Lets Talk about what can be done to control weeds in a no-till situation.

So I took a hard look at some martial ground that I had seeded into rye last year....thinking I would let it go to seed and mow it down to get a free rye crop for next year. Knowing (from a rag doll test) that my rye was viable....today was the day. None too soon....as these plots are LOADED with mares tail. Not much for viable seed in the mares tail yet....but some looks like its ripening. I should have gotten some seeds to check em. Anyway....seeing that SD likes to see flail mower pics.....figured I would take a few. I'm guessing that 10% of the rye seeds came loose of the seed head upon mowing. The rest should drop on their own or with some rain. Hoping to get past this mares tail ordeal before long. Ugh.

EDIT: Not sure how I can rotate all my pics 90 degrees? Any suggestions?
Foggy it looks like it must just be the way you hold your phone when taking the pics since the pic of your tractor is the right direction. I normally hold my phone vertical instead of horizontal, that may help?
Dear Foggy,

Love the action pics. Don’t sweat the marestail. Stick to the plan. It will go away. Member how we beat the pigweed and hawkweed?

If you’re on an iPhone, you need to take portrait orientation lock off. When your phone is locked, swipe up to reveal this screen. If it looks like this, click that lock icon with the circle to turn it off.


Then it should look like this. If you see this, then your camera will rotate with your phone orientation.


Then, sometimes you have to wait a second for your phone to reorient if you’ve moved around, or you’re not perfectly vertical or horizontal. Always look for the orientation logo to tell you if you’re shooting correctly. Those arrow points should always be at 3 and 9. If they are at 6 and 12, you’re shooting off kilter.


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Thanks SD! Some day I will take a class on iPhone.....or not.
Thanks SD! Some day I will take a class on iPhone.....or not.

Did that work?

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Did that work?

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Yep......but dont ask me how to get back to that screen again. lol. Thanks.

If you would have told me (before I was 30) that I would carry a phone, a GPS, A camera, a topic search ability on any topic in the universe, a texting device, a Rolodex of all my contacts, banking / investing, and so much more...... I would have called you crazy. Todays "phones" are absolutely amazing......I wish I would have taken them more seriously in my working days. I had no time to learn such stuff early on. Slow learner.
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