A few habitat pics I thought you might enjoy

Totally agree...what is the ferny looking one you have with the yellow flowers? I've got some of that in my pasture this summer, the bees like it.

That is Partridge Pea. I planted that with the NWSGs. It’s one of the top quail plants. Makes little black seed that they love. It’s an annual but really competes well with NWSGs.
Great pix Native !! I see Joe Pye weed, jewel weed, goldenrod, partridge pea, - don't know what the lavender & darker purple flowers are in 2 separate pix. Buckwheat looks really good, too. Neighbor's beans for even more nutrition. Deer look happy & healthy. Cookin' on all burners there, Native.

You did a good job identifying the flowering plants. The lavender one is Ironweed. Not a good plant for deer but good for bugs and insects. I like just a little of it growing for the colors but wouldn't want it very thick.
That is Partridge Pea. I planted that with the NWSGs. It’s one of the top quail plants. Makes little black seed that they love. It’s an annual but really competes well with NWSGs.

Nice! I'm going to have to put more of that out next spring. I see it growing in the CRP strips of my little woods and along edges of ditches here.
Nice! I'm going to have to put more of that out next spring. I see it growing in the CRP strips of my little woods and along edges of ditches here.

Some varieties get taller and are more aggressive than others. My seed came from Roundstone Native Seed. You could ask them about what would be best for your area.
Will do, thanks!
I wasn't sure if that one flowering plant was Joe Pye weed or swamp milkweed. I couldn't really pick out the leaves, just the top flower cluster.
Looks good and your neighbors beans can only help you..
Looks good and your neighbors beans can only help you..

Bill, I feel good about those beans too. The extra nutrition during the summer should make a big difference.
Thought it might be time for a little update:

This is one of my dad's rigs. I've been using it a little lately instead of my big cab tractor to mow plots and just mowed shooting lanes with it. Worked like a charm.


There is a nice stream here, but you can't see it for the ugly weeds...;)


Food plots put in early this year because of the good rain forecast. Glad I went ahead. Got everything started good.





Chestnuts good this year.


Persimmons good this year. Some early ones beginning to ripen. Others still very green. That's what you want.



Some scenery.





Garden of Eden for the critters, Native !! The jewelweed likes the wetness along that stream. Not sure what some of the yellow flowers are in the other pix. Plots look great.
My camp uses a flat mower deck rig like your Dad's. PTO driven blade(s).
Feed those starving deer, would ya ??
Garden of Eden for the critters, Native !! The jewelweed likes the wetness along that stream. Not sure what some of the yellow flowers are in the other pix. Plots look great.
My camp uses a flat mower deck rig like your Dad's. PTO driven blade(s).
Feed those starving deer, would ya ??

Thanks Bows. There are 3 different yellow flowers in some of those pics - Partridge Pea, Tickseed Sunflower and Goldenrod. It is quite colorful on the place right now!
Place is beautiful as always.

We’re turning green finally. Rain rain rain!
You have some good candidates for the wall of your man cave Native. I remember when you posted pix of it a few years back. That one with all the stickers would dress up the
room pretty well !!
I thought I would update my thread with a few recent pics. First I wanted to post the pics of my son's buck that I posted in another thread. You can read the story in the live from the stand thread.







Sweet 14 is still alive. He came into my farm very early yesterday afternoon and I had pics of him at various locations all night long. Wish me luck when I start hunting him in two more weeks. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy.



Awesome! Congrats to you an your son! I been checking in every couple days in hopes of seeing you with a Kentucky buck on the ground! Nobody does it better than you and I am sure glad to see it pay off!
I just spent 2 days guiding my 7 yr old in Mo youth hunt. Couple opportunities that just didn't pan out. He blames me on one for not taking the safety off his ruger fast enough. Couldn't have been the ants in his pants lol
Good luck with 14!
Awesome! Congrats to you an your son! I been checking in every couple days in hopes of seeing you with a Kentucky buck on the ground! Nobody does it better than you and I am sure glad to see it pay off!
I just spent 2 days guiding my 7 yr old in Mo youth hunt. Couple opportunities that just didn't pan out. He blames me on one for not taking the safety off his ruger fast enough. Couldn't have been the ants in his pants lol
Good luck with 14!

Thanks Jordan. I have a feeling that over the next few years you will become a very experienced guide. And you will have enough help with those younguns you can start your own guide service. I hope you guys have some great hunts this year and keep us posted on the fun.
Thanks Jordan. I have a feeling that over the next few years you will become a very experienced guide. And you will have enough help with those younguns you can start your own guide service. I hope you guys have some great hunts this year and keep us posted on the fun.

Yep lots guiding services in the future:)
I been meaning to ask you how you cook your chestnut? I got about a 2 gallon bucket worth this yr. Cooked some last night at our youth deer camp and was not real impressed with the flavor. Very bland. You add anything to them? I remember you saying how much you loved eating them. Have any tricks to sweeten them up?
Yep lots guiding services in the future:)
I been meaning to ask you how you cook your chestnut? I got about a 2 gallon bucket worth this yr. Cooked some last night at our youth deer camp and was not real impressed with the flavor. Very bland. You add anything to them? I remember you saying how much you loved eating them. Have any tricks to sweeten them up?

I actually eat them raw. Let them set for a few weeks after you pick them up. Some of the moisture leaves and they shrink a little and get sweet. Some years worms are bad and you lose a lot. In a bad year 1/2 of them may be wormy. But, it's still easy to eat them. Split in half with a knife. Throw away any that are bad and eat the good ones.

This year I left most for the deer because I was busy. It looks like hogs wallowed under the trees - but we have no hogs.
I'm going to send you my X-Bow so you can get after Mr Sweet tomorrow :)

Good luck with him. Like Jordan I'm waiting for that horizontal pic.....