WI gun opener coming up

Looks like snow Friday afternoon thru Sat morning. Track too uncertain yet to give estimates. Temps will be cool I saw a low of 15 Sunday morning. Good thing I just picked up another pair of boot muffs for my son. They are the best for keeping your feet warm.

Do you have a link for what you use? My 2000 gram thinsulate boots keep my fett pretty warm.
Rut is dwindled to nothing, but there is always that big buck with some does.
Do you have a link for what you use? My 2000 gram thinsulate boots keep my fett pretty warm.

I have the Icebreaker boot blankets. I picked mine up at Fleet Farm. Think they were about $46. I just have on my 1000 gram rubber boots and throw a hand warmer in each boot blanket. Never had cold feet with them even on an all day sit in a hang on at 3 degrees. Get one size bigger as it makes them easier to put on.
Just scored 4 packer/bear seats and a 16 person limo from big falls to lambeau. 2 hunting camps will empty, back by midnite, in a tree in 6 hours? not!
Need any more? ;-).

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I got the inside scoop last night on a nice 12 pt that I will be targeting for opening morning. About a mile or so ESE of badgerfowl's place. 2 other 8 pt hanging out around the same property as well. I know chances are slim that we see any of them with pretty much no scouting, but it is hard not to get pumped up when you get inside info like that from a reliable source. Topo's and aerials are printed and marked with the intel and the game plan is in place. This is a large area of county forest, but there is a rather large QDM coop in the immediate area, so the fact these big boys are hanging around there is not surprising at all. Getting a bit more pumped up for the opener now!:D
On the plus side, less scouting = less disturbance. Anything can happen pretty much anywhere on opening day. Good luck out there.
4 pm today can not come soon enough. Pack the car tonight then off to camp first thing in the morning. Woo hoo. Should have a beer in my hand by 11am or so.
I agree, ^^^ except I will be here till 5:00. Not driving over until tomorrow mid-day though. Going to the range one last time bright and early tomorrow morning, packing the vehicles and on our way. We may just drive out to the area we are hunting and scout for other hunters, who knows maybe we see the 12 pt from the road? Not getting out of the vehicle though, like bueller said, less disturbance at this point is likely the ticket. I love the avatar bueller!
The WI opener shots should help break up the boringness of hunting just on the MN side of the border for me this weekend. Well, this afternoon through Sunday if I can make it, or don't shoot a buck sooner. Sleeping in the back of the truck under a topper, so it might get a bit chilly. Got a couple of heaters rigged and three sleeping bags along to try to make it through the nights.

Good luck everyone!

(Greta&Gus, I will be near your MN hunting neighborhood.)
Looks like the heavy snow may stay south of us.

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The WI opener shots should help break up the boringness of hunting just on the MN side of the border for me this weekend. Well, this afternoon through Sunday if I can make it, or don't shoot a buck sooner. Sleeping in the back of the truck under a topper, so it might get a bit chilly. Got a couple of heaters rigged and three sleeping bags along to try to make it through the nights.

Good luck everyone!

(Greta&Gus, I will be near your MN hunting neighborhood.)

Good Luck whip, and everyone else.
Looks like the heavy snow may stay south of us.

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Can't remember the last opener there was snow in Milwaukee and none in eagle River :confused: 10":eek:
Suppose to get 4-7 inches for us. I can only hope all the deer flock to our food plots and stay away from the neighbors lol
We won't get any snow at our cabin the way it looks

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I'm taking off today at 3:00 to make the grueling 70 min drive over to the cabin. Brother's and I will begin "getting ready" this evening......hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable hunt!
I'm taking off today at 3:00 to make the grueling 70 min drive over to the cabin. Brother's and I will begin "getting ready" this evening......hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable hunt!

Man...... Does it even pay to go with traveling that far?