Who is your least favorite author or "T.V. Hunter"

This is part of the reason I rank Jeff Sturgis at the top of least favorites. He just dropped a video on his YT channel touting his new seed blends. I commented that his mix is eerily similar to Paul Knox's mix. Here was his comment:

This is part of the reason I rank Jeff Sturgis at the top of least favorites. He just dropped a video on his YT channel touting his new seed blends. I commented that his mix is eerily similar to Paul Knox's mix. Here was his comment:

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LMAO! Everything Sturgis has learned he’s stolen from Paul. What a tool.
That Sturgis comment is.. off-putting.

Edit: I see he also clarified the difference between his blends and the existing NWW blends that he previously used that are way less expensive.

Whitetail Habitat Solutions
2 hours ago
Hi Drew! Mine is heavy on the tillage radish and lighter on the purple top turnip. More early to late season, all season blend with enhanced soil improvement, rather than later season focused. 8 #s per acre instead of 6#s per acre for maximum coverage and all season attraction. Our green blend has no oats (I've either dilluted the oats or not planted them), has tillage radish added and buckwheat...so a LOT different.

First couple thoughts - I plant brassicas largely for the late season focus but hell if i know if PTT are a better fit for that than radish. He mentioned that the seeding rate is higher but it should be with a higher rate of radish and lower rate of turnips, yet only mentions it's for "maximum coverage and all season attraction". Oats in the NWW greens mix sound more appealing to me for a fall plot than the buckwheat in his new mix.
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This is part of the reason I rank Jeff Sturgis at the top of least favorites. He just dropped a video on his YT channel touting his new seed blends. I commented that his mix is eerily similar to Paul Knox's mix. Here was his comment:

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If you just went to his website and bought the fall power greens you wouldn't even know what you were buying. And those prices are ridiculous. But I see plenty of sheep just lapping it up and overpaying for seed. I'm not against BoB seed, use it myself but I'm not paying $70 to plant 1/2 an acre either. At least not in seed.
I know this thread is about least favorite. But someone mentioned Gene and Barry Wenzel earlier. I'd watch any video or interview I could find from those two. As an arrow slinging guy that's gone from compound to trad equipment, I love listening to Gene Wenzel on his techniques in setting up for his trad bow shots. Might add my family would starve if depending on me to put venison in the freezer with a recurve but it sure is fun trying to get in real close without getting busted. Got plenty of young 'uns to shoot the doe(s) for the freezer.
This is part of the reason I rank Jeff Sturgis at the top of least favorites. He just dropped a video on his YT channel touting his new seed blends. I commented that his mix is eerily similar to Paul Knox's mix. Here was his comment:

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Is Sturgis saying/implying Paul Knox learned from him?
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I have been watching those. Still can’t get my head wrapped around how spending 20 nights sleeping at your stand sites surrounding the same buck’s core area doesn’t put a bunch of human scent in said buck’s daily travels. Must have extremely consistent winds and thermals there. I plan every day elk hunting out west around the thermals and don’t recall situations where they are so solid that they wouldn’t blow scent the wrong way in a situation like Winke’s.
I thought the same thing. Not to mention that, as much as i like to kill deer, I don't like them 20 straight days of no bed's worth