Live from the stand thread

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Intense deer movement here this morning. I’ve seen over 20 deer and 5 were bucks. Chasing at one point. I passed a pretty 10 point that may be only 3 years old. Most enjoyable hunt I’ve had in years.
Dang, had the over on that one Bill.
Still think u should get ur tape checked.

But, side note.
Have seen more bucks today running around looking for ladies than any day in my life. Period, point, blank. Of course had to work today, spent 8hrs outside between 7 different properties. Didnt matter time of day. There was a buck up on his feet every 2 miles or less down the road. From dinks to slammers. Stopped on the road 3 times to gawk.
I hung the bow up on participation of gun season on Saturday. Don’t want to spook them out to much.

I would gladly take the roll of camp cook for a 150 unless I was dead sure he was 3. good deer!

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I have a trail camera right at the driveway entrance of my property and I have been so amazed at the deer traffic through there that I think I'm going to have to put a stand up there next year.
Just from yesterday morning. If it wasn't completely visible from the hard road I would consider a tree stand there.

If it wasn't completely visible from the hard road I would consider a tree stand there.

We have a stand literally 35 yards from the road. You can wave to cars going by. But the deer cross there, so…..we put up with the traffic.
We have a stand literally 35 yards from the road. You can wave to cars going by. But the deer cross there, so…..we put up with the traffic.
I actually already have a stand right down over the bank from where that buck is standing. I might have to put it up in the tree higher though because I'm not sure I can see or shoot to where they like to cross there. They like to cross where the spike is walking. My trail camera is in a nice double oak that would make a nice stand tree though.
My piece of paradise today
Windy and seeing nothing yet today, but shot a 3.5 yo 8 point last night. Hopefully catch some does running tonight yet.


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Patinpa, odd he didn’t follow the doe
I have another camera down over that bank. My main plot sits about 50 yards down from the driveway and the buck like to cut across above it and look down into the plot when they're cruising. He had just gotten into an altercation with another buck with a doe. I only caught him walking towards the other buck with his hair bristled up. I'm guessing the doe went down the driveway when she saw that spike up there too.
They've been flying since before daylight.
42 degrees, no wind, now let's see some deer.

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Patinpa, odd he didn’t follow the doe
Here's the other video. I have a stand just off screen to the right. Unfortunately I'm so busy at work I have no time to get in it. He was busy fighting off those other buck. Probably went looking for the doe in the other video. There is a second buck behind that small hemlock tree. You can just see him moving around a bit. Never got to see what he was.
I think they look cute.
At my cabin spot for shotgun opener. I had deer around me when I opened my door to go to my spot :( . The moon was definitely bright this morning didn’t even need a head lamp.