I think the cattle are doing exactly what I wanted which is improving all my pastures. we move the cattle every 3-5 days depending with very high animal impact for short duration and long rest periods. We kept them thru the fields all summer and the speed and amount of regrowth was impressive. Starting in about a week we are going to push them into the woods with the same strategy and hopefully impact the woods as effectively as the fields. We will go back to the fields about Feb. after fall plots are going strong.
I sold the goats. from a business perspective they were to high maintenance requiring hoof and parasite attention monthly. That strained staff too much. They also didn't have the environmental impact the cows have either. May introduce later...tbd.
We have 400 laying hens now all on free range pasture moving them every 3 days.They are intense on pasture but also powerful. Using eggs and grass fed beef to prime the sales pump building a customer base. Once enough customers on line we will begin expanding into market gardening and other enterprises. Will experiment with hogs and turkeys next year.
All in all big fun!!!