Who is your least favorite author or "T.V. Hunter"

I always stick to the idea that there is no dumb question, only answers. The question and subsequent answers lead me to video productions. But the more it went on the more I realized it was two fold. My wife would drive you nuts, she can't finish a sentence without introducing a new topic. I joke with her about it. Her mind is going so fast her mouth can't keep up. She has a masters degree from college. I have a masters degree from life.
Oh and Steve still gets my vote.
Jeff Sturgis is a really close second. I like Jeff's stuff.

Both habitat heavy. Wonder if that skews my bias?
ditto on brad herndons book

I don't watch any of the TV shows. They are all off-putting to me. I do stream Growing Deer TV every Monday. Sure, it's full of advertisements and endorsements as they all are, but I do like his tone and his message. I did not enjoy his book Deer Management 101: Manage Your Way to Better Deer Hunting. Way too technical for most land owners and deer managers.

I do not enjoy authors who provide more stories than content. I just read a 200 book by a well known author, TV celeb, etc. that could have been a pamphlet sans the stories. Too many stories!

I prefer ice cream over hex head screws.
I too enjoy Grant Woods and his web show "Growing Deer TV". I've really learned to enjoy his ending message.

I also have been enjoying "Bowhunt or Die", another web based show.

I haven't seen the Wenke show, but will look it up.

Good luck in the woods, wear a harness.


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I am not saying who I don't like. That is my business and we need less negative in this profession.

What do you call the profession?

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That is why the OP posted a dumb question ... authors versus TV personalities .... kinda like sayin do you prefer ice cream or hex head screws.

Hey Tree Spud,

You should read the original post again, especially before you call a question that does not exist "dumb" then start to suck Bill's Winky.

The thread starts by me asking who is your least favorite author or TV Hunter. The question was not, "which do you like the least outdoor writers or TV hunters?" The original question gives the reader the option to let us know who his or her least favorite author is or his or her least favorite TV Hunter, if they have one.

The thread was started with respect for an author I really don't like to follow. Not his fault, nor mine we just don't mesh well when I read his articles. Again, probably a great guy, just don't like his writings. The same level of respect was extended to Tom Miranda as I recall. I have not went back and read the original post.

Again, you may want to read closer before you call a question dumb, especially when you did not read the post carefully enough. Take care.

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Good point - poor choice of words on my part.

This guy is my hero and sensei.
What a Tool! Bahahahahahaha!
Hey Tree Spud,

You should read the original post again, especially before you call a question that does not exist "dumb" then start to suck Bill's Winky.

The thread starts by me asking who is your least favorite author or TV Hunter. The question was not, "which do you like the least outdoor writers or TV hunters?" The original question gives the reader the option to let us know who his or her least favorite author is or his or her least favorite TV Hunter, if they have one.

The thread was started with respect for an author I really don't like to follow. Not his fault, nor mine we just don't mesh well when I read his articles. Again, probably a great guy, just don't like his writings. The same level of respect was extended to Tom Miranda as I recall. I have not went back and read the original post.

Again, you may want to read closer before you call a question dumb, especially when you did not read the post carefully enough. Take care.

I would respond, not sure what to though ... the jibbirsh above pretty much demonstrates your own challenge to make a point ... ;)

Has anyone read Gene Wensel's book "Come November"?
Yes I have and a fine book it is. Gene even signed it for me.
Just took a leap into my top 3 the other day for least Favorite. Chris Bracket. What a dick ! Always been annoying to me with his view as himself as the greatest gift to deer hunting. The last show I watched with him was on a different level when he elk hunted with an outfitter in CO for elk. His guide was an older gentleman who has a very low impact approach to hunting his land.
My word, Chris did about his best job to edit the hunt where he mocks the outfitter and guide most of the episode.
I hope he payed full price for the outfitter and didn't get a price break because he was a TV hunter. He definitely didn't do the guides any favors for future business with the way he portrayed the hunt. Never guide the guide, especially on their land. Never make it public that you think you know better than the guide afterwards. Dick move :-(
I canceled my cable over 6 years ago so I cant really say much on who I don't like. I Enjoy the online stuff like growing deer and mid west whitetail. I'll give a big bump for Jeff and Steve. Another one which hasn't been mentioned would be Miles Keller. He was a S.E. MN. hunter so I felt his stuff pertained well to the type of situations I hunt.
I like Jeff sturgis's books also.
Don't have cable. Do watch on internet Bowhunt or Die, Growing Deer/Grant Woods, Midwest Whitetail/Bill Winke, Deer and Deer hunting/Steve Bartylla and Heartland Bowhunter. I like Chuck Adams written articles in Bowhunter mag. I've met Grant Woods, he was very down to earth. Met Chuck Adams twice, he also was a decent guy. The TV shows are great for big bucks but the over hype following a kill is too much.
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I vote for Noel Feathers (from way back). Damn guy use to produce vhs tapes for those of u that have been round for awhile. Penned hunts that were marketed as free range. Still have an issue with that dude!

Also I am not a big fan of any of the wild game innovations productions or products. Just not my style
I like management advantage Casey Tom James

This guy is my hero and sensei.

I can't stand that guy. I tried to educate him on the difference between sun hemp and his "nuisance" water hemp. The guy was hating on a mix that CLEARLY listed sun hemp on the package, and he is over there claiming they are putting weeds in the package. I even cited collegiate studies and dissertations confirming sun hemp is unable to produce viable seed in all areas but the "Far Deep South" (think very southern tip of Texas and the southern tip of Florida only). His response was that neither I, nor the multiple colleges, nor agriculture industry knew what we were talking about and his back woods education told him that it was a weed... not a vital support structure for the climbing soy beans and peas in the mix...

He's a genius.

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