I think realistically, in most areas, a 150” deer is a great deer. when we think of Ky, KS, IA, and a few other states - we think the average deer is a 150 with a 17/180 a real possibility. Those are false notions for the most part. Yes, there may be exceptions, but they are rare. I know guys who have hunted KS for years and they they hope for a 150 but rarely get one.
Unfortunately, at your expense, it is somewhat comforting to know that your KY hunting now is not that much better than my hunting - south AR piney woods deer with the average mature buck scoring 112”. I have 14 adjacent property owners and at least nine of them hunt or allow hunting on their land. All of those bait profusely. We are allowed two bucks. We have six weeks rifle season, a week and a half ml season, and five months archery/crossbow. Our state allows the use of dogs. We hunt right through rut. I own two pieces of property and lease another and their are multiple mature bucks on all of them.
It seems as if hunters in the areas less noted for quality bucks are the ones, in general, who think their hunting is improving, while those in the long noted trophy buck states indicate deer quality is probably declining. I would say a lot of that is due to NR hunting pressure. Not many NR are coming to AR, east TX and LA to deer hunt.
20 years ago, everyone I know would have mounted the deer below. I have a buddy who killed a deer very similar to this deer last year. His son scolded him, because the 16 yr old son had passed the deer several times. I have 13 and 14 yr old grand daughters who would probably pass this deer because they have both killed bigger deer and they know there are bigger deer available. I did not see a deer this large, in the woods during deer season until I was 45 years old.
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Truth be told, this would probably be a good deer to take. In my experience, these short tined deer are very unlikely to all of a sudden grow times twice as long as the year before.
I guess the point being of all this, outside of a few exceptional areas, a 150” deer is an uncommon animal.