Farm and Ranch life

Great results. Congrats!
Some of the ones we are leaving for another year. Crappy pics taken from video on tv. I'll get something more interesting to look at when I have time. One more trip to the ranch to wrap up season then as far as I'm concerned New Years starts Feb 1 . Clean up my act and focus on other things. Probably have spent 75% of the days since October 1 till end of January in deer woods with a camera. { Wish I knew how to get photos to post correctly}
Oh Heck. One more. Beautiful fully mature 8 pt a buddies son got this year. 164" Thats what an old bull looks like. Was a bit bigger last yr with double forked 2's but no luck after hunting him all season

^ Those ears make him look like he has some Brahma in him, LoL. Beautiful buck.
Those are some amazing deer! Thanks for sharing. Are they on your high fence or free range?

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Those are some amazing deer! Thanks for sharing. Are they on your high fence or free range?

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The four big ones are all on our low fenced pasture. The pic with the young man with his archery buck is from a fenced pasture. { think he cares? } The pic of the dead old buck was from a fenced pasture---6000 acres. I am guessing that the top 10, maybe even 15 biggest bucks on the ranch this year are from our low fenced country. Luck of the way the weather patterns and age structures worked out.

Half time in the CFP. Thought I would post another pic. All these pics are taken from video we get sneaking around the ranch stalking up on these bucks. What a hoot! The nature of the brush and the layout of the senders make it possible.
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Half time in the CFP. Thought I would post another pic. All these pics are taken from video we get sneaking around the ranch stalking up on these bucks. What a hoot! The nature of the brush and the layout of the senders make it possible.
Lots of spectacular bucks.
First shed of the year from the farm. 9 yr old. Had everyone that hunts the farm looking for him all season with no luck. I hunted him aggressively trying to get video. Was afraid he had perished. 22 1/2" mass. 27 6/8" main beam. He was about 200" couple years ago but holding up pretty well for an old man.C6B79ACA-91EA-4706-A1BC-0572F92D8A73.jpeg
That's that fat G2 buck from a year or 2 ago. I was pulling for him to be shot. Nice horn!
Haven't done a video in a while. Both Final Cut Pro and YouTube upgraded since my last effort thus took all day to figure out. Unfortunately I didn't get video quality as sharp as it should be. That won't happen again. Nonetheless here is my intro to regeneration.

Really enjoyed the video

Tell us more about the logistics of creating paddocks every 5-10 acres,etc

Can i substitute feral hogs for goats?

Here's a few of the bucks from the farm this year. Hunted post hurricane has never been harder

Here is my approach to prepping spring plots this year. Planting 5 lbs sunn hemp, 25 lbs cow peas, 5 lbs sunflower, 5 lbs buckwheat, 1 lb okra, and 1 lb sorghum almum

I’m interested to see how well the cattle are able to terminate the plot. I’ve always wondered how high intensity grazing of summer plots would work for “trample planting” winter cover crops in pasture or food plots. With dense enough animal usage, I could see a pretty uniform level of soil disturbance for the new plot….

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