I had another great day working outside recently and snapped a few more pictures. Thought I would share a few of them:
Last year in the spring I cut down a Sawtooth Oak at a spot that I changed my mind about wanting one. Low and behold when I went back to that spot this spring it had grown back out as shown below. This time I took the time to dig it up and transplant it. Check out the taproot:
Planting unprotected white pines here is almost impossible. The only ones that survive is where briers grow up all around the trees. The bucks don't like to stick their heads in the briers. As you can see, this one didn't have any briers...LOL:
Speaking of briers, get a load of this spot...LOL.
Occasionally one will survive getting rubbed. Here is one big enough that they won't hit it anymore that got rubbed a few years ago. Healing underway:
This is only the second time I have ever had a deer hit a tree protected with 4 inch drain pipe - usually they won't touch them. This deer destroyed the Red Mulberry I had planted and even busted the pipe into pieces. Someone must have stole his girlfriend.
Turnips just go to waste here except for the ones I eat myself. I ate some of these and they were still tasty:
I pruned this Kieffer. It's getting about the right size to start putting out a good crop:
I am amazed at the number of volunteer persimmons that have come up in my tree planting. Below shows a pic of a Witch Hazel that I planted and the flag in on a volunteer persimmon that came up beside it. I'm going to bet that in 4 rows of trees I have 30 very similar that just came up. Someday I will have to make some choices on what to keep - and possibly do some persimmon grafting:
Check out this interesting scrape:
I have walked under this 50 times and hadn't seen it before the other day. I have a camera on this tree:
My unique cherry tree. Don't ask me how this happened, because I don't know:
Red Cedars are like weeds here. But sometimes I dig a few up and set them where I would like screening. It's cheap trees:
You northern guys aren't the only ones that can have snow. I stayed inside this day:
The day after I was working I got daylight pics of two coyotes at the same spot I was working the day before. Next few weeks should be good for hunting with a rifle since its getting time for mating season.
That's about it for now. Got many jobs to do this spring, but they will need to wait a few days.