I dont think these piney woods are great habitat - meaning I dont think they do much to add quality to a buck. But, what they do, up here at least, is help to add age based strictly on acreage of cover. I know some guys with a very south AR piney woods deer lease who feed a lot of protein. They have a goal of harvesting a 200” buck within the next five years. It wouldnt shock me if they do it. They have come surprisingly close already. They have the age, not so sure about genetics, but definitely lack nutrition. But you can cure nutrition.
Same with my place - we have quite a few five year old bucks - primarily due to quantity of cover. Problem is - our average 5 yr old buck scores 115.. It takes a large amount of 5 yr old bucks to produce a single 140” deer.
On average, what percentage of 5 yr old bucks in KY or IA would score 140”. Sounds like KY needs our density of 5 yr old bucks and we need their nutrition and genetics