5 year old buck +
About 15 years ago we had some strong straight line winds that came through and laid down hundreds of trees. The next 3-5 years was awesome hunting.
Glad everyone is alright!
Glad everyone is alright!
Thanks Bill. Most of the fruit and nut trees are just fine, but a big part of the white pines near the road are a twisted mess. I will open up passage ways through them and just let them rot where they lay. As vegetation grows back, I will manage it and maybe even set tall shrubs to replace the pines in some spots. At other spots I will just kill the trees that sprout up and have some nice blackberry patches. I’m very thankful that the areas with the best trees and shrubs was spared.
I bet that old Homelite makes short work of them trees. I have one but don’t use it anymore it’s just to damn heavy for me nowadays
My new property line screen to the south is 150 yards of mangled cedars.
If your post-storm results are anything like mine -- "Magic 8 Ball, are a TON of rabbits in Native Hunter's near future?" The Magic 8 Ball's reply, "IT IS CERTAIN."
In all seriousness, after we've had hurricane hits and I've piled up limbs in spots I've gone from rarely having rabbits triggering game cameras to having multiple pairs of them trigger them often chasing one another.
Sure the observation's a Captain Obvious one to most everyone on the forum, but depending on whether you like hunting / eating rabbits or not may be another positive.
Dang those are awesome deer. You have to be up north, rare sight to see those down here.These two might have some possibilities. I think the forked brow deer is the one that moved in late last year and is the one I passed during late muzzleloader season. He looked like a big, robust 3 year old to me at that time.