Just confirming the impressive growth of RC big rock in the first year. I first planted it two years ago on a spot that we had just leveled. So it was basically bare dirt. I hit it with gly just to get any straggler weeds and then drilled in June. By August, it was 4 feet tall. I was amazed. And pleased!
The next year, we did have some thistles we needed to handle, but pretty minor. Mowed half and spot-sprayed the rest
Last year, I planted too late (Late July, IIRC). We got no rain late summer, or I think it would have been fine. The seed that was drilled into last year’s clover came out fine (2ft tall). The seed we drilled into burned down brome was about 6” tall. I’ll see what early greenup looks like to decide if the CSGs are coming back to decide to treat or not.
Another forum that I’m on, a well respected habitat guy says he’s had success doing a burn down with Gly drilling and then an application of Duracor.
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