Ever see a used Genesis 5 for sale?


5 year old buck +
I've been looking for a good used No Till drill for quite some time to no avail ..I have found a couple of good pull type but too big to access over half my plots
So a 3pt seems to be the first criteria and the brand/model Genesis 5 light or the GP/LP but I have not found any used

I'm leaning towards the Gen 5 simply because I might be a little light tractor wise ( JD 5045E ) which is 4wd and front loader equipped and lift arms rated at 3200lbs and I have hills ..what do you think?

So remember this post if you see one of the above used come up for sale or have one to sell as you upgrade !


There is a group on Facebook of "Genesis Owners". From time to time they will have used ones listed there. Also is a guy in Wisconsin with a new one that is discounted just a bit.....he's on Facebook marketplace and on the Genesis site. Good luck. I considered one of those (gen 5 light). good drills by most accounts and you will have enough tractor from what I know.
Edit: Tell the guy in Wisconsin.....Tom sent you. lol. He is a great guy and knowledgeable. He lost his land in the process of buying equipment....therefore the sale.
Been hanging out at home allot now. Too much time on my hands. Ran into this drill that if I were you.....I may consider over a Genesis 5. Why?.....small seed box. Anyway.....a nice drill.
First Foggy let me say I appreciate you bird dogging this and other ideas and I agree I'm convinced it is the right machine but I have a safety issue to consider

We have a 5045E John Deere 4X4 w/ front bucket ..I have a nephew who I partnered with and he is a great young man (married 4 daughters) and smart as a whip but mechanically ..kind of challenged as in keeping equipment low to the ground while traveling, going to 4X4 down/up steep grades in low gear ..max bucket height on not so level laterally ground etc ..
I know on level ground the 5045E will handle the 3p606NT OK ..going up/down and sideways on hills is an experienced man's game Or keep the loads lighter for a margin of safety ..but until I get him fully trained to where he recognizes when/where he is at the edge of stability ..instinct says accept a lighter machine that will do a lesser job but has a better margin of safety ..hence the Genesis 5 or the Greenscape 750 but I do not have confidence in the cultipactor closer system in place of press wheels that the Greenscape 750 uses

So what to do what to do ..I have looked hard at the pull version in place of the 3pt mount but the pull unit is even heavier and may pose an out right kid scenario in some of our straight up n down log roads leading into some of our hills plots ..not to mention the pull type would be too wide to get in to some of the upper hill plots

That genesis Facebook group is a good place to keep tabs or post a WTB in my option.
First Foggy let me say I appreciate you bird dogging this and other ideas and I agree I'm convinced it is the right machine but I have a safety issue to consider

We have a 5045E John Deere 4X4 w/ front bucket ..I have a nephew who I partnered with and he is a great young man (married 4 daughters) and smart as a whip but mechanically ..kind of challenged as in keeping equipment low to the ground while traveling, going to 4X4 down/up steep grades in low gear ..max bucket height on not so level laterally ground etc ..
I know on level ground the 5045E will handle the 3p606NT OK ..going up/down and sideways on hills is an experienced man's game Or keep the loads lighter for a margin of safety ..but until I get him fully trained to where he recognizes when/where he is at the edge of stability ..instinct says accept a lighter machine that will do a lesser job but has a better margin of safety ..hence the Genesis 5 or the Greenscape 750 but I do not have confidence in the cultipactor closer system in place of press wheels that the Greenscape 750 uses

So what to do what to do ..I have looked hard at the pull version in place of the 3pt mount but the pull unit is even heavier and may pose an out right kid scenario in some of our straight up n down log roads leading into some of our hills plots ..not to mention the pull type would be too wide to get in to some of the upper hill plots

Where are you located and what kinda soil are you working with??
I have a GP, it's 3 point. The 3 point throws you around a lot more than a pull type in hills. Just like any 3pt implement, turning or a change in grade will cause it to sway from one side to the other, sometimes more violently depending on the grade. That is a pretty good jarring! If I had lots of steep hills and plenty of room and didn't need to transport it between farms, I'd go with a pull-type. I can't imagine not having a small seed box, but maybe some wouldn't need it.
Where are you located and what kinda soil are you working with??
Southeast Missouri and the soil is gumbo in the bottoms and clay/heavy loam in the hills
I have a GP, it's 3 point. The 3 point throws you around a lot more than a pull type in hills. Just like any 3pt implement, turning or a change in grade will cause it to sway from one side to the other, sometimes more violently depending on the grade. That is a pretty good jarring! If I had lots of steep hills and plenty of room and didn't need to transport it between farms, I'd go with a pull-type. I can't imagine not having a small seed box, but maybe some wouldn't need it.
I agree with your prognosis that a pull type would be best .. but it stops the no till in some of my ridge plots ..not the end of the world as they tend to be smaller and can be handled in the throw n mow category I suppose ??
I agree with your prognosis that a pull type would be best .. but it stops the no till in some of my ridge plots ..not the end of the world as they tend to be smaller and can be handled in the throw n mow category I suppose ??
Sounds like you got a good handle on the issues you have there. I wish I knew the answer. No experience with your situation.