Back in the 70's we'd head to camp in northern Wisconsin on the Thursday before the opener, we'd hit the bar hard that night. Our tradition was to overindulge that night so Friday we'd be so hungover we wouldn't feel like drinking to much and feel so crappy we'd be in bed early so we'd get enough sleep to be fresh for Saturday morning! Oh to be young again! While at the bar we'd also get in the "Big buck pool" You would give the bar owner a dollar, he'd give you a sharpie, you'd write your name on an oversized sheet of paper listed on the wall, when you shot your buck and register it there he'd put the weight of the deer next to your name. At the end of the season who's ever deer weighed the most got all the money. The amount was usually in the $250 range. Well one year my buddy's B-I-L couldn't make it to camp until Friday, so after arriving in camp he wanted to head to the bar and get his name in the buck pool, my friend told him, no need, that he had payed the dollar and got his name in the pool. That weekend the B-I-L shot a 225# buck that easily would have won the pool. When he went to register it he looked for his name on the wall to write the weight down and you guessed it ,his name wasn't on the list, Seems my friend forgot to write his B-I-L name on the list during the Thursday night activities. That oversight did not go over well. Stay safe this weekend and have fun...