Mentoring a first-time hunter...


5 year old buck +
I am enjoying the privilege of mentoring a first-time deer hunter this weekend. "John" is the leader of "Black People Who Hike," a network of urban black outdoor enthusiasts who hike parks and public areas. Hiking these public lands resulted in a desire to know more about the critters that frequently encountered, and ultimately conversations that led to five members expressing a desire to try hunting whitetails for the first time! Some had never handled a firearm, so it was really neat to get them familiar with the .243's we are using for this antlerless season management hunt. Needless to say, a little practice had them prepared to hit the field later today. My hunter was able to cover his three shot group with a 1" sticker. I'd say he is ready!

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Awesome! Best of luck to you and John!
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Aren't you supposed to get his flintlock ready for this time of year? Mentored two or three over the years. Maybe about 5 or 6 with using a flintlock.
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I volunteer to do a "learn to hunt"deer hunt every year with 10- 12 year Olds. We do a lunch, sight in guns, and do a 4 hr hunt. It is a good time. The kids are awesome. They are very appreciative and thankful. Every kid I've had has been awesome except the one girl that the following week was diagnosed with bi polar disorder. Wow was that a interesting hunt!
Deer-hunter John transformed into a deer-harvester after he connected on a mature doe who was clearly the ringleader of her family group. The doe weighed 124# dressed, was at least 3.5 years based on the teeth—and was possibly older. Congratulations to John on a great harvest.



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Congrats to you both! Looks like a nice big fat doe, plenty of great eating there.
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Yeah, pass along my many congrats! That’s awesome!!!

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Aren't you supposed to get his flintlock ready for this time of year? Mentored two or three over the years. Maybe about 5 or 6 with using a flintlock.
I discussed the upcoming Alternative Season and he is interested in trying a muzzleloader. I don’t have a flintlock yet, but would like one. 😊. There is nothing better than late season smoke-poles when chasing Whitetails in the snow.
Great job. I'm sure he had the perfect mentor. How was the excitement level?
That's great. Thank you for doing that.

I feel the biggest gap provided in instruction to new hunters falls under "where to hunt" Not so much deer wise, but how to gain permission, buy land, use public land, etc..

Had two groups of would be sneaks get cited by law enforcement here in NY yesterday. One was a "one year into hunting" guy that had nowhere to go.
That's great. Thank you for doing that.

I feel the biggest gap provided in instruction to new hunters falls under "where to hunt" Not so much deer wise, but how to gain permission, buy land, use public land, etc..

Had two groups of would be sneaks get cited by law enforcement here in NY yesterday. One was a "one year into hunting" guy that had nowhere to go.
That's a good point. I was wondering that myself. I think it's wonderful that 356 provided this opportunity for the man. I'm sure he taught him plenty. And probably even a friendship was forged. Just curious how you handle what comes next. If he asks for permission to hunt next year, what are his options? I've thought about handicapped, veteran, and mentor hunts, but it's not realistic to allow them access into your camp indefinitely right? It's what prevents me from thinking about it very much... easier to say no to a stranger than someone you just befriended and taught to hunt. How do 356 and others handle this part of it?