My Experience Starting a Landowner Coop


5 year old buck +
Rather than highjacking Fair Oaks thread on buck numbers, I thought it would be appropriate to start a new threat sharing my experience starting the New Hope Creek Deer & Habitat Coop.

: Our property is 40 miles N of Kansas City, meaning most of the large farms from the previous century are breaking up. South towards the city are old farms interspersed with 3-5 acre "McMansions." Where we live and to the north are farms of 80-1200 acres interspersed with 10-20 acre hobby farms. My wife and I have 40 acres of grazing land purchased in 2015, a home on 20 acres added in 2017 and 65 acres of crop land last year. The section of land in our immediate area is about 30% hobby farms (10-20 acres), 40% crop land (corn/soy rotation) and 30% grazing land. Overall, 20% is wooded. The deer population is steady, CWD free and lacking age balance.

: Deer hunting, the freedom to exercise 2nd Amendment rights, getting out of the city and land ownership are the key motivators for "new comers," while farming and ranching are the objectives of the old timers. The common denominator is that most enjoy deer hunting and on opening day one can hear a chorus of gunfire. In talking with my immediate neighbors it became clear that while they were concerned about the lack of big bucks, the prevailing attitude was "4 points & brown its down" (we have a 4 point-on-one-side restriction in our area). As one neighbor told me, "If I don't shot him, you will" (which was not accurate, but was the impression he assumed all of his neighbors shared).

Getting Started: Following a positive conversation with the landowners immediately west and east of me about working to improve habitats and deer quality, I contacted a deer outreach specialist at the NDA. Following a phone conversation with in which she outlining the process based on "lessons learned," she sent me some helpful handouts and materials to share with my immediate neighbors. Specifically this included coop handouts, copies the 2022 Whitetail Report and Quality Whitetails magazine to give out . She also put me in touch with our state landowner specialist.

In April the NDA sent letters to all of the landowners in our immediate section and those whose properties bordered the section. This was a smaller area that I anticipated, but came to about 60 landowners. Sadly, the first mailing was delayed at the post office for over two weeks, and the planned event hosted by a local church was attended by five people--and just two landowners. We agreed to try again in the fall, and this time scheduled the event at our neighbor's house that had an open barn in case of rain. The weather was great, and the NDA letters arrived two days before the meeting--close but OK. Unfortunately, the invitations sent by the NDA asked for an RSVP and failed to include any contact information other than the address for the meeting. My neighbor and I went farm to farm on our UTVs inviting our neighbors--and met some great folks in the process! For example, I never knew that the neighbor north of us made commercial black walnut syrup, and the one just south was a full-time micro-farmer specializing in garlic. Nine landowners (11 persons) attended our Monday night meeting that featured grilled brats, brownies and a few other "bring a dish" items.
At the meeting we had some "deer observation" conservations, an ice-breaker led by our state landowner specialist, an aging contest led by the NDA rep who also shared insights on habitat management. The NDA rep shared some great stories from other coops and we enjoyed 90 minutes of talk deer, food and habitat management conversation.

The outcomes: It was agreed upon to pass small bucks and harvest does for meat, as everyone noted we saw way more does and fawns than bucks, new friendships formed, and a commitment to "watch out for each other" was voiced by all. We agreed to meet twice a year--before season and after season. During our spring meeting we will review the habitat improvements I am working on in partnerships with the USDA eqip program that has increased turkey, quail and pollinator presence on our property.

Lessons Learned:
The help of the NDA and Missouri Department of Conservation land specialists provided a helpful "this is legit" gravitas while in no way being overbearing. I appreciated that both agencies emphasized landowners rights and autonomy, which put to rest some of the initial concerns I heard voiced when inviting my neighbors
2) One non-deer huntering landowner attended because he wanted to get to know his neighbors. He was a long-time ranch owner and was excited to meet his neighbors. He actually indicated he might be interested in "trying to hunt." Lesson: A coop is about more than habitat and deer, although those are the primary objectives
3) It only takes two. The first "failed" meeting was nothing short of a success. That meeting allowed my neighbor and I to put together a list of neighbors and plan a strategy that led to the second meetings success. We also got to name the coop--by a unanimous vote of two landowners :-)
Thanks so much for sharing. I’m about 2.5 hrs north of you in Iowa and have considered starting a something like this. Knowing you got help from NDA and the state is helpful.

Anyone on here done something similar with state help in Iowa?

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Rather than highjacking Fair Oaks thread on buck numbers, I thought it would be appropriate to start a new threat sharing my experience starting the New Hope Creek Deer & Habitat Coop.

Background: Our property is 40 miles N of Kansas City, meaning most of the large farms from the previous century are breaking up. South towards the city are old farms interspersed with 3-5 acre "McMansions." Where we live and to the north are farms of 80-1200 acres interspersed with 10-20 acre hobby farms. My wife and I have 40 acres of grazing land purchased in 2015, a home on 20 acres added in 2017 and 65 acres of crop land last year. The section of land in our immediate area is about 30% hobby farms (10-20 acres), 40% crop land (corn/soy rotation) and 30% grazing land. Overall, 20% is wooded. The deer population is steady, CWD free and lacking age balance.

Motivation: Deer hunting, the freedom to exercise 2nd Amendment rights, getting out of the city and land ownership are the key motivators for "new comers," while farming and ranching are the objectives of the old timers. The common denominator is that most enjoy deer hunting and on opening day one can hear a chorus of gunfire. In talking with my immediate neighbors it became clear that while they were concerned about the lack of big bucks, the prevailing attitude was "4 points & brown its down" (we have a 4 point-on-one-side restriction in our area). As one neighbor told me, "If I don't shot him, you will" (which was not accurate, but was the impression he assumed all of his neighbors shared).

Getting Started: Following a positive conversation with the landowners immediately west and east of me about working to improve habitats and deer quality, I contacted a deer outreach specialist at the NDA. Following a phone conversation with in which she outlining the process based on "lessons learned," she sent me some helpful handouts and materials to share with my immediate neighbors. Specifically this included coop handouts, copies the 2022 Whitetail Report and Quality Whitetails magazine to give out . She also put me in touch with our state landowner specialist.

In April the NDA sent letters to all of the landowners in our immediate section and those whose properties bordered the section. This was a smaller area that I anticipated, but came to about 60 landowners. Sadly, the first mailing was delayed at the post office for over two weeks, and the planned event hosted by a local church was attended by five people--and just two landowners. We agreed to try again in the fall, and this time scheduled the event at our neighbor's house that had an open barn in case of rain. The weather was great, and the NDA letters arrived two days before the meeting--close but OK. Unfortunately, the invitations sent by the NDA asked for an RSVP and failed to include any contact information other than the address for the meeting. My neighbor and I went farm to farm on our UTVs inviting our neighbors--and met some great folks in the process! For example, I never knew that the neighbor north of us made commercial black walnut syrup, and the one just south was a full-time micro-farmer specializing in garlic. Nine landowners (11 persons) attended our Monday night meeting that featured grilled brats, brownies and a few other "bring a dish" items.
At the meeting we had some "deer observation" conservations, an ice-breaker led by our state landowner specialist, an aging contest led by the NDA rep who also shared insights on habitat management. The NDA rep shared some great stories from other coops and we enjoyed 90 minutes of talk deer, food and habitat management conversation.

The outcomes: It was agreed upon to pass small bucks and harvest does for meat, as everyone noted we saw way more does and fawns than bucks, new friendships formed, and a commitment to "watch out for each other" was voiced by all. We agreed to meet twice a year--before season and after season. During our spring meeting we will review the habitat improvements I am working on in partnerships with the USDA eqip program that has increased turkey, quail and pollinator presence on our property.

Lessons Learned:
The help of the NDA and Missouri Department of Conservation land specialists provided a helpful "this is legit" gravitas while in no way being overbearing. I appreciated that both agencies emphasized landowners rights and autonomy, which put to rest some of the initial concerns I heard voiced when inviting my neighbors
2) One non-deer huntering landowner attended because he wanted to get to know his neighbors. He was a long-time ranch owner and was excited to meet his neighbors. He actually indicated he might be interested in "trying to hunt." Lesson: A coop is about more than habitat and deer, although those are the primary objectives
3) It only takes two. The first "failed" meeting was nothing short of a success. That meeting allowed my neighbor and I to put together a list of neighbors and plan a strategy that led to the second meetings success. We also got to name the coop--by a unanimous vote of two landowners :-)

@356 - what did NDA get out of their efforts? Is there a flat fee for their participation in setting things up or ongoing fees for co-op participants?
Our next coop meeting is September 5, 2023. The NDA will be sending their new Deer Outreach Specialist, Cole Gander, to speak to our group. The NDA does this as a service…there is no fee for participation as this is a voluntary effort at all levels. My wife and I donate some time and prepare a meal (venison chili), water and ice-tea. It’s pretty simple, with the goal of getting to know our neighbors and cooperating on habitat, as desired and as possible. With our area now in a CWD zone, we will discuss the implications for habitat management given this development.

The NDA spent out 35 letters to neighbors using a list I provided from On-X and our local GIS. The Missouri Department of Conservation is sending their private lands consultant to meet with participants as well. This is all provided as a service to promote conservation.

I understand some coops incorporate, have fees and officers. Ours is pretty simple. If someone in NW Missouri would like to join us to see how this works, PM me and I’ll send you the specific information about our meeting—which will be held in the new barn build described in another thread.
Had to chuckle at "deer outreach specialist". My experience with things that start with good intentions usually end up being over taken by senseless rules that turn it into another thing that's about control and money. jmho
Thanks for documenting and sharing your experiences. In the last 2 years, our home farm has completely been surrounded by new deer hunters. I have a feeling we will be following in your footsteps and trying to start a co-op in the next year or so. I will be following along closely. We are in northeast Missouri, by the way.
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I think what you're doing is awesome. Sounds like you're also going to reap more benefits than just deer management. I'm impressed, great job!
It sounds like you’ve made a great start if everyone will try to stick with the agreement. Even if someone stumbles, and I’m betting someone will, the overall good y’all can do will outweigh the bad. Good luck to you !
We had 20 attend our fall Coop meeting. I met 9 neighbors for the first time, which was a great side benefit of the event. We served venison chili (a great way to use another 5# of ground venison), corn muffins and brownies. Water was the only beverage, which keeps things simple. Cole Gander of the National Deer Association shared about CWD (our county is now part of a CWD zone following a positive deer in our adjacent county) while our private lands consultant with the Missouri Department of Conservation shared about various cost share programs, including a change that makes some programs "first come first served" rather than a rating system.

While stating a coop takes a little effort, I believe the results are worth the time. Our neighbors are much more likely to harvest does to get the ratio corrected, which will allow some smaller bucks to grow.


Thanks for documenting and sharing your experiences. In the last 2 years, our home farm has completely been surrounded by new deer hunters. I have a feeling we will be following in your footsteps and trying to start a co-op in the next year or so. I will be following along closely. We are in northeast Missouri, by the way.
Please reach out to Cole Gander, the NDA Deer Outreach Specialist. Cole is from NE Missouri and currently lives in Hannibal. His email is
Ok can't help but comment the paint on that tractor bucket is too shiny. Someone got a new toy...
Ok can't help but comment the paint on that tractor bucket is too shiny. Someone got a new toy...

I noticed as well.
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The bucket is actually sitting on the pallet forks, which are getting a good workout. I am down to one (well, actually two) tractors, as I traded the 3025E and sold the 3020. I still have a Ford 8N, but it will soon be gone as I am donating it to Hannibal LaGrange University for their auction.

Here is the letter that we sent out to our neighbors. I secured the addresses from a combination of OnX-Hunt and the GIS maps from the county that are posted online. Since we have three zip codes in the 1 mile radius, having the GIS information was helpful.

Man, thats awesome. I can’t tell you how much I think that is a good idea. Plus, it looks like fun!
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Awesome thread!! Good for you!!

We have done this, somewhat just by word of mouth. We have been so happy to meet great neighbors and realize how many of us are on the same page, already!
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