Help me compare a Land Pride LP500 drill with a Genesis 5 Light drill

You going to no-till with it, or work the ground? Some of the sandy soil in MI, you could probably NT with it.
Yes, my ground is loamy and I'm certain it'll work for NT. I've used a larger 605NT towable drill and it's was way overkill for my soils.
Yes, my ground is loamy and I'm certain it'll work for NT. I've used a larger 605NT towable drill and it's was way overkill for my soils.

Congrats on the new drill! Have you taken delivery yet? Pics? I have wanted to see one of these, or at least read a review on the web. Nothing to be found. What model tractor have you got? I have soils much like you and also feel you could likely run no-till with such a drill.
Congrats on the new drill! Have you taken delivery yet? Pics? I have wanted to see one of these, or at least read a review on the web. Nothing to be found. What model tractor have you got? I have soils much like you and also feel you could likely run no-till with such a drill.
I'm picking it up on Thursday. I have a Kubota L4060. My buddy has an L6060 and uses a 3P606NT without any problem, I didn't select this drill for it's weight, more for the compact nature and the fact that I don't have a need for coulters with my soils. I'll post some pics once I get it home and some reviews once it's been in the field.
IceHog - Looking forward to your reviews on this, looking at that same drill myself.
Well, the drill was damaged pretty significantly during delivery and wasn't accepted. I'm in a short holding pattern to see if they can get another, sounds like it could be August.
Well, the drill was damaged pretty significantly during delivery and wasn't accepted. I'm in a short holding pattern to see if they can get another, sounds like it could be August.
Geez! Talk about a buzz kill. Delivery to the dealer I assume not your property?
Well, the drill was damaged pretty significantly during delivery and wasn't accepted. I'm in a short holding pattern to see if they can get another, sounds like it could be August.
Just did yet another search on the inter webs for a user review of these drills. Zero / nada / not-a-peep. Gotta wonder if they ever delivered any of this product?? (3P 500 / 3P600 - Great Plains or Land Pride). A person would think these drills would be work as "no till" units for many of us with light soils and small tractors. Still.....gotta wonder about any that have been shipped? Usually a new owner some user insights......but nothing??

I cancelled my Genis 5 light order from August at which time I was promised the 2021 price......but they pulled that offer in April and said they would not honor their promise....and didn't know when it would deliver. There are three ingredients to a sale: Quality / price / delivery. They failed me on two out of three. Glad I have my backup plan to stay with my SAYA until I have something better in hand. Maybe that SAYA will handle the standing thick rye better than I imagine. (I plan to plant a summer mix "green' into the standing rye ......and later roller crimp the rye). Will find out in June.....and post the results.
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FINALLY! Got back to MN late last night. Drove by my dealer this morning.....and he has two LP 3P500 in his inventory. Took a closer look at this product and may pull the trigger on one of these in the next days. Lacking the cutting coulters of a true "no till" drill......but I plant into sandy soils and the dealer tells me it's not an issue. We didn't get much time to talk....but he claims he has a few of these out to others in the area and they use the drill much as I a no till situation.....and he says they are happy. (is that "dealer talk" or reality?? dunno).

Anyway....this product checks all the boxes for features.....and seems to be a good product in light soils. I suppose if the RTP product will work as said...then this will too?

I do wish someone would have a review on this product. I am told they have been sold for a few years.....but not a single review on the interwebs???? Seems strange to me....and nobody here has vouched for this product with "real world" use. I hate being a Guiana pig. grin
Buy one!! I want to see how it works for you! I'll give my lil 3'er a trial run but may long for a 5' wide 3pt option if it works well for you.
Buy one!! I want to see how it works for you! I'll give my lil 3'er a trial run but may long for a 5' wide 3pt option if it works well for you.
Just came back from a long talk with the dealer and was able to look over the Land Pride 3P500 over more closely on his showroom floor. The most impressive part to me is the two seed delivery (tube) systems of the small and large boxes......and it's generally similar to the larger LP/GP drills.....somewhat as expected. The other nice thing is the offset opener blades which is different than what I currently have and I can see how that penetrates nicely without slicing coulters - in light soils like mine.

Biggest problem is the price went up another 10% since the price I got in January. A bit harder to pull the trigger.....and I'm going to sleep on it.

One other thing that is a bit that my 3560 does not have the 7 Pin plug to connect to the electrical on the drill. Therefore the lights and acreage counter dont work unless I jerry rig some wiring. I dont really need the lights. But it seems like your paying for chit you dont get to use. Another thing is no "agitators' in the seed boxes.....but I don't think I need those either.

I would have bought one of these drills in Jan at a better price.....if only I could have seen one then.....or found a decent video review of the product features. Grrrrrr. ;)
FINALLY! Got back to MN late last night. Drove by my dealer this morning.....and he has two LP 3P500 in his inventory. Took a closer look at this product and may pull the trigger on one of these in the next days. Lacking the cutting coulters of a true "no till" drill......but I plant into sandy soils and the dealer tells me it's not an issue. We didn't get much time to talk....but he claims he has a few of these out to others in the area and they use the drill much as I a no till situation.....and he says they are happy. (is that "dealer talk" or reality?? dunno).

Anyway....this product checks all the boxes for features.....and seems to be a good product in light soils. I suppose if the RTP product will work as said...then this will too?

I do wish someone would have a review on this product. I am told they have been sold for a few years.....but not a single review on the interwebs???? Seems strange to me....and nobody here has vouched for this product with "real world" use. I hate being a Guiana pig. grin

Sometimes you gotta be the leader and figure it out for humanity. I took on that burden to prove the value of flail mowers, leaf blowers, gypsum, barley, cats, deep hugel’ing, and solar.

I didn’t ask for this burden. I was chosen.

Be chosen. Trust your gut and go for it.

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Sometimes you gotta be the leader and figure it out for humanity. I took on that burden to prove the value of flail mowers, leaf blowers, gypsum, barley, cats, deep hugel’ing, and solar.

I didn’t ask for this burden. I was chosen.

Be chosen. Trust your gut and go for it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you only knew all the chit on my plate right now. Some of that makes it much harder to pull that trigger.

Was considering....that if I did do so....I would make my dealer convert the wiring to make the electrical things useful. He's the same guy that sold me the tractor......and one would think this stuff should be plug and play. He said it is with the M series tractors and others....but not the Grand L? I find that a bit the L's are said to be the top of the line product for Kubota.

When are you going to let that Flail mower cat out of the bag? ;).
I bet the Land Pride would work as a no-till. I can't imagine it would be all that hard to weld on a tool bar on the front to add coulters, either.
I bet the Land Pride would work as a no-till. I can't imagine it would be all that hard to weld on a tool bar on the front to add coulters, either.
I think it would on my I am quite sandy. But the 3P500 only wieghs 1100 lbs (empty) and that is not a huge amount of weight per opener. (only 157#). No way to hang more cast weights on the drill. No room for and slicer coulters in the front either.....and that center drive wheel takes up all that real estate adding no till is not an option. The 5 footer is 1/2 the weight of the Genesis lite product.

IMO the Land Pride / Great Plains has a superior seed delivery system.

The dealer says several local people are using it as no til in similar soils. I'm still a bit when you later will get high levels of thatch, current crops and root mass....and with improved soils over could become difficult to penetrate the soils (in my mind anyway...grin). LP / GP does not sell it as a no till drill.....Interesting $13,800 dilemma. Lets use your :emoji_wink:
I bet the Land Pride would work as a no-till. I can't imagine it would be all that hard to weld on a tool bar on the front to add coulters, either.

Adding no til coulters on that drill would make it worse for no till. Yes, you read that correctly..
Well I was seriously considering one of these GP drills. 3P500 went from $9500 to $13,400 thru my local dealer. Insane. None on the ground in the US, can only pick a slot for a September build or an April '23 build. Too slow I guess.. Now I'm reassessing things..
Well I was seriously considering one of these GP drills. 3P500 went from $9500 to $13,400 thru my local dealer. Insane. None on the ground in the US, can only pick a slot for a September build or an April '23 build. Too slow I guess.. Now I'm reassessing things..
I decided the very same thing. Not worth it to me. Folks are crazy right now.....and I believe it's "buy before the price goes up".....but BUY at any price. Nuts. I had to walk on that 3P-500 drill at my local's simply not worth that much coin IMO. Screw em. I got a Tar River SAYA 505 and I am busy making it into the best drill ever with a few mods. $5500. plus affordable mods. Another avenue is making an old farmers drill work. They all can place seeds quite reliably....IMO. F'n Biden.
I decided the very same thing. Not worth it to me. Folks are crazy right now.....and I believe it's "buy before the price goes up".....but BUY at any price. Nuts. I had to walk on that 3P-500 drill at my local's simply not worth that much coin IMO. Screw em. I got a Tar River SAYA 505 and I am busy making it into the best drill ever with a few mods. $5500. plus affordable mods. Another avenue is making an old farmers drill work. They all can place seeds quite reliably....IMO. F'n Biden.

I gotta add this.... I am getting pretty old (75 years and counting). Some of my decisions are not nessearily good for a younger guy. A really good drill today may last your a lifetime and that may be a decent investment over that many years. But to me.....maybe not so much. It's all relative to your age and financial situation. I will trade your excess youth for my excess money any day.... DEAL? lol. ;)
I gotta add this.... I am getting pretty old (75 years and counting). Some of my decisions are not nessearily good for a younger guy. A really good drill today may last your a lifetime and that may be a decent investment over that many years. But to me.....maybe not so much. It's all relative to your age and financial situation. I will trade your excess youth for my excess money any day.... DEAL? lol. ;)
Are you planning to save a strip of your rye to buzz off with the flail mower? I'm really curious to see what happens to the thatch when run through a flail mower vs being rolled down. I know it'll go faster, but how much faster? I'm starting to have concerns about durability of rye thatch when flailed. I hit mine with a regular brush hog last year, and it is almost all gone already. That's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just faster than expected. I was hoping for mulch all the way until I laid the next batch onto the soil. Maybe I'll get lucky and that stuff will put so much fertility back it'll have a thick canopy and it'll be a standing green thatch.

I have to look at it again once this crop is up and running. Maybe it's still under there. I had an odd smear of what seems like clover leaves that needs to get eaten up. Last I looked that paper thin layer of that stuff hadn't gotten eaten up yet, but there was also still ice on the lakes last time I looked.