Turkey Creek
5 year old buck +
Geez I can't believe I was the only one who hunted tonight! Or maybe everyone else is still celebrating with a cold one. Got in the stand about 4pm. Moderate north winds and a temp of about 45 degrees. About 5pm I saw a yearling doe coming from the north (left side of the frame), crossed in front of me and went into the corner of the timber on the right side. About 5 minutes later here comes a spike buck on the same course. About 5:30 I can see an antlered buck over in that same corner of the timber. I rattled lightly, didnt get a response. About 5:45 I see a forkhorn coming from the north he might have been responding to the rattling as he walked the trail/ fence line to my left and pretty much came to my stand. He started milling around. 6pm a yearling doe squirts out of the timber point and starts coming down the defunct clover lane dead ahead in the photo towards me. About 30 seconds later out pops "Tiny Brows 55" as I called him when I first got a trail camera picture of him a few days ago. The little forkhorn thought maybe he should go see what the big buck was up to. The bucks met in the lower vegetation area where you can make out some white milkweed heads. Tiny Brows 55 immediately went into the side stepping "Give me a reason to kick you ass" mode. By then I knew I was going to take a shot if he gave me one. 25 yards, slightly quartering away, caught both lungs right behind the heart the arrow got stopped by the off side shoulder. He spun and ran for the tall grass straight out in the picture, but didnt even make the sunlit area before he was down. Diaphragm was intact when I field dressed him, the lung area was full of blood. I am guessing I clipped a major artery. 23" Left beam, 24" right beam, 16" inside spread, tallest points are the G3s @8", decent mass. The beams were what made him a shooter for this year. Now I can devote more time to getting some Fall habitat projects done and hopefully a box blind up for the kids to rifle hunt out of at the end of November!

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