Don Higgins blend or CIR Switch

It really depends on a variety of factors. Images of the area or description on why it hasn't thickened up will help.

Very unlikely without great seed to soil contact you'd see any major improvement from that amount of seed. Think about a mature seed head on a switchgrass plant and how many seeds one head will produce annually...if the stand doesn't thicken up on its own, you'll have to help it in other ways than more seed most likely.
My belief is that it's a combination of low fertility, weed pressure and several bad droughts. It's maybe 1/5 of an acre under a power line, so 1-2lbs could help it. Sounds like drilling would be ideal.
It doesn't hurt that his prices are the lowest I have found... 😂
I see he has it listed as "on sale" do you know if that's last year's seed?
My belief is that it's a combination of low fertility, weed pressure and several bad droughts. It's maybe 1/5 of an acre under a power line, so 1-2lbs could help it. Sounds like drilling would be ideal.
I would attack the weeds first and see if the switch can fill gaps for you on its own.

I have plenty of switch in low fertility areas and it still fills in solid, just doesn't get much taller than 4 or 5'.
I see he has it listed as "on sale" do you know if that's last year's seed?
I bought mine several months ago and the shipping was delayed until he got this year's seed in. It should all be fresh.
Just a heads-up here. The RC Switchgrass page on Facebook is offering a "free" 100 page pdf guide on Switchgrass. Just download it and it's yours. Looks ike it could be a good read. Was going to ask if it's available for purchase as a book. Roger Samson and a dozen others are the authors.
I see he has it listed as "on sale" do you know if that's last year's seed?
I hope not. He showed pics of new boxes being shipped in. Would be deceptive.
Just a heads-up here. The RC Switchgrass page on Facebook is offering a "free" 100 page pdf guide on Switchgrass. Just download it and it's yours. Looks ike it could be a good read. Was going to ask if it's available for purchase as a book. Roger Samson and a dozen others are the authors.
Is there a link to a website? Or can you post the PDF here? I don't have FB but would love to read it.
I bought mine several months ago and the shipping was delayed until he got this year's seed in. It should all be fresh.
How much was shipping?

Albert Lea seed has basically the same prices and it's about an hour drive for me kind of on the way to my WI property.
I need another 50#s this spring and figured I'd get it purchased early in case the suppliers start running out.
How much was shipping?

Albert Lea seed has basically the same prices and it's about an hour drive for me kind of on the way to my WI property.
I need another 50#s this spring and figured I'd get it purchased early in case the suppliers start running out.
Screenshot 2025-02-03 133730.jpg
Is there a link to a website? Or can you post the PDF here? I don't have FB but would love to read it.

I just asked if it was available as a hard copy for purchase. I would buy a copy lie that. I will post what I find out. But you can download it for free.

Thanks, Foggy!
I'm having trouble finding the receipt, but I added 10 more pounds to this order and Rob combined them for me. It was a little more on shipping, but not much. Less than $25 total shipping for the 25 pounds. Can't remember for sure.
I bought mine several months ago and the shipping was delayed until he got this year's seed in. It should all be fresh.

Ditto. It’s fresh seed.

TMax, when Rob mentioned spraying simizine/atrazine, did he give any wait time with it being residual?

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Ditto. It’s fresh seed.

TMax, when Rob mentioned spraying simizine/atrazine, did he give any wait time with it being residual?

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Did not. My intent with the question to him was to see if I could combine my last spray of Roundup with simazine immediately before planting. That is what I intend to do anyway.
Tho I have wondered how clover and switch might co-operate when planted together. (I believe the perennial clover would win that fight). If so......then what about "pockets" of clover seeded into the established switch.....for the win??
I have a book I bought years ago, “Ultimate Deer Food Plots” by Ed Spinazzola and he talks about a multi purpose plot but he used Timothy and Big Bluestem or Indiangrass for the grass. He claimed the switch was too aggressive.

The establishment was kind of involved so I never tried it. He broadcasted 12# per acre of Michigan Ultimate Blend which is about 75% clovers with 25% brassicas and then 2# of Timothy in early spring on a weed free seedbed. He then came in six weeks later and spread 3# of big blue stem. It was like a years worth of weed elimination preparation before you could do that.

If the switch is “too aggressive” what’s the worst that could happen, lol!
Ditto. It’s fresh seed.

TMax, when Rob mentioned spraying simizine/atrazine, did he give any wait time with it being residual
Be on the lookout for the gay frogs!
Sadly I left my copy of Ed Spin book on an airplane many moons ago. It was a black and white addition. Not very thick but had interesting tidbits. Hope the next guy enjoyed it.

That Habitat Pro guy advises to only plant switch up to 5# per acre and mix other stuff with it. Pockets of shrubs good too
How much was shipping?

Albert Lea seed has basically the same prices and it's about an hour drive for me kind of on the way to my WI property.
I need another 50#s this spring and figured I'd get it purchased early in case the suppliers start running out. that. I know that NWW is already sold out of some varieties. And, if the tariffs do come back the price will be higher.
Be on the lookout for the gay frogs!
Definitely not safe near your ponds. But it does help switch grass and miscanthus get started.