A few habitat pics I thought you might enjoy

Dang those are awesome deer. You have to be up north, rare sight to see those down here.

I worry about predators with brush piles. Good habitat for coyote and bobcat.

I'm in KY and good deer are rare here too. But I keep passing 3 year olds and hoping for the best.
Glad the bulk of the clean-up is done. Our Good Lord has a natural system in place to re-grow things that were lost / hampered by the tornado. Those brush piles will become great habitat for bunnies, birds of all sorts, and maybe wind-blocking bedding spots for some of your deer. I've never seen a brush pile go un-used. Those mangled cedars should be good cover for years.

Clover and the apples in the pics look great!!

In your pic at post #936, you remind me of one of my uncles, except he had no mustache!! He was a Navy vet and a GREAT mountain man. Take care and don't overwork, Native.
Glad the bulk of the clean-up is done. Our Good Lord has a natural system in place to re-grow things that were lost / hampered by the tornado. Those brush piles will become great habitat for bunnies, birds of all sorts, and maybe wind-blocking bedding spots for some of your deer. I've never seen a brush pile go un-used. Those mangled cedars should be good cover for years.

Clover and the apples in the pics look great!!

In your pic at post #936, you remind me of one of my uncles, except he had no mustache!! He was a Navy vet and a GREAT mountain man. Take care and don't overwork, Native.

Thanks Bows. Good to hear from you.
We've been hit with another storm. This time it's my dad's two places that got the worst. He had some big timber, so there will be some logging take place with this one. First job is getting his fields clean - starting next week. Will hang a new gate tomorrow.



Check out this rootwad. that's my garden hoe hanging on it.


No rest for the weary. I will hopefully check some cameras in a few days once we get some of this behind us.
Sorry to hear that Steve.
Holy cow, Native!! Both of you guys go easy and don't overwork yourselves. One step at a time. I hope you gents don't get clipped by any more storms.
Hopefully your Dad can get some $$$ from the timber - and insurance covers you gents.
You might consider anchoring down your house with all the damage that's come your way recently! I hope the cleanup goes quickly for you. Don't work too hard.
I finally got to check trail cameras. I've run everything off where all the storm cleanup has been going on, but I got this at my other place:



I also got this one, so the world balances out......😄


Dad's place where a bunch of timber went down. This is just the beginning spot. After the timber removal, we start fencing:


Son's 8 point from last fall made it home. Very old (6 or older), big bodied brute with below average rack, but still a trophy in my book.


Some really nice looking fruit this year - especially pears. Apples good in some places and not in others:




That's about it guys. I need to focus next on food plots for the fall. I have quite a bit of work to do on mine this year.
You certainly have a nice prospect to go after this year! Your son's buck mount looks great!
@Native Hunter do you typically have the summer bucks you get on cam stick around for hunting season? That drop tine buck would be pretty exciting!
@Native Hunter do you typically have the summer bucks you get on cam stick around for hunting season? That drop tine buck would be pretty exciting!

Most of the summer bucks will stay around. They will range out more of course, but that is normal in most places. I will frequently gain a good buck or two about the time the leaves fall, and occasionally get a new one for just a while in the heat of the rut. I'm 90% sure I know the drop tine buck from last year. If it's him, he had one drop tine just beginning to start on one side. That deer spent a lot of time on our place, so I would expect him to repeat that this year.

With all of the storm cleanup and human activity this year, I'm not seeing much yet. But, that should mostly be over by the end of this week, and my only other planned intrusions will be some plotting and lane mowing before the end of August. After that, they should stay around better.

PS - The big wide deer above is at my 20 acre place about 4 miles away. I'm still figuring that place out. Last year I had a trespasser hunting ginseng to run off a bachelor group of three buck that were all in the 150s - 160s. I had them on camera nearly every day before that, and they were bedding in an area I had hinged cut. Only one of those deer occasionally came back after that intrusion. I have the trespassing stopped now (hopefully) so I have some good hopes for that place too.