Are you planning to save a strip of your rye to buzz off with the flail mower? I'm really curious to see what happens to the thatch when run through a flail mower vs being rolled down. I know it'll go faster, but how much faster? I'm starting to have concerns about durability of rye thatch when flailed. I hit mine with a regular brush hog last year, and it is almost all gone already. That's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just faster than expected. I was hoping for mulch all the way until I laid the next batch onto the soil. Maybe I'll get lucky and that stuff will put so much fertility back it'll have a thick canopy and it'll be a standing green thatch.
I have to look at it again once this crop is up and running. Maybe it's still under there. I had an odd smear of what seems like clover leaves that needs to get eaten up. Last I looked that paper thin layer of that stuff hadn't gotten eaten up yet, but there was also still ice on the lakes last time I looked.