5 year old buck +
Obviously everyone’s heard about the tornadoes Friday night/early Saturday am that rolled through ky, well unfortunately we had a front row seat. Had a long time buddy fly in from Idaho and another come up from Ga for a farm weekend. Just a quick 2 day hang out/“hunt” weekend. I don’t know if it was from being busy at work or my lack of tv watching but that day I had no idea bad weather was coming. I knew it was unseasonably hot and getting cold fast so I figured it would be a little stormy and windy.
Friday afternoon we head up and get there about 4. It feels like may. Warm and sticky, we sat on the porch and listened to the crickets and birds and it felt odd. About 7 we had to make an impromptu trip into town to go the pharmacy as one buddy was having some asthma issues and was miserable. Fortunately my other friend is a doctor and could call him in a prescription. Walmart was the only place open. We walked in and they immediately ushered us in the back. Said they were under a code red for weather…that passed and about 8 we got our prescription and left. Lighting popping absolutely everywhere but still no wind and rain. An hour later this happened

So bullet dodge early. Then we go back to my cabin which is way off the road in a very sparsely populated area, no electricity, runs off a generator. So we are are pretty remote for that area of the world. Our phones are going crazy the whole time with alerts. We eat dinner and start watching the news. Things are getting real close by. Just before 11 I stepped out on the porch. My cabin sits on a high hill for the area and has a nice long view. Can’t remember if i stepped out because the news was showing a tornado close or it was because of the pure insane amount of lighting. As I’m watching the lighting I notice something that takes my breath away…we are watching the longest and most deadly tornado in ky history move across the landscape west to east in front of us. We quickly grab our phones to get a couple short videos but mostly we just watched in awe. Here is a screw grab because I don’t know how to post videos. Incredibly the time stamp on my video and the corresponding research we did the next morning using landmarks and google earth put us filming the tornado the exact time it is destroying the community of Bremen and killing 11 people. Very sobering.
We were sitting ducks if one had dropped down by us. Around 1am we had an event come through and blow about 50-60 for a few minutes and it was very very nerve racking. We honestly didn’t have a good plan…best we could come up with go in the metal shop and maybe get under the tractor but when you heard it picked a train off the tracks that felt like bringing a knife to a gunfight. We dodged a bullet for sure.
-the screen grab is the best I can do. The video is more dramatic

Friday afternoon we head up and get there about 4. It feels like may. Warm and sticky, we sat on the porch and listened to the crickets and birds and it felt odd. About 7 we had to make an impromptu trip into town to go the pharmacy as one buddy was having some asthma issues and was miserable. Fortunately my other friend is a doctor and could call him in a prescription. Walmart was the only place open. We walked in and they immediately ushered us in the back. Said they were under a code red for weather…that passed and about 8 we got our prescription and left. Lighting popping absolutely everywhere but still no wind and rain. An hour later this happened

So bullet dodge early. Then we go back to my cabin which is way off the road in a very sparsely populated area, no electricity, runs off a generator. So we are are pretty remote for that area of the world. Our phones are going crazy the whole time with alerts. We eat dinner and start watching the news. Things are getting real close by. Just before 11 I stepped out on the porch. My cabin sits on a high hill for the area and has a nice long view. Can’t remember if i stepped out because the news was showing a tornado close or it was because of the pure insane amount of lighting. As I’m watching the lighting I notice something that takes my breath away…we are watching the longest and most deadly tornado in ky history move across the landscape west to east in front of us. We quickly grab our phones to get a couple short videos but mostly we just watched in awe. Here is a screw grab because I don’t know how to post videos. Incredibly the time stamp on my video and the corresponding research we did the next morning using landmarks and google earth put us filming the tornado the exact time it is destroying the community of Bremen and killing 11 people. Very sobering.
We were sitting ducks if one had dropped down by us. Around 1am we had an event come through and blow about 50-60 for a few minutes and it was very very nerve racking. We honestly didn’t have a good plan…best we could come up with go in the metal shop and maybe get under the tractor but when you heard it picked a train off the tracks that felt like bringing a knife to a gunfight. We dodged a bullet for sure.
-the screen grab is the best I can do. The video is more dramatic