Help me compare a Land Pride LP500 drill with a Genesis 5 Light drill

One thing I noticed about pictures of the openers on the 3p500 is they seem kind of blunt on the edges compared to the pictures I’ve seen of the genesis openers which look thinner and more pointed and thus like they would cut into an unprepped seedbed better. Haven’t seen any good close pics of the 3p500 openers though.

Openers are easy to change FWIW.. Haven't noticed a difference but I haven't seen the GP in person yet either. Look pretty sharp to me..

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A video of calibrating the 3p500 v version.

I think I like that option.. if I pull the trigger on a big enough tractor this year I think The 3p500 with small seed box is an attractive option.
Talked to Great Plains technical support today. They seem pretty confident that using a 3p500 for no till is a bad idea. He mentioned the openers bouncing up and out of the trench when it hits debris and then not getting seed buried for 18”.

I don’t understand how they would be any worse than a genesis without coulters other than having a lower weight per opener and I’d think you could add weight to a GP to address that pretty easily.
Talked to Great Plains technical support today. They seem pretty confident that using a 3p500 for no till is a bad idea. He mentioned the openers bouncing up and out of the trench when it hits debris and then not getting seed buried for 18”.

I could see this if you're trying to no til into corn stalks but at 200 lbs / opener I bet it would work just fine an everything except the hardest ground. More than any SAYA drill has.
Talked to Great Plains technical support today. They seem pretty confident that using a 3p500 for no till is a bad idea. He mentioned the openers bouncing up and out of the trench when it hits debris and then not getting seed buried for 18”.

I don’t understand how they would be any worse than a genesis without coulters other than having a lower weight per opener and I’d think you could add weight to a GP to address that pretty easily.

It wouldn't be worse, they are use to dealing with farmers, and they wouldn't push it as a no-till product. Even the real-deal no-till drills don't want to cut in some situations. A lot of guys run extra weight on the weight brackets on the NT models.
@Foggy47 theres a good chance I pull the trigger on a l3560 in the next week and I’m leaning towards a 3p500 too. Should be close to your set up.
@Foggy47 theres a good chance I pull the trigger on a l3560 in the next week and I’m leaning towards a 3p500 too. Should be close to your set up.
That L3560 is allot of tractor for it's size. Lots more weight than other tractors in this horsepower size. Better front axel and lots of features. Are you looking at a cab model? I sure like mine....and can now work when its hot and deer flies are swarming about. I think you'll like the 3560. Are you looking new or used?
That L3560 is allot of tractor for it's size. Lots more weight than other tractors in this horsepower size. Better front axel and lots of features. Are you looking at a cab model? I sure like mine....and can now work when its hot and deer flies are swarming about. I think you'll like the 3560. Are you looking new or used?
Looking at new ROPS unless a used one shows up magically today. Can't quite justify the $ for a cab at this point if I'm going to buy a drill too. Going to stop by Olson's in north branch this afternoon.
A video of calibrating the 3p500 v version.

I think I like that option.. if I pull the trigger on a big enough tractor this year I think The 3p500 with small seed box is an attractive option.
What kinda price are you hearing for the drill? I got a quote for one as stated above @ $ 12,500. I can have a Gen 5 Light for another $1000.......if it ever shows up. I'm a bit torn as to which may be better. Never seen a Land Pride or Great Plains 3P500 product.....but have been quite impressed with the Genesis I saw.
What kinda price are you hearing for the drill? I got a quote for one as stated above @ $ 12,500. I can have a Gen 5 Light for another $1000.......if it ever shows up. I'm a bit torn as to which may be better. Never seen a Land Pride or Great Plains 3P500 product.....but have been quite impressed with the Genesis I saw.

I haven't gotten a price on a 3p500, if you have a lead on one I'd be interested. The one dealer i talked to in MN said land pride drills ordered now wont be delivered until '23.

I talked to a fella yesterday with Kanati wildlife about his experience with 606NT and 806NT compared to their genesis drills. He saw a lot of benefit in the calibration and depth setting adjustments on the genesis models. He has a lead on lightly used Gen 5 light with just the large seed box and no coulters for 12.5ish, it looks new.

After reading through the genesis FB group and other research there are a few things that give me pause on the genesis.
1. People discussing seeding depth consistency issues. Seems like having that center drive wheel on the LP/GP drills might help with that.
2. People struggling to get rates low enough for small seeds without filler. I THINK you could get this squared away with a small seed box and the right gearing but Joe with Kanati mentioned that he hasn't and just uses mixes with other seed to address it - but he was also not really interested in using multiple seed boxes so that may be why he never got it tuned down to lower seeding rates for strictly brassica/clover plantings.
3. Price. Seems more expensive than a land pride min till in that configuration and close to the same in NT configuration.

I'm primarily fighting between the 3p500 or esch 3' pull type NT drill now. The 3p 5' drill would be much more convenient for planting my small plots but i got a feeling that heavy 3' true NT drill has potential for better stands and planting through a variety of vegetation.

A 606NT is still tempting but there are a couple issues -
1. GP/LP says 40 HP minimum. I got a feeling the 37 HP L3560 with it's weight would pull it fine on my flat ground better than a lot of lighter 40+ HP tractors but it still makes me a little uneasy.
2. My shipping container storage plan doesn't work and i couldn't load it on a trailer to bring up to my parents ground in northern MN.
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I continue to gather information on these three grain drill offerings..... Thought I would summarize my dilemma.

The Tar River SAYA 505 did a good job for me last season.....but I did not need to plant into existing food plots as I plan to in the I have concerns with that "drive basket" on the rear wrapping with rye and long stem plants and the general longer term durability. It wieghs 1036 lbs but I added 300 lbs to the front weight tray for 1336 lbs without the seed. I was able to add about 300 lbs of seed to both boxes for a loaded total of 1700 lbs. My L3560 HSTC tractor did not snuggle to lift, transport or pull this unit in operation. It was able to penetrate sod and my sandy loam soils.. The price is great at $5500. I do wish there was a better solution to the "press wheel" closer system.

I have seen a Genesis 5 Light and very much like this drill. It weighs 1819 lbs empty and about 2300 lax loaded with seed. It's widely recognized to be a genuine no till drill and the front coulters do not appear to be needed in most soils. While a second small seed box is available, I would likely try to get along with blending all seeds into the single seed hopper. My tractor is somewhat on the bubble to operate this drill - from a weight perspective. I suppose I could carry half the seed in the hopper and fill more often if need be but who wants to do that? I can get one at the old price at $13,500.

Next up is the Great Plains or Land Pride 3P500 (and the 3P 600 in the six foot version). I consider the 5 foot version is better for my needs as the drill is contained behind the tractor wheels. This 5 footer weighs 1170 lbs and has the small seed box. Loaded I assume the weight would be about 1600 lbs. It is not advertised as a no-till drill....but in my light soils I believe it would operate as such. Perhaps some steel weight could be added(?). Price is $12,700. Great Plains / LP has a great reputation with their other drill products.....but little to no product review information is out there. I want to pull the trigger on this product......but would like to see some video or hear from some owners.

As I already own the SAYA 505...I may do nothing......and let the current "deals" slip past me for another year and learn a bit more.....or at least see some better pictures of that 3P500. I'm somewhat torn on this issue.
This guy might have some insight on drills,

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This guy might have some insight on drills,

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I considered making a drive to see him....instead I talked to him on the phone last year about grain drills. He did not have any of the drills in stock when I spoke to him.
I've had a hangup due to me misreading the lifting specs on my tractor 3 point.. I've been used to looking at the "old" way of 3 point specs.....those where they first listed at the pins.....and a second at 24" behind the pins (which is the current way to rate the 3 point equipment) DUH! They no longer list it that way.....only the lower lift figures at 24" behind the pins.

Today I stumbled into the prior model Kubota L3540 specs for the 3 point which had the capacity at the pins (3750 #) and at 24' BEHIND the pins (2650). That is a huge variation in capacity. The current L3560 only lists the lift capacity at 24" behind the pins which is the same for the prior model (2650#).

Thus I am reasonably certain this tractor will handle the Genesis 5 and I feel it would be superior in no till as compared to the LP/GP 3P500 drill models discussed above.

Feeling a bit stupid for not reading the fine print on lift capacity.......but relieved to have that question put to bed. Now.....I just need that Genesis 5 Light to ship. FORE!

The odd thing is that the drill manufacturers tell you the weight of their machines and the tractor companies rate the lift at 24" behind the pins. Kinda an apples and oranges scenario....if you ask me.
I have seen a Genesis 5 Light and very much like this drill. It weighs 1819 lbs empty and about 2300 lax loaded with seed. It's widely recognized to be a genuine no till drill and the front coulters do not appear to be needed in most soils. While a second small seed box is available, I would likely try to get along with blending all seeds into the single seed hopper. My tractor is somewhat on the bubble to operate this drill - from a weight perspective. I suppose I could carry half the seed in the hopper and fill more often if need be but who wants to do that? I can get one at the old price at $13,500.

For your consideration, I have the G5 Heavy, and think the seed box on the light is the same size. I have never filled the seed box even close to full. My limited planting with it so far has been on a mix that totals 5 acres, I usually have to use a clean shop vac to get the remaining seed out of the box after I've planted all I want. This coming year I will be planting an additional 20 acres and perhaps then I would appreciate a full box, so I will see.
For your consideration, I have the G5 Heavy, and think the seed box on the light is the same size. I have never filled the seed box even close to full. My limited planting with it so far has been on a mix that totals 5 acres, I usually have to use a clean shop vac to get the remaining seed out of the box after I've planted all I want. This coming year I will be planting an additional 20 acres and perhaps then I would appreciate a full box, so I will see.
^ Yep Thanks! doubt you can put allot of clover and brassica in that seed box. Grains and beans take a bit more space. Last fall I put down 134# / acre in my current drill....with about 100 lbs being Elbon Rye. Loading about two acres of seed at a time would be sufficient for my purposes. I plant about 10 acres 2x year. At that rate.....I will nearly break 2000 lbs total weight for the Gen5 Light.
Brand new to this site, but have been researching different drills and just pulled the trigger on a new Landpride 3P500 with the added small seed box. I'm picking it up this week and will be able to report back in another 6 weeks or so once I start planting. I'm in Michigan and will putting all kinds of seed thru it, including switchgrass. I wanted something made in the USA, the Genesis doesn't check that box. In addition, I paid $7000.00 less that what I was quoted on a Genesis 5 Light, and it only had a single seed box.
Brand new to this site, but have been researching different drills and just pulled the trigger on a new Landpride 3P500 with the added small seed box. I'm picking it up this week and will be able to report back in another 6 weeks or so once I start planting. I'm in Michigan and will putting all kinds of seed thru it, including switchgrass. I wanted something made in the USA, the Genesis doesn't check that box. In addition, I paid $7000.00 less that what I was quoted on a Genesis 5 Light, and it only had a single seed box.

Holy cats! $7k.. excited to hear how you like it.
Brand new to this site, but have been researching different drills and just pulled the trigger on a new Landpride 3P500 with the added small seed box. I'm picking it up this week and will be able to report back in another 6 weeks or so once I start planting. I'm in Michigan and will putting all kinds of seed thru it, including switchgrass. I wanted something made in the USA, the Genesis doesn't check that box. In addition, I paid $7000.00 less that what I was quoted on a Genesis 5 Light, and it only had a single seed box.

You going to no-till with it, or work the ground? Some of the sandy soil in MI, you could probably NT with it.