoke the yote ??
That's a cool plan your Dad has - almost like a lure for the yotes. Please tell him good luck on the dogs. It sounds like he knows their habits as far as mowed fields go.
That's interesting that the decoy suckered the yote you shot.
Looks great. My brother and I are supposed to pick up our deer Monday. I hope we like them. Told the taxidermist to put them on the form he felt was best. He is the pro after all. Fingers crossed.
Well Steve - you've got lots of diversity at your places. Critter smorgasbord and it ALL looks good. Those mulberries are making my mouth water. I hope you'll get some of those for the family ?? Blueberries look great too. Deer growing good racks for you ………… no surprise there. Wall décor is pretty impressive - nice bucks !! Slice of heaven you have going on there !!
I wish we could grow hazelnuts and mulberries at camp - waste of time with bears. Mulberry trees might go, but the birds would get 'em all - and if I'm going to put effort into them - I WANT some !!
Awesome! That corn should be great come October. I have hunted a lot in wood lots adjacent to corn, and it's fantastic.
X2Looks good! Looks like you just reload on the bucks each year.