Who is your least favorite author or "T.V. Hunter"

I think that’s sturgis.

The actual pioneer of TnM was Paul Knox (AKA LickCreek, or Dbltree depending on which old forum you were on).

He documented everything he did, worked on the method for YEARS, and is still sorely missed after his passing.

He did champion the virtues of Rye, but understood it within its context as a soil building tool. He commonly recommended oats and wheat in his mixes.

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I always had respect for Paul Knox and his posts and threads. What is TnM?

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Kip Campbell from Red Arrow is definitely my favorite hunter personality. Most of his commercials are funny but this one is EPIC! I still laugh out loud every time I see it :)

Saw one video of his. He made a bad shot (too far forward) and the buck jumped the string turning towards him resulting in a hit that went in front of the shoulder and probably hit the spine between the shoulder blades. Put the deer down instantly. All of that is normal $hit that happens when hunting. But he reacted by acting like the shot was intentional and all he had was frontal (deer was close to fully broadside at the shot) and then called the shot a John Cena DDT and named the video something to the same effect. Stuff like that rubs me wrong.
For pure hunting I like the Youtube guys. The Hunting Public is my favorite. The Untamed I like a lot. A bunch of good old WV boys. Leatherwood outdoors for my fellow PA people. Love their rattlesnake catching videos. Catman Outdoors and DIY Sportsman are good Public Land hunters.

If you just like watching trail cam videos, Tim Harrel - he just takes a camera out to the florida swamps and puts it at crossings or waterholes.
Midwest whitetail did a good job I think. "Chasing November", especially the older seasons, were really, really well done. They don't just show the climb into the tree, the shot, and the grip and grin. They'll show misses, they'll show unsuccessful sits, and they'll show deer doing deer stuff.

The Hunting Public guys are a bit goofy sometimes, but I think they're genuine in their passion and I like how they're doing their thing with equipment on a budget to show the average guy can do it without spending thousands on gear.

Born And Raised Outdoors shows some really cool western stuff and I like how they do a lot of their stuff.

I'll watch those from time to time, usually right about now when it's too damn hot to want to do much outside. As for the advertisements, I get it, they're trying to make a living doing this. Some of it is really bad. The worst are the shows on cable TV. The model has everything to do with it. Sportsman's network and Outdoor Channel sell their air time directly to the shows. The shows then sell the advertising time to make their money back. That's one of the reasons I prefer the streaming model. It eliminates the middle man. Yes, they're still going to plug their sponsors. Again, it's how they make their living. However there's much more hunting content.
I grew up on Drury Brothers, the Primos crew, Dan Fitzgerald and Realtree Outdoors. I was a fan of all of them, then I watched Bill Jordan step off a plane, get into a truck and get out of the truck in the same blue jeans and tee-shirt to a couple of people waiting on a hillside. They pointed out a monster buck bedded with some doe in the valley below, then he shot it. Then he thanked the outfitter for the "hunt".

That's not hunting, that's killing just for the video footage. Seeing that opened my eyes to the commercialization of hunting I was mostly oblivious to before. Most of today's shows, if you listen, they always thank so&so ranch or outfitter for putting them on the right deer. No scouting, no picking the spot, no hanging stands or trimming shooting lanes (certainly no habitat work) etc. Just show up and go where they tell you to and shoot deer. None of that is hunting to me but that's just my opinion. At least show your viewers some sort of hunting skill besides shooting.

The Crush with Lee and Tiffany is good although I doubt we get to see the whole picture, at least he does own tractors and does some work as well as has his finger on the pulse regarding what deer are on his farm. Don Kisky gives the same feel although I don't know how much work he does on his land.
I watch Drury's Thirteen, Crush w/ Lee and Tiff, Heartland Bowhunter and that's about it. I like Fitzgerald as well. We use to rent his VHS videos back in the 90's. Those guys are about the "realest" ones I can stand these days. Drury's are spoiled rotten but I feel like they put in some of the work at least.
Least favorite - Jackie Bushman and the Buckmaster show. Never cared for his style and still don't. Prolly a good guy but always changed the channel when his show came on.

Honestly, can't think of an actual show I watch anymore related to hunting. Listen to several podcasts and watch several YouTube channels but mainstream media shows...just not into them any longer.
I honestly don't like the outdoor TV shows anymore. Many of them have bait placed and don't even hide it anymore on camera. Here in Pa., if you drive out to a blind or tree stand on a 4-wheeler at first light, park the wheeler, get in the stand, and expect to see a dandy buck come wandering by - your odds of being struck by lightning are better.

The shows / "hunters" that kill me are the ones who sit in an elevated box blind watching a BARE DIRT road / trail and a bunch of big bucks come out to it and eat bait placed on the bare dirt. Lots of skill and woodsman-ship involved there !!! I know some states allow baiting, but to me, it's not hunting skill. JMO.
Mine is Lee Lakosky. That’s only because I should be the one shooting 200” deer and sitting in a blind with Tiffany. Lol

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They're all making a living at it. So I try to watch it for what it is. Entertainment.

If I glean something from it, so be it.

I feel Winke is probably one of the lesser commercialized guys out there, compared to lee n tiff or buckmasters, etc

Heartland is well made. But sometimes they're more about fancy photos than shooting deer.

Anymore, with a smart TV i watch 20 minute clips on youtube and just enjoy it, then go do something else.

I respect Mark Drury for his tenacity on killing a single deer, but he has a big machine that requires kills or he doesn't get paid. I've heard stories about broadcasting corn into brassicas, although not confirmed. When you start relying on a wild animal to cooperate for you to make your income, morals get cloudy.

I'd rather go to work, then hunt to unwind, not the other way around.
They're all making a living at it. So I try to watch it for what it is. Entertainment.

If I glean something from it, so be it.

I feel Winke is probably one of the lesser commercialized guys out there, compared to lee n tiff or buckmasters, etc

Heartland is well made. But sometimes they're more about fancy photos than shooting deer.

Anymore, with a smart TV i watch 20 minute clips on youtube and just enjoy it, then go do something else.

I respect Mark Drury for his tenacity on killing a single deer, but he has a big machine that requires kills or he doesn't get paid. I've heard stories about broadcasting corn into brassicas, although not confirmed. When you start relying on a wild animal to cooperate for you to make your income, morals get cloudy.

I'd rather go to work, then hunt to unwind, not the other way around.
I know a guy who had a kill on video that was on a pretty decent sized YouTube program where he had a corn pile in a bean field that you couldn’t see. Granted it was legal in the state but if you hide it I guess it makes it look less cheesy.
he has a big machine that requires kills or he doesn't get paid. I've heard stories about broadcasting corn into brassicas, although not confirmed

I've heard similar things. They are businessmen. They are running a business. Kinda put me off the whole lot of them to be honest. When they absolutely need the results they need, what are they willing to do, and how are they willing to justify it?
I respect Mark Drury for his tenacity on killing a single deer, but he has a big machine that requires kills or he doesn't get paid. I've heard stories about broadcasting corn into brassicas, although not confirmed. When you start relying on a wild animal to cooperate for you to make your income, morals get cloudy.

I'd rather go to work, then hunt to unwind, not the other way around.

Interesting Roy. Never heard that about the Drury group. They are a pretty decent bunch, they live and hunt near me, I would be surprised by that. Pro Staffers they’ve had on their shows… Not so much. No moral compass with a few of those guys. And they corrected the situation by getting rid of them.

I have a tremendous amount of respect for Mark.
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Worst by far is Sturgis. The clickbait queen himself.. The only thing he originated at was stealing Paul Knox’s content. But not really an author or an outdoor TV show host to be fair..

I’ve actually grown to have a lot of respect for Lee Lakosky. Say what you want.. he outworks anyone on this board.
Worst by far is Sturgis. The clickbait queen himself.. The only thing he originated at was stealing Paul Knox’s content. But not really an author or an outdoor TV show host to be fair..

I’ve actually grown to have a lot of respect for Lee Lakosky. Say what you want.. he outworks anyone on this board.

Sturgis has written and published at least 3 books. I think maybe even a 4th. I agree about his clickbait vids on Youtube. It's all about the views...the more views he gets the more money he makes. And as Roymunson said...when your income relies on views...you'll say anything.

Don't know much about Lee Lakosky. But saying he outworks anyone on this board is a bit presumptuous, no?
I haven't watched a "hunting show" in years. Pretty much turn my stomach.
Don't know much about Lee Lakosky. But saying he outworks anyone on this board is a bit presumptuous, no?
i have no doubt Lee outworks me in the woods. But that's his livelihood. Its like a professional athlete who makes a living doing what some folks do for fun. But he has to make a job out of it. Stay in shape. work out. wake up tomorrow and eat right. He just does it full time. Lee has worked to get where he is and I can tip my hat to that. His wife is another set of tags to video IMO. But he's made it what he wants it to be.

I think I'd love to ride in a side by side with Mark Drury for a day and hear what he has to say.
Dan Infalt has some cool videos on the hunting beast. Realistic and not flashy at all. Good discussion on hunting and scouting strategy.

If you want to learn how to scout and hunt whitetails, follow Dan Infalt. His Blood Brothers videos on marsh, farmland, and hill country bucks are outstanding. Almost all of his bucks are from public land.

His hunting beast YouTube videos are also worth watching. He is the blue collar, real deal bow hunting guy.

Btw ... don't know what his wife looks like and he doesn't own 4000 acres of prime Iowa whitetail land. 😉
The one I don't like, but I watch all the time is Sturgis. He's arrogant and the Al Gore of the deer management scene. I think his methods will work, but they aren't the end all, be all. He believes in doe factories and deer bedding in layers which I don't. He sees this plus this has to mean this, but he's leaving out a lot of other factors. He does it to have a niche. He and Higgins are adamant about the other being wrong on details, but don't come out and say that's who they're talking about. If I remember right, they argued a few times on the old forum.

Notice how all these guys are generally on the same page with the basics. They agree on food and cover and securing those. They just each have to have their own little twist on the game.

Lakosky and the Drury's don't really get into the bickering about this is the right way to do it and that's the wrong way. Then again, they don't really need to carve out their spot in the management scene. I like those guys. The Drury's like to get smaller parcels and make them the best in the neighborhood. Lee joined up with The Whitetail Group recently to do property setups for them. He's made a few videos with them, and I'm interested to see more of those.

I think people get too caught up in the details on this stuff (myself included), when it really isn't that complicated when you break it down into what a mature buck wants. They are wanting to survive. Figuring out how to give them a leg up in accomplishing that while not shooting yourself in the foot is the balancing act.

These guys just need to put their secret sauce in the recipe in order to make it their livelihood.